Pineapple express First time grower.
Summer 2020
First time growing ever, I’ve started a friends germination process once and it didn’t go to good but I don’t think it was my fault. Please leave any tips or things I may need. really don’t wanna mess up.
Pineapple express auto flower
Day 6 (Week 1)
5 updates
8 photos
Day: 6

All 5 Pineapple Express seedlings have sprouted at some length or another!
5 years ago
Day: 5

After a 4 hour nap of lights off 1/9 plants sprouted. This was the first of the Pineapple Express auto-flowers (1/5) and I named her Nemo after the 2003 classic finding Nemo! And now I kinda want to get high and watch Nemo.
5 years ago
Day: 4

The Pineapple Express seeds have fully germinated and planted in a small pot of fox farm soil (look at “random/ Bell grow on my page to see information on the soil and feeding) left them in the tent with the LED light about 25 inches above. Each plant also has a humidity dome for a more ideal setting for the seedlings to root.
5 years ago
Day: 2

Moved the seeds from the water as soon as I saw them sink (around 4 in the morning) moved them onto a warm/ semi soaked paper towel and put another on top. Left in the darkness of the tent for a few hours than thought about turning on the LED light for a little extra heat, I also had to add a cover to the paper towels so light couldn’t get in.
5 years ago
Day: 1

Leaving in water in total darkness for 24 hours (or until seeds sink). Germination is the most stressful part for me because I feel like this is where it’s all gonna go wrong.
5 years ago