
Level 22 Wellness Co.

Deep Water Culture

Started with 4 plants (“M80xGhostKronik” aka “Jackyl” from Seed2Soul Premium Cannabis). Now down to 3 plants inside of 3 RootSpa Hydroponic Bucket Systems. Equipment: 4x4 MarsHydro Grow Tent SunSystem 125 Fluorescent Grow Light 2 - 65watt LED Grow Lamps (3) 5 Gal RootSpa Bucket Systems Active Aqua 15L Air Pump (4 port) (4) 4x2” Air Stones 6” Intake fan / 6” clip fan More to come... Nutrients: General Hydroponics MaxiGro General Hydroponics MaxiBloom General Hydroponics CALiMAGic


Day 151 (Week 22)

50 updates

341 photos

Day: 151

Still going

5 years ago

Day: 117

Still going.

6 years ago

Day: 108

Bucket change..trimmed

6 years ago

Day: 107


Week 3 of 12/12

6 years ago

Day: 97


3 females x 1 male. 12/12

6 years ago

Day: 92


Bucket change. 2nd week of flower.

6 years ago

Day: 90

End of week 1 of flower.

6 years ago

Day: 88



6 years ago

Day: 85

12 on 12 off

6 years ago

Day: 81


1st flush complete.

6 years ago

Day: 73



6 years ago

GreenGrow114 What type of light are you using good sir?

Goochie22 I just have a 125w sun system and 2 65w led grow bulbs..

Day: 72

Top’d 2..flush week.

6 years ago

Day: 65


Keep em goin 🤫

6 years ago

Day: 62


2 more weeks...then we flush.

6 years ago

Day: 60


2 months from seed. Going strong.

6 years ago

Day: 59

Bucket change..more nutrients..

6 years ago

Day: 57


Bucket change tomorrow.

6 years ago

Day: 56

Added some cages.

6 years ago

L What is the purpose of the cages?? Curious

Day: 55


Healthy and happy

6 years ago

Day: 54


All growing at different paces.

6 years ago

Day: 53


Going good so far.

6 years ago

Day: 52


Gonna start LST soon.

6 years ago

Cindy I learned to wait until mine were taller only because I like to have room under to water them... I’m a big fan of training but have to learn not to over stress..

Goochie22 So maybe I should let the plants get to around 2ft?

Cindy I’ve learned it’s just easier to water with leaves greater than 6” high from soil. Foot high better... but looks like your not soil..

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Day: 51


Bucket change. Looking good.

6 years ago

Day: 49

July 3rd.

6 years ago

Day: 48


Happy and healthy.

6 years ago

Day: 47


Growing every day.

6 years ago

Cindy Ok. Gotta ask. Why baking soda?

Goochie22 @cindy lol no real reason..I was starting to smell the clay pebbles a lil too much because I soaked them for 2 days in Great White beneficial bacteria..I just wanted to see if I could soak up some of the smell so I just threw a few in the tent from my refrigerator lol

Bassman Nice👍🏾

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Day: 46


Day after separating all the plants in their own buckets. They seem to still be healthy after the transplant.

6 years ago

Day: 45


All the girls have separate homes now...took some community advice from (@wiffybead & @cindy )some growers who have waaaay more experience with growing!! I really appreciate all the advice!! Keep it coming!!

6 years ago

Day: 44


Things are looking ok so far..only 1 large root made it to the water so feeding from the bucket twice a day.

6 years ago

wiffybead I don’t want to be a buzzkill here but you are looking at a pretty big problem with your grow. Cannabis plants that share pots do 1 of 2 things. One kills the other or they both end up stunted. They don’t like to mingle roots. As soon as they run into someone else’s roots they back off or strangle. Also as they grow they will be competing for light. Your undergrowth will be weak and the space they share in the middle as well. It’s not horrible as they don’t have an established root system yet, but I would consider pulling one out of each pot and transplanting into their own homes.

Goochie22 To be honest that makes complete sense to me..I was just thinking to myself the other day “maybe I’ll just separate all of them..I have 2 more bucket systems so that will probably be happening soon...thanks for the info man!! I’ll take all I can get!

Cindy Hm. I thought it was like some of mine- Buried beneath the first node if it’s low so when I water it creates a pocket. Haha. Yeah. 2 plants in one pot bad. Hydro can be fixed. Soil I think you’d be More f’d cause you’d have to carefully clean soil from roots to separate. regardless... I don’t envy you.

Day: 43


Starting to body up. Small growth on some of the nodes.

6 years ago

Cindy I admit... I’m loving your daily update... I remember when I took the time... now I’m Like “crap - I forgot to water” and I have a to do list longer than my arm.

Goochie22 I’m sure completing that list is worth the satisfaction!! Ur plants look great..I’m taking shots in the dark with half of the things I’m doing..just reading and learning day by day..I have yet to pH balance my either bucket lol..I don’t even have a pH just aquarium strips lol..idk how they are even as healthy as they look..and that’s what’s so dope to me lol..what happens when I get to ur level of grower? U kno?

Cindy Umm. I tried growing before and didn’t get more than popcorn bud... took a 5 year break and trying again since my medical caretaker left the area. I’ve expanded on his clone/plants I bought and most of them look healthier/bigger... however, i get more popcorn than him and less big buds. Im only on my second grow... pulled first two out of flower room last week... so I’m learning too! You might be lucky and your pH is good - or the nutes you use level it out (I use advanced nutrients pH perfect for this reason. Just easier than checking everytime I get my watering can full). I wanted to go organic but that didn’t work and that’s ok. You’re doing phenomenally for a first time!

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Day: 42


Steady growth. Moved LEDs about 12” closer to the canopy.

6 years ago

Day: 41


Bucket change. Start or week 3.

6 years ago

tnkrumpets Lookin green and happy! Are you considering any LST?

Goochie22 Thanks man!! Yea I want to but I’m kinda scared of breaking them and not would u go about training my plants??

Bassman Gently bend the main branches enough so that the lower nodes get direct light. You don't need to bend it so far that it will break. You may need to anchor the main stalk to keep the plant from leaning tho.

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Day: 40


Going to move the LEDs a little closer tonight or tomorrow. Good growth so far.

6 years ago

Dwarchuk Looking good! How many watts is your LED?

Goochie22 Thanks!! They are just 2 65watt led bulbs

Day: 39


Steady growth every day.

6 years ago

Chris420 Those look so beautiful. If you don’t mind me asking what is the distance between your lights and your plants? I’m having a little trouble on finding the perfect distance and starting to burn a couple

Goochie22 @Chris420 Thanks man! I just tried to measure the distance and I’m at 24 inches above my tallest plant...I’m sure it could be closer but I’m in no big rush to force the light on them..

Chris420 Appreciate it. I’m following so will we be looking at future updates. Lol

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Day: 38


2 on the right are spreading out more than the 2 on the left. All 4 look healthy.

6 years ago

Day: 37


Slow n steady..for now. Added extra clay pebbles to help the plants stand up with more stability.

6 years ago

Day: 36



6 years ago

Day: 35


Start of 2nd week in the RootSpa. 16/8

6 years ago

Day: 34


First bucket/nutrient change. First roots starting to grow.

6 years ago

Day: 33



6 years ago

Day: 32


Halfway through the first week in DWC. Added 2 65watt LED grow lamps. Lighting around 255watts total.

6 years ago

Day: 31


Water temp seemed a little warm...adding frozen water bottles and top feeding from each bucket.

6 years ago

Day: 30


Made it to the 1 month mark.

6 years ago

Day: 29

Currently 29 days from seed.

6 years ago

Day: 28

Getting used to their new home.

6 years ago

Day: 27

Tent setup. Working with what little I have.

6 years ago

Day: 27

Coming up.

6 years ago

Day: 26

Getting the girls set into place

6 years ago

Day: 20


2 on the left are around 2.5 inches 2 on the right are around 1 - 1.5 inches

6 years ago

Day: 1


The “Jackyl” from Seed2Soul M80 x GhostKronik Big shoutout to Two Rivers Cannabis Dispensary! They take care of me with whatever I need. Amazing staff. Over-all just good people. 🙏🏾

6 years ago