Spring 2020
Seed from last year season. Germinated in paper towels. Access to Full sun Kept in raise planters.
Day 43 (Week 7)
4 updates
4 photos
Day: 43

Yesterday a infestation of little bugs were all over my plants. Spent yesterday dousing with neem oil. Trimmed some of the lower leaves.
3 years ago
G3NTs Just a question, does bud automatically post it to the home page so everyone can see it?
G3NTs I am using the journal feature. But I am just not sure if it is actually posting for other people.
GYMP First of all, great idea for using this journal. It has proven so beneficial for my grows. I’m on my third and kind of know How it works. If you find a person who’s grow you’re interested in or have questions about, a little leaf in the top right you can push and that is how you follow them.
Day: 35

Growing at a slant. Will train similar to Hokusai. I will add a second string on the flipside as well. This will bend more drastically.
3 years ago
Day: 34

Upper 60°F. Full sun all day. Given grow big nutrients and miracle grow plant food.
3 years ago
Day: 15

I think it looks pretty good.
3 years ago