

Blue Dream x White Widow - Hydroponic Grow

July-Oct 2024 Grow

Base Information • Breeder: Irvine Seeds Company • Lineage: Blue Dream x White Widow • Strain: Hybrid • Sex: Feminized • Flowering Time: 60-65 days • Description: A hybrid combining Blue Dream’s cerebral invigoration with White Widow’s resin-heavy relaxation. Aromas of sweet berries with earthy undertones, with effects that are uplifting yet soothing. Suitable for creative activities, stress relief, and can help with stress, anxiety, and pain. Equipment • Grow Tent: 32”x32”x63” iPower Reflective Grow Tent • Hydroponic System: DWC 5-gallon Hydroponic Bucket • Lighting: 2x AGLEX 1000w LED Light • Air Filtration: 4” Hon & Guan Carbon Air Filter • Humidity Control: 3-1 Spider Humidifier Environmental Settings • Climate Area: Greater Olympia Area, WA • Location: Personal Garage Grow Tent • Light Schedule: 18:6 hr • Water Schedule: 3x 1 hr • Wind Fan: Continuous • Air Filter: Continuous • Companion Plant: Sweet Basil Nutrients • General Hydroponics: • FloraMicro (5-0-1) • FloraGro (2-1-6) • FloraBloom (0-5-4) Supplements • Cal-Mag (1-0-0) • Floralicious (2-.8-.02) • BioRoot (1-0-0) • Silica Blast (0-0-0) • Clonex (1-.4-1) Controls & Maintenance • Hydroguard (0-0-0) • Cyco Ph Down (0-0-0) • API Tap Water Conditioner (0-0-0) Feeding Schedule • Preparation Steps: 1. API Tap Water Conditioner 2. FloraMicro 3. FloraGro and FloraBloom 4. Add Supplements: Cal-Mag, Floralicious Plus, BioRoot, Silica Blast, Clonex Solution 5. Add Controls: Hydroguard, Cyco Ph Down 6. Adjust pH to 5.5-6.5 7. Monitor and Adjust • Weekly Feeding Schedule: Detailed in the images you provided, with different nutrient amounts and PPM ranges for each week of the plant’s cycle, from Seedling through to Flush. Memorized Feeding Schedule • Stored nutrient and supplement amounts for Seedling, Vegetative, Transition, Flower, Late Flower, and Flush phases.

Blue Dream x White Widow

Day 58 (Week 9)


24 updates

35 photos

Day: 58

Daily Report: Blue Dream x White Widow (August 11-12) Day: 56-57 Week: Week 8 Environmental Conditions • Current Humidity: Avg 66.6% (Min 51.8%, Max 73.4%) • Tent Temperature: Avg 76.2°F (Min 70.0°F, Max 80.6°F) • Dew Point: Avg 64.2°F (Min 57.0°F, Max 67.8°F) • VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit): Avg 1.04 kPa (Min 0.70 kPa, Max 1.52 kPa) Nutrient Info • pH Level: 6.2 • Water Temperature: • Water Change: August 11th with a vegetative mixture (week [Insert Week Number]) Observations • Plants are looking healthy and vibrant, with noticeable growth since the last update. Leaves are a deep green, indicating good nutrient uptake. Actions Taken • Water was changed on August 11th using the vegetative nutrient mix according to the feeding schedule. pH level checked and recorded at 6.2. Notes • Keep monitoring the humidity levels closely as they have some fluctuations. The VPD is within an optimal range, but small adjustments may be needed as the plants continue to grow. Plan for Tomorrow • Continue to monitor temperature, humidity, and VPD. • Check the nutrient solution’s PPM and pH levels to ensure they remain in the optimal range. Weather Advisory • No specific weather concerns noted, but maintaining the current environmental control settings is crucial to ensure consistent growth.

a month ago

Day: 53

Daily Report: Blue Dream (August 7, 2024) Environmental Conditions: • Current Humidity: 62.4% • High Humidity: 68.7% • Low Humidity: 52.2% • Tent Temperature: 79.5°F • High Temperature: 85.1°F • Low Temperature: 70.9°F Nutrient Info (Last checked: August 3, 2024): • PPM: 658 • pH Level: 5.86 • Water Temperature: Not specified Observations: • Blue Dream shows signs of recovery from previous stress, indicated by new growth and emerging white roots. • The plant structure appears stronger, with a slight increase in foliage density. Actions Taken: • Recently added GH’s Floralicious Plus and GH’s CALi-MAGic to each water basin to address the cal-mag deficiency. • The Flora Trio (FloraMicro, FloraGro, FloraBloom) is planned to be introduced during the next water change this coming weekend. Notes: • Continuous monitoring and adjustment of nutrient levels are crucial to prevent nutrient lockout and stress. • The plant is responding well to the nutrient adjustments and the addition of CALiMAGic and Floralicious Plus. Plan for Tomorrow: • Check nutrient levels and adjust if needed. • Monitor the plant’s response to the current environmental settings. • Ensure proper airflow and humidity levels within the tent. • Watch for any signs of pests or nutrient deficiencies. Weather Advisory: • No extreme weather conditions reported.

a month ago

Day: 49


Daily Report: Blue Dream (August 3, 2024) Environmental Conditions: • Current Humidity: 68.8% • High Humidity: 93.8% • Low Humidity: 49.8% • Tent Temperature: 84.6°F • High Temperature: 84.6°F • Low Temperature: 74.3°F • Dew Point: • Max: 78.4°F • Avg: 69.1°F • Min: 61.7°F • VPD: • Max: 1.97 kPa • Avg: 1.12 kPa • Min: 0.22 kPa Nutrient Info: • PPM: 658 • pH Level: 5.86 • Water Temperature: 23.5°C • Last Checked: August 3, 2024 Observations: • Blue Dream is showing signs of recovery from stress, with new white roots emerging. • The plant structure is becoming more robust, indicating improved nutrient uptake. • The yellowing of lower fan leaves has reduced, suggesting better overall health. Actions Taken: • Changed the water today (August 3, 2024) with the following nutrient breakdown: • Growth Science Nutrients: • Base A (5-0-0): 18ml (6ml per gallon) • Base B (0-6-4): 18ml (6ml per gallon) • Solid Start (2-0-6): 18ml (6ml per gallon) • General Organics BioRoot (0-1-1): 15ml (5ml per gallon) • Botanicare Silica Blast (0-0-0): 15ml (5ml per gallon) • Clonex Clone Solution (1-0.4-1): 15ml (5ml per gallon) • Hydroguard: 15ml (5ml per gallon) • Topped Blue Dream’s stems 7 times to encourage more main stems. • Started tying down stems for low-stress training to shape the plant. Notes: • Blue Dream has shown significant improvement since nutrient adjustments were made. • Continuous monitoring and adjusting of environmental conditions and nutrient levels are essential to maintain plant health. Plan for Tomorrow: • Check nutrient levels and adjust if needed. • Monitor the plant’s response to the current environmental settings. • Ensure proper airflow and humidity levels within the tent. • Watch for any signs of pests or nutrient deficiencies. Weather Advisory: • No extreme weather conditions reported.

a month ago

Day: 47

Daily Report: Blue Dream (August 1, 2024) Environmental Conditions: • Current Humidity: 68.2% • High Humidity: 73.6% • Low Humidity: 55.7% • Tent Temperature: 80.3°F • High Temperature: 84.9°F • Low Temperature: 73.0°F Nutrient Info: • PPM: 667 • pH Level: 5.76 • Water Temperature: 23.5°C • Last Checked: August 1, 2024 Observations: • Blue Dream shows dense foliage and healthy green leaves. • The plant structure is robust, indicating good support and nutrient uptake. • Minor stress observed, which prompted a nutrient level adjustment. • Slowed growth, yellowing of bottom fan leaves, and brown roots observed previously, indicating nutrient lockout due to suspected root rot. • New white root growth has been noted, signaling recovery. Actions Taken: • Adjusted the nutrient levels to a lower concentration (recommended dose for 2 gallons instead of 4 gallons). • Topped once to stimulate bushier growth. • Pruned lower leaves to enhance airflow and light penetration. • Monitored the emergence of new white roots, indicating recovery. Notes: • Blue Dream appears to be recovering from stress with new white root growth observed. • Monitoring and adjusting environmental conditions and nutrient levels is crucial to maintain plant health. • Plan to change the water this weekend for optimal nutrient uptake. Plan for Tomorrow: • Check nutrient levels and adjust if needed. • Monitor the plant’s response to current environmental settings. • Ensure proper airflow and humidity levels within the tent. • Watch for any signs of pests or nutrient deficiencies. • Continue to monitor root health and growth progress. Would you like to proceed with another plant’s report?

a month ago

Day: 42

Daily Report: Blue Dream (July 27, 2024) Environmental Conditions: • Current Humidity: 49% • High Humidity: 67.7% • Low Humidity: 51.4% • Tent Temperature: 82°F • High Temperature: 83.8°F • Low Temperature: 71.2°F Nutrient Info: • PPM: 652 • pH Level: 5.87 • Water Temperature: 23.5°C • Last Checked: July 21, 2024 Observations: • Blue Dream is growing robustly, with dense foliage and healthy green leaves. • The plant structure is strong, indicating good support and nutrient uptake. • Plant slowed down on growth. Probably overstressed with pruning. (Accidentally cut one main stem when trying to prune lower fan leaf) Actions Taken: • Changed the water on July 21, 2024. • Pruned some of the lower leaves to promote better airflow and light penetration. • Adjusted the nutrient levels to ensure optimal growth conditions. • Topped once to stimulate bushier growth. Notes: • Blue Dream is thriving under the current environmental settings. • Continuous monitoring of the environmental conditions and nutrient levels is essential to maintain plant health. Plan for Tomorrow: • Check nutrient levels and adjust if needed. • Monitor the plant’s response to the current environmental settings. • Ensure proper airflow and humidity levels within the tent. • Watch for any signs of pests or nutrient deficiencies. Weather Advisory: • No extreme weather conditions reported.

a month ago

Day: 36

Daily Report: Blue Dream (July 21, 2024) Environmental Conditions: • Current Humidity: 49% • High Humidity: 67.5% • Low Humidity: 50.4% • Tent Temperature: 82°F • High Temperature: 85.1°F • Low Temperature: 76.6°F Nutrient Info: • PPM: 652 • pH Level: 5.87 • Water Temperature: 23.5°C • Last Checked: July 21, 2024 Observations: • Blue Dream is growing robustly, with dense foliage and healthy green leaves. • The plant structure is strong, indicating good support and nutrient uptake. Actions Taken: • Changed the water on July 21, 2024. • Pruned some of the lower leaves to promote better airflow and light penetration. • Adjusted the nutrient levels to ensure optimal growth conditions. • Topped once to stimulate bushier growth. Notes: • Blue Dream is thriving under the current environmental settings. • Continuous monitoring of the environmental conditions and nutrient levels is essential to maintain plant health. Plan for Tomorrow: • Check nutrient levels and adjust if needed. • Monitor the plant’s response to the current environmental settings. • Ensure proper airflow and humidity levels within the tent. • Watch for any signs of pests or nutrient deficiencies. Weather Advisory: • No extreme weather conditions reported.

2 months ago

Day: 33

Daily Report: Blue Dream (July 18, 2024) Environmental Conditions: • Current Humidity: 48% • High Humidity: 67.2% • Low Humidity: 49.9% • Tent Temperature: 86.2°F • Tent High: 86.2°F • Tent Low: 76.1°F Nutrient Info (checked today): • PPM: 652 • pH Level: 5.87 • Water Temperature: 23.5°C Observations: • Blue Dream shows strong growth and vibrant leaves. • Pruned lower leaves to promote better airflow and light penetration. Actions Taken: • Changed water and updated nutrient levels. • Maintained light height at 27” for all plants. • Topped Blue Dream two days ago, promoting bushier growth. Notes: • Blue Dream appears healthy and thriving under the current setup. • Continue to monitor nutrient levels and environmental conditions closely. Plan for Tomorrow: • Check nutrient levels and adjust if necessary. • Observe the plant’s response to the pruning and topping. • Ensure proper airflow and humidity levels within the tent. Weather Advisory: • No extreme weather conditions reported.

2 months ago

Day: 32

Daily Report: Blue Dream (July 16, 2024) Environmental Conditions: • Current Humidity: 61.6% • High Humidity: 67.2% • Low Humidity: 49.9% • Tent Temperature: 81.6°F • Tent High: 86.5°F • Tent Low: 76.8°F Nutrient Info: • PPM: 674 • pH Level: 5.75 • Water Temperature: 24.7°C • Last Checked: July 10, 2024 Observations: • Blue Dream is showing strong growth and vibrant, healthy leaves. • The plant structure is robust and continues to respond well to the current environmental conditions. • Pruned lower leaves today to enhance light penetration and airflow. Actions Taken: • Light Height: Adjusted to 27” for all plants. • Topped the plant two days ago to encourage bushier growth. • Pruned lower leaves today to improve airflow. Notes: • Blue Dream is thriving under the current setup, demonstrating resilience and positive response to topping and pruning. • Regular monitoring will continue to ensure optimal growth conditions and timely adjustments as needed. Plan for Tomorrow: • Check nutrient levels and adjust if necessary. • Monitor the plant’s response to the current environmental conditions. • Maintain proper airflow and humidity levels within the tent. • Continue with routine maintenance and monitoring. Weather Advisory: • No extreme weather conditions reported.

2 months ago

Day: 30

Daily Report: Blue Dream (July 15, 2024) Environmental Conditions: • Current Humidity: 48% • High Humidity: 70% • Low Humidity: 46% • Tent Temperature: 79°F • Tent High: 91°F • Tent Low: 75°F • Outside Temperature: 65°F • Outside High: 86°F • Outside Low: 54°F Nutrient Info: • PPM: 674 • pH Level: 5.75 • Water Temperature: 24.7°C • Last Checked: July 12, 2024 Observations: • Blue Dream is showing healthy and vibrant leaves. • The plant has a strong structure and is responding well to the current setup. • I topped the plant today, which will encourage bushier growth. Actions Taken: • Moved lights up to 27” off the canopy to reduce light stress. • Maintained the light power at 50%. • Topped the plant to promote healthier growth. Notes: • Blue Dream appears to be thriving under the current conditions. • I will continue monitoring to ensure optimal growth and adjust environmental settings as necessary. Plan for Tomorrow: • Check nutrient levels and adjust if needed. • Observe the plant’s response to the current environmental conditions. • Ensure proper airflow and humidity levels within the tent. Weather Advisory: • No extreme weather conditions reported.

2 months ago

Day: 29

Daily Report: Blue Dream (July 13, 2024) Environmental Conditions: • Current Humidity: 44% • High Humidity: 61% • Low Humidity: 38% • Tent Temperature: 86°F • Tent High: 91°F • Tent Low: 75°F • Outside Temperature: 65°F • Outside High: 86°F • Outside Low: 54°F Nutrient Info: • PPM: 674 • pH Level: 5.75 • Water Temperature: 24.7°C • Last Checked: July 12, 2024 Observations: • Blue Dream is displaying strong growth with healthy, vibrant green leaves. There are no new signs of stress observed after moving the lights to 25” off the canopy. Actions Taken: • Moved lights up to 25” off the canopy to help reduce light stress. • Light power remains at 50%. • Trimming of any damaged or mutated leaves to encourage healthy growth. Notes: • The plant is showing a good response to the adjusted light distance, with a reduction in signs of stress and an overall healthier appearance. • Continue to monitor the light intensity and adjust as needed to ensure optimal growth conditions. Plan for Tomorrow: • Check nutrient levels and adjust as necessary. • Continue to observe the response to the current light setup. • Monitor for any signs of stress or deficiencies. • Prepare for Topping. Weather Advisory: • No extreme weather conditions reported.

2 months ago

Day: 26

Daily Report: Blue Dream (July 11, 2024) Environmental Conditions: • Current Humidity: 44% • High Humidity: 59% • Low Humidity: 38% • Tent Temperature: 88°F • Tent High: 93°F • Tent Low: 71°F • Outside Temperature: 65°F • Outside High: 86°F • Outside Low: 54°F Nutrient Info: • PPM: 674 • pH Level: 5.75 • Water Temperature: 24.7°C Observations: Blue Dream is showing signs of light stress, particularly in the circled areas of the previous photos. To address this, I have moved the lights up from 14 to 19 inches above the canopy. Actions Taken: • Moved the lights from 14 to 19 inches above the canopy. • Monitored the plant closely for signs of improvement or further stress. Notes: Blue Dream is a resilient strain but requires careful management of light intensity to prevent stress. The adjustment to the light height should help the plant relax and recover. Plan for Tomorrow: • Continue monitoring the plant’s response to the adjusted light conditions. • Check the nutrient solution and adjust as necessary. • Keep an eye on the environmental conditions to ensure they remain within optimal ranges. Weather Advisory: • No heat wave advisory. Finally!

2 months ago

Day: 24

Daily Report: Blue Dream (July 9, 2024) Environmental Conditions: • Current Humidity: 46% • High Humidity: 77% • Low Humidity: 29% • Current Temperature: 86°F • High Temperature: 90°F • Low Temperature: 75°F • Outside Temperature: 91°F • Outside High: 96°F • Outside Low: 58°F Nutrient Info: • PPM: 748 • pH Level: 6.42 Observations: The Blue Dream plant is looking robust with well-formed leaves and a healthy color. It’s definitely growing well and seems to be enjoying its environment. I’ve got the humidity and temperature within a good range, and the nutrients seem to be at the right levels. Actions Taken: • Adjusted the light to 14 inches above the canopy and set it to 100%. The light intensity now reads 303.33 PAR, which is better but still needs to be watched closely once the new light arrives. Notes: • It might still be a bit early to start low-stress training (LST). I’m planning to wait until the Blue Dream has at least 4-6 nodes. This will ensure the plant is strong enough to handle the training without any adverse effects. • I’ll keep an eye on the plant daily to make sure it’s responding well to the current light setup and environmental conditions. Once the new light is installed, I’ll reassess and adjust as needed. Plan for Tomorrow: • Check the new light once it arrives and set it up. • Continue monitoring the plant’s response to the increased light intensity. • Might swap water tonight or tomorrow. • Start considering the initial steps for LST if the plant shows signs of readiness. Weather Advisory: • Heat Wave Advisory: Be aware of potential heatwave conditions.

2 months ago

Day: 22

Daily Report for Blue Dream x White Widow: Date: July 7, 2024 Nutrients Added: • Growth Science Nutrients: • Base A: 2 tsp • Base B: 2 tsp • Solid Start: 2 tsp • Rock Solid: Not added during vegetative stage • BioRoot: 2 tsp • Silica Blast: 1 tsp • Clonex Clone Solution: 1 tsp • Hydroguard: 2 ml pH and PPM Levels: • pH: 6.42 • PPM: 748 • Temperature: 28.7°C Environmental Conditions: • Humidity: 59% • Temperature: 77°F (High: 88°F, Low: 77°F) Observation: • The Blue Dream x White Widow plant is showing healthy growth with vibrant green leaves. The leaves appear well hydrated, indicated by the water droplets visible on them. The plant is responding well to the current nutrient regimen and environmental conditions. Continue monitoring pH and PPM levels closely to ensure optimal growth. Action Plan: • Maintain the current nutrient regimen. • Adjust pH as necessary to keep it within the optimal range of 5.5-6.5. • Monitor temperature and humidity levels to ensure they remain within ideal ranges. Photo Feedback: • The Blue Dream x White Widow plant looks healthy and is developing well. The structure and color of the leaves are excellent, indicating that the plant is absorbing nutrients efficiently. The current setup is supporting its growth effectively. Keep up the good work!

2 months ago

Day: 21

The Blue Dream plant is showing healthy growth with vibrant green leaves and visible water droplets, indicating good hydration and humidity. The leaves appear strong and well-formed, suggesting that the current nutrient and environmental conditions are favorable. Nutrient Breakdown: • Growth Science Nutrients: • Base A (5-0-0) • Base B (0-6-4) • Solid Start (2-0-6) • General Organics BioRoot (0-1-1) • Botanicare Silica Blast (0-0-0) • Clonex Clone Solution (1-0.4-1) • Hydroguard Environmental Conditions • Humidity: 59% • Temperature: 77°F • Day: 77°F • Night: 68°F

2 months ago


PopsGarden420 Looking good. Real Veg about to kick off 👀 exciting times

Day: 20

Current Status: • The plant is showing healthy growth with robust foliage. Environmental Conditions: • Temperature: 73.3°F • Humidity: 48% • Humidity Range: 36% (low) to 62% (high) • Temperature Range: 68°F (low) to 82°F (high) Nutrient Levels: • pH: 6.08 • PPM: 698 Observations: • The plant is thriving with the current nutrient mix and lighting setup. Nutrient Mix: • Growth Science Nutrients: • Base A (5-0-0): 4 tsp • Base B (0-6-4): 4 tsp • Solid Start (2-0-6): 4 tsp • Rock Solid (0-4-4): 4 tsp • General Organics BioRoot (0-1-1): 4-8 tsp • Botanicare Silica Blast (0-0-0): 4 tsp • Hydroguard: 8 ml • Clonex Clone Solution (1-0.4-1): 20-40 ml Actions Taken: • Increased light intensity to 75%. • Monitored plant response to new nutrient levels and increased light intensity.

2 months ago

Day: 15

ADJUSTMENTS: - Increased light intensity to 75%. - pH stabilized at 6.08 - PPM at 698 - Changed out water - Added new additional nutrients (~) - added basil plant to tent because the internets told me my plants like friends OBSERVATIONS: - Monitoring plant response to new nutrient levels and increased light intensity. NUTRIENTS: 4 tsp - (7-6-10) Growth Science Nutrients: * Base A (5-0-0) * Base B (0-6-4) * Solid Start (2-0-6) 4 tsp ~ (0-1-1) General Organics BioRoot 4 tsp ~ (0-0-0) Botanicare Silica Blast 30 ml ~ (1-0.4-1) Clonex Clone Solution SOLUTIONS: 4 ml ~ API Tap Water Conditioner 1 ml ~ Cyco pH DownPlatinum Series ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINGS: Temp: 73F (H: 75F / C: 68F) Hum: 73% (H: 87% /L: 69%) Light: 75% power Humidifier: 60% cut off Air Filter: 75% power

2 months ago

Day: 11

Changed out water today. Starting water levels: • pH: 7.53 • PPM: 78 • Temperature: 73°F Nutrient Dose: • 4 tsp/4 gallons of Growth Science Nutrients: • Base A (5-0-0) • Base B (1-5-6) • Solid Start (2-0-6) After Nutrients added: • pH: 5.82 • PPM: 490 • Temperature: 68°F Environmental Conditions: • Temperature: • Current: 79°F • High: 79°F • Low: 64°F • Humidity: • Current: 64% • High: 79% • Low: 54% • Humidifier Setting: • Spider Farmer 3:1 • Set to 80% Additional Notes: • Blue Dream x WW is showing healthy growth and stable environmental conditions. Observing for any signs of nutrient deficiencies or stress. • If GSC does not survive, the plan is to clone Blue Dream x WW. Monitoring for optimal cloning health. • Environmental control settings were reset at midnight for accurate high/low readings. Observations & Actions: • True leaves developing well, good color. • No signs of pests or diseases. • Adjusted light height to ensure optimal light exposure. Plan: • Continue monitoring daily for signs of stress or nutrient deficiencies. • Prepare for cloning if needed by observing the health and vigor of branches suitable for cuttings.

2 months ago

Day: 10

Here’s the updated daily report for Blue Dream x White Widow, GSC, and Black Opal for June 25, 2024: Daily Report for June 25, 2024 (taken 11:39 PM) Blue Dream x White Widow (WW) Nutrient Dose 4 tsp/4 gallons of Growth Science Nutrients: • Base A (5-0-0) • Base B (1-5-6) • Solid Start (2-0-6) Nutrient Levels • PPM: 542 • pH: 6.97 • (dropped to 6.03 at 11:30 PM) Environmental Conditions • Temperature: • Current: 75°F • High: 77°F • Low: 66°F • (reset at midnight for accurate readings) • Humidity: • Current: 62% • High: 85% • Low: 55% • (reset at midnight for accurate readings) • Humidifier Setting: • Spider Farmer 3:1 Humidifier • Set at 75% • (at midnight changing to 80%) Additional Notes • Blue Dream x WW is showing healthy growth and stable environmental conditions. Observing for any signs of nutrient deficiencies or stress. • If GSC does not survive, the plan is to clone Blue Dream x WW. Monitoring for optimal cloning health. • Environmental control settings were reset at midnight for accurate high/low readings. Observations & Actions • True leaves developing well, good color. • No signs of pests or diseases. • Adjusted light height to ensure optimal light exposure. Plan • Continue monitoring daily for signs of stress or nutrient deficiencies. • Prepare for cloning if needed by observing the health and vigor of branches suitable for cuttings.

2 months ago

Day: 9

Daily Report for June 24, 2024 (taken 11:55 PM) Nutrient Dose 4 tsp/4 gallons of Growth Science Nutrients: • Base A (5-0-0) • Base B (1-5-6) • Solid Start (2-0-6) Nutrient Levels • PPM: 571 • pH: 5.92 • (adjusted from ~7.50 using 5 tsp of lemon juice at 11:55 PM) Environmental Conditions • Temperature: • Current: 72°F • High: 77°F • Low: 72°F • (reset at midnight for accurate readings) • Humidity: • Current: 58% • High: 62% • Low: 46% • (reset at midnight for accurate readings) • Humidifier Setting: • Spider Farmer 3:1 Humidifier • Set at 75% • (at midnight changing to 80%) Additional Notes • Blue Dream x WW is showing healthy growth and stable environmental conditions. Observing for any signs of nutrient deficiencies or stress. • If GSC does not survive, the plan is to clone Blue Dream x WW. Monitoring for optimal cloning health. • Environmental control settings were reset at midnight for accurate high/low readings. Observations & Actions • True leaves developing well, good color. • No signs of pests or diseases. • Adjusted light height to ensure optimal light exposure. Plan • Continue monitoring daily for signs of stress or nutrient deficiencies. • Prepare for cloning if needed by observing the health and vigor of branches suitable for cuttings.

2 months ago

Day: 8

Environmental Conditions: • Temperature: 73°F (high: 77°F, low: 72°F) • Humidity: 62% (high: 62%, low: 49%) Nutrient Info: • pH: 7.45 • PPM: 569 Comment: Observing healthy growth. No signs of nutrient deficiencies or pest issues. Switched from the old constant humidifier to the new Spider Farmer 3-in-1 humidifier, which offers better control over humidity and has a larger water tank. Current setting is 75%.

2 months ago

Day: 7

Environmental Conditions: - Temperature: 73°F (high: 84°F, low: 66°F) - Humidity: 81% (high: 85%, low: 38%) Nutrient Info: - pH: 6.2 - PPM: 446 Comment: Plant is growing steadily. Monitoring for any signs of stress or deficiencies. Moved light (50%) lower to prevent further stretching.

3 months ago

Day: 5

- Environmental Conditions: Humidity level is 36% (High: 63%, Low: 32%). Temperature is 82°F (High: 84°F, Low: 66°F). - Observations: Seedling has been placed in hydroton and is sprouting well. - Feedback: Increase humidity to 60-70% for seedlings. Consider using a humidifier or humidity dome. Ensure temperature remains between 70-78°F. - Next Steps: Monitor growth and environmental conditions closely, adjust humidity and temperature as needed.

3 months ago

BudNuggetzz420 If your humidity level is only 36% you may want to consider getting a humidifier. That’s really low for seedling! Good luck!


pnodima Yeah it was higher the other week when I was prepping the tent and setting up the hydro-buckets before I the seedlings over yesterday. But after seeing the drop, I already placed an order for a decent smart humidifier (to auto on/off within levels). In the mean time, I’ll be using a little mist from the hose outside to get some more humidity circulating in the tent

Day: 4

Blue Dream x White Widow seedlings are showing strong initial growth. All seedlings are healthy with vibrant green color. Continuing to monitor temperature and humidity levels closely. Nutrient solution is balanced, and seedlings are responding well to the 180W LED lighting. Plan to begin low-stress training (LST) once plants are more established. No signs of nutrient deficiencies or pests.

3 months ago

Day: 1

Starting: 6/15 Strain: Blue Dream x White Widow Collected From: Irvine Seed Company

2 months ago