Critical Autoflower - Nirvana Shop
Critical autoflower, CFL Closet grow. Germinated 2/21
Critical Autoflower
Day 90 (Week 13)
13 updates
19 photos
Day: 90
First plant completed, a whole ounce! Smoked a little sample, so it was probably more like 32-33. T’was fun!
6 years ago
Day: 77
harvesting this weekend.
6 years ago
Day: 70
10 weeks. thoughts?
6 years ago
Day: 63
9 weeks since seed. harvest soon?
6 years ago
Greenhouseguy95 Check the flowering time of the strain. Get yourself a magnifying glass bro
Caretaker I would say another week and stop feeding time to start starving her.
joebuddy it says 10-12 weeks on the site. also didn’t feed her much, just wanted an idea of how this autoflower would grow.
Day: 56
2 months from seed. lower growth beginning to die off, but flowering is moving quickly, so i’m not going to do much about it.
6 years ago
Day: 49
Buds coming along great! Bought a new light, Viparspectra 300w LED, and began Fox Farm Tiger Bloom feeding. Good times ☺️
6 years ago
Day: 42
Flowering, Full-Time
6 years ago
Day: 35
i need to upgrade lights, running 4 23-watt cfl bulbs. suggestions?
6 years ago
Day: 28
6.5 inches tall began flowering middle of week
6 years ago
Day: 21
3 weeks from seed 3 inches tall Thoughts?
6 years ago
Day: 14
Two weeks from germination
6 years ago
Day: 7
3/1 Growing nicely.
6 years ago
Day: 4
After germinating in a cup of water and planting into a 3 gal. pot on 2/21, the seed has sprouted, and has begun true leaf production.
6 years ago