

Amnesia indoor in Light Mix soil

Summer 2021

These are two auto girls I purchased recently and will be growing them under 35w LED white light. They will alternate between window light (during the day) and grow light (before dawn)

Amnesia auto 2.0

Day 62 (Week 9)

46 updates

257 photos

Day: 62


This girl has been hit hard by the two flushes she has now experienced. I think I might have rushed it a little, but she is already delicious (as you might probably appreciate in the pictures, I have “intervened” her and I am now having a taste of her medicine 😎😶‍🌫️). As you can also see from the pictures, there are good news and bad news… A few pests have shown up (stupid root mosquitoes and littles spiders) but the buds are looking great and I am now putting her into the 48 hour dark cycle. Honestly, I could cut her right now to avoid further problems (and then from jumping onto her sister) and I think I will, but for now, into a closet to sleep). Good news is that she smells magnificently, tastes great and smokes even better. Very happy with everything except for a few hiccups (I found one seed in one of the cuttings I dried + pests at end stage). Now waiting for little sis! (I’ll update on her tomorrow).

3 years ago

Day: 55


Starting to see a tinge of amber, but still many trichomes are semi-clear and cloudy. She could be ready in a few days. Smell is wonderful!

3 years ago


Sevenleafs Thanks Troy, I agree with you. She might get a final swelling. I’ve put more pics of the buds.

topdogogkush Nice pics seven do you grow outdoor also?


Sevenleafs I grew before, but now I don’t have the space for it.

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Day: 55

Meanwhile, little sis is living up to her sibling’s performance. She stretched a lot and has many main cola-like stems. She’s already very frosty and has always smelled strong. She was watered yesterday with a strong dose of FishMix, BioBloom and Top Max. 4ml per liter each one and just watered with one liter.

3 years ago

Day: 55

Big sis’s fade and trichomes. I had written an entry before but got lost…

3 years ago

Day: 51


Snipped off sone small developments to make the plant focus on the bigger sites. Trucking along 😎💪

3 years ago

Day: 49

Do these look milky/cloudy to you? I’m thinking of giving her a flush tomorrow to see how she responds. I think I might be heading down harvest time lane… Can any trained eyes help me? Much appreciated! 🌲

3 years ago

Peng I reckon yer 50/50 with milky and semi milky, can’t see any amber! keep checking 😎 they still look a bit ‘glassy’ to me which means they still have a bit to go

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Still see a bunch of clear but looks like you’re getting close


JG705 For $15 I just got a 30x and 60x lighted jeweller’s loop, with prime you could have it quick and know for sure!

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Day: 48

Buds on big sis looking fat, frosty and colorful! Going strong 💪 Lil sis is also getting her buds developed well and frosty 😄

3 years ago

Day: 46

Close-ups of the top of the buds. The third one is from the small sis, which is trucking along just fine (but slowly).

3 years ago

Day: 45


Getting fatter and fatter, frostier and frostier! The big sis is also showing some beautiful orange pistils. The smell is delish as well, can’t wait! 👍 Close- ups of “main” colas on each girl.

3 years ago

Day: 43


Start of week 7 and looking great! Big sister is getting fat and beginning to really pour out the dust (trichs) while it’s smaller sister is quickly catching up and developing those bud sites. Watered today 1 lt each with 3ml BioBloom and 1ml TopMax, but little sis got 4ml of FishMix while the big one got one 1ml of it. Both are getting thirsty! Enjoy this sea of bud(sites) 😎🥳

3 years ago

Day: 40


Doing great! Big sis is getting frosty and fat and its little sis is feeling jealous and trying to catch up fast!! I fed the big sis today with 1ml TopMax and 3ml BioBloom per liter of water, just one liter. Little sis’ pot still feels heavy so I won’t water her yet. The smell is getting dank, can’t wait!! 🤤

3 years ago

Day: 38

This is #1 getting some nice bud development. The main bud is getting big and the rest of the bud sites are filling up nicely. There’s still not a lot of smell coming from her, but I’m very happy and can’t wait to see how big she gets!

3 years ago


Sevenleafs Do you guys think I should defoliate? I’m a bit scared to do this since they are autos, but I’ve read it could be very beneficial especially under a small light as mine… what do you think?

Day: 38

This is plant #2 (or little sis). She’s been stretching a lot lately as I think she has finally transitioned from preflowering to full flower mode. I’ve been having a lot of trouble controlling her height, but she looks healthy and smells delicious! I’ve also included two pictures of the ladies side by side.

3 years ago

Day: 38

Some closeups of the main bud site on the big sister to se the trichome development. Is it me or are these trichomes already cloudy and ready for harvest!? 🤪

3 years ago

Day: 36


Everything seems to be going very well with the girls. Other than the hermie hiccup from before, the big sister is fattening up and is developing very nice buds. I haven’t noticed any signs of pollination or more male development, but time will tell. Her color is a little dark, yet I see no signs of nitrogen toxicity, but to prevent this I am just going to give her some flowering nutes next time I water (today or tomorrow) without the fish mix to avoid this. Her little sister is stretching a lot and is starting to develop nice buds. They will both stay under the 35w light today since it is quite cloudy and there’s not enough light by the window.

3 years ago


Sevenleafs I decided to water them both today. #1 was very light and soil almost dry while #2 was still a little moist, but decided they both could use it. 3ml of BioBloom and 1ml of TopMax for #1 while 3ml of FishMix, 2ml of BioBloom and 1ml of TopMax for the smaller sister (#2). Only 1 liter of water for each.


Sevenleafs Watered them before lights out.

pgranger Happy to see your plants are still truckin along! Looking great!

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Day: 35

Ver bad news today…. I have found out that the big sister (#1) is a hermie….. I found some sacs in some places (about four) which I removed immediately, but I’m very concerned about this. She is growing strong and the flowers are getting big, but I fear this might ruin my harvest!!! What do you guys think? Have you seen this before? This is the first time this has happened to me, what should I do??? 😭😢

3 years ago


Zeyberlin Looks like it opened up already just keep growing at least you get some green.seeds For the next batch 😃


growin4thepham I agree but I think you have multiple plants?? If so def separate then immediately. May be too late idk but I would separate them to try to avoid the other plant being pollinated and have ur buds full of seeds.


Sevenleafs I read that it’s a waste to cultivate any seeds I get from this since they will all share the same hermie genes (so all will be hermies). One was definitely a sac but looked closed (first picture) and the one in the second picture looked more like a nanner (banana) which apparently just pours out pollen from its conception. The rest of the plant looks ok so I will keep an eye out and try not to stress it more to see what happens.

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Day: 33


Here’s a quick update on the girls. They are turning into lovely ladies, but progress has been slow now that they are in the flowering stage, so updates will come less often so that we can all appreciate the differences in growth better. #1 has about 7 well developed bud sites now and many others still developing, and #2 has just one under-developed site but about 5 more ready to go. Haven’t fed them again yet since soil is still moist from the last feeding and the temperatures have dropped a little, so no worries there. 🥳

3 years ago


Sevenleafs One thing I forgot to mention is that #2 is producing a lot of trepenes, cause even though she doesn’t have a lot of bud sites, she smells wonderfully. This is not the case with its big sister -she doesn’t smell much (almost nothing at all), which I find interesting.

Day: 30

Not much to report, just a simple pic of the ladies very happy under the light!

3 years ago

Day: 30

Time for some feeding! 3ml of fish mix, 2 of bloom, 1 of top max💪 I also added 1ml of power roots and 1g of neem powder to the mix. 1 lt of water for each.

3 years ago

Day: 28


Girls are doing great with the LST. The big sister has about 6 developing bud sites and many smaller ones on their way. This would end the first 4-week period for both even though the little sister is about a week behind in development compared to #1. Now starting on the 5th week of growth and looking forwards to seeing how these beauties turn out! 🤩🌿🍀 Pics here from #1

3 years ago

Day: 28


This is the smaller sister who didn’t stretch that much and has a denser structure. She has about 4 bud sites but about double that number being developed. They are already giving out a very subtle and pleasant aroma 😎 Pics here of #2

3 years ago

Day: 26

Came back to my girls and another plant I had close to them had this on top of the soil. Looks like some type of fungus/mold, anyone know what it is and if I should be worried?

3 years ago


Caliban All part of the soil ecosystem. Michorizae


keithlovesrach Looks like a great ecosystem. It’ll help build a symbiotic relationship between the root system and the fungus for better nutrient uptake and resistance to disease.


Sevenleafs Thanks guys! I was really concerned. Although it had this on the top soil, not the roots… still the same thing? I read mycorrhizae appears on the roots and looks white, this seems brown-yellowish and was not on the roots from what I could see.

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Day: 26


Girls stretched a lot, but I expected that since they were only receiving window light for 5 days and not the 20/4 cycle I had them used to. They are now again at 20/4 and under the 35w led light for 12 hours (maybe even more to compensate for the lack of light during these days). PICS OF #1 HERE (next post pics of #2)

3 years ago


Sevenleafs Forgive the multiple posts, I thought they hadn’t uploaded

Day: 26

Second lady before and after LSTing.

3 years ago

Day: 22


Last update before I see them again in about 5 days. They will receive much less light for these days since they will be by the window and it doesn’t get much light throughout the day even though it gets very bright. We will see how they look like on Friday 😓

3 years ago


Sevenleafs BTW fed them 1 lt of water each with different nutes: each with 2ml of fish-mix and 1ml of top max, but #1 with 2ml of bloom and #2 (which also has stigma already) with only 1ml of it. Both also got a bout 0.25ml of power roots as well.

Day: 19


Preflowering has begun! Lady #1 has shown its first stigmas. Even though I wish she had grown a little more, I am happy with her progress and how she has reacted to the LST 🤠 Lady #2 is still developing and getting big, although not as big as her sister. I will have to spend some days away from them next week so I will make preparations for them to keep growing healthily while I’m away. 🥺

4 years ago


Sevenleafs Thank you for the info Troy, I appreciate it! I will see how it progresses during these days. Do you think I should stop the LST or keep pulling branches down?

Day: 18


Two days after starting the LSTing they look very good. #1 had to be readjusted a few times because she is strong and was trying to free herself from the binds by twisting, but she has gotten used to it and she is getting very bushy (nice!). #2 looks a few days behind her sister but still healthy and growing strong.

4 years ago

Day: 16


I’m very happy with the girls’ development and decided to start the LS training. The new shoots seem to be developing well so I think the LSTing will make them flourish even more. Girl #1 is significantly more developed than girl #2 (which has good structure but stretched a little and doesn’t have as many nodes as it’s sister), but both of them look strong and both will benefit from the training (each in their own way). Tell me your thoughts, would you have done it already? Would you have waited? Would you’ve don the LST in a different way than I did? Thanks for your thoughts! 🤓

4 years ago

Day: 15


Shoots everywhere! My babies are getting biiiiig! They look healthy, the spots I was worried about haven’t worsened so I think it’s nothing to be concerned about. I will still keep an eye out just in case. 🧐🌱💪

4 years ago


Janixbis Top them and they’ll get bigger :)


Sevenleafs They’re autos, so I won’t be doing much of that. I will be LSTing in a few days, probably on the weekend.

Day: 14


Two whole weeks have passed and I am happy with their growth. I am a little concerned about what looks like discoloring of the leaves (between the veins, see photo) but I think it could be new growth so I will keep an eye out. They are getting very big and they have even started some undergrowth as well. I will keep updating daily for now.🪴 What do you think of them (and the “issue”)?

4 years ago

Day: 13


Fed them BioBizz’ Fish Mix + Power Roots + Neem powder since the soil was at last just humid (not wet) and I saw that the green was getting a little weak. 1 L of water and 1:1000 proportion of the nutes. They are under the 35w light now and are looking very happy! 😎

4 years ago

Day: 12

Both girls are showing signs of discoloration (I think). What do you guys think, should I be worried or do they look normal? I haven’t fed them yet because the soil is still moist, but I might reconsider because of the situation.

4 years ago


Sevenleafs You can now clearly see the mutation in #1 Do you think it has to do with some underlying problem? Any thoughts appreciated… 🙏


Sevenleafs Thanks BT, I agree with you, but I do however see some discoloration starting in the big leaves already between the vaina in the form of spots. It’s hard to see in the picture, so I will give it a few more days to see how it progresses before doing anything. I still haven’t watered since day 1.

Day: 11


They are coming around nicely. #2 is a little behind its big sister even though they were both germinated at the same time and planted in the same soil and are in almost the same conditions. However, they both look very healthy! #1 apparently has some mutations in the new leaves it is sprouting, so I will have to keep an eye out for this in case it becomes a problem.

4 years ago

Day: 10


The little sister is trying to catch up with its big sister! I’m happy with the growth during these first 10 days. Still a ways to go, but the supplier mentioned that this strain of amnesia is calculated to be ready for harvest in about 45-50 days. We will see…

4 years ago


Sevenleafs Also, haven’t watered yet. These babies are happy and growing steady, so I will wait some more before I water them for the first time since they started.

Day: 9


Looking pretty! The second lady (#2) is a bit stunted though, but healthy! 😎

4 years ago

Day: 8


Both are growing strong! I added a little more soil today to cover the stems a bit further to give them more stability and to promote more root growth in the future. Also added a little more powder to the top to prevent the pests from ever returning. Days are hot and humid (about 28-30 degrees C and recently rh has been around the high 50s). All good though 💪

4 years ago

Day: 7



4 years ago

Day: 6


Hot day! Had to put some calcium solution to the topsoil because of pests 😮‍💨 The white stuff you see on the soil is not vermiculite or perlite, it is “G-Cal” (brand) with silica, calcium, carbonated calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, aluminum, bleach, and potassium. It helps a lot with what looks like fruit flies that eat your roots 😡I haven’t watered them yet since potting them but the soil is still very humid even though it is very hot. Still growing nicely 🤩

4 years ago

Day: 5

👀 lots of heat today. Trying to keep the humidity between 40-60 % but can’t do much about the heat…

4 years ago

Day: 4



4 years ago

Day: 3


Third day, looking good!

4 years ago

Day: 2

Both ladies are looking good! They spent the night under the 35w light for about 9-10 hours and loved it. They will spend the day next to a bright window.

4 years ago

Day: 1

This is the best seed I had from the pack. Seedling sprouted quickly and I have just transferred it into the soil mix. Growing fast!

4 years ago


Sevenleafs I forgot to say that these are autos. I expect them to be ready in about 60 days

Day: 0

Just transplanted the germinated seed into the soil mix but hasn’t sprung out yet. This seed was smaller than its sister and isn’t growing as fast. Both were germinated using the wet-towel method for 2 days.

4 years ago

Day: 0

I’m also going to be using this starter set for nutrients since they gifted it to me at a store and want to try it out. It is all organic and I have used the “power roots” additive when I watered the soil for the seedlings. Let’s see how it goes…!

4 years ago

Day: 0

Ingredients of the “power roots” additive.

4 years ago