
1st Crop Since the Army

Summer/ Fall 2019

Started with 16 seeds in starter cubes outdoors in Detroit Area Michigan. They are now in early Veg inside homemade room/ setup.

Grandpa’s Breath

Day 107 (Week 16)

25 updates

38 photos

Day: 107

2 days ago did another all natural feed. Nodes are getting bigger and more prominent so we are on a steady track.

5 years ago

Stealthboy95 What age did you go into 12/12? Always nervous I’m switching to soon lol figured around day 30-35ish?

Day: 101

Not too shabby. Going to water in a day or two and see what the progress looks like. Forming some decent buds though.

5 years ago

Day: 99


Trimmed dead leaves last time. Did an all natural feed/water today. Seems we have hit the pause button on growing. I believe it is far too late to transplant. So we will see how this goes. Well into flower. Also seems only the plants being hit by both lights are turning purple. Should I try and swap their positions?

5 years ago

rbuck Rapid growth usually slows way down after the first three or four weeks of flower. Color is usually more a factor of temperature.

rbuck Relooked at your pic. If the purple is only on specific plants, genetics may also be a factor. Some have it, some don’t. I’ve read recently that it is a dominant trait but you may have a mix of dominant and recessive phenos.

rbuck Just looked again. What are you misting them with? Generally advised to stop foliar feeding once you flip or you’re gonna end up smoking it.

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Day: 92


Flowering and turning purple! Every one of these are females!! Just trimmed a select few of the big fans that were blocking huge nodes. We are getting there!

5 years ago

Day: 83

Had yet another problem with our light this morning so we had to replace again. Now we are back in business. They are definitely in flower production mode! So happy! Watered today. Measuring Wednesday 👍🏽

5 years ago

Day: 81


Oh my... Transplanted apparently went well. Getting some gold tips but no other signs of deficiencies or burns.

5 years ago

Day: 79

Definitely transplanted late. But we were root bound so it had to be done. Sucks because we are into the second week of flower and I’m worried that it might stunt the growth a little. But even if it takes longer we would like more growth. Tried new organic “Bunny” feed so to be continued...

5 years ago

Day: 70

Looking much better! If these are the strain I believe they are, it seems they are running late to flower. But at the same time they seem to be starting to push a little something out. Not too sure either way.

5 years ago

Day: 69

Looks like they may be transitioning to flower. Hopefully these girls do alright. Going to feed today and light water possibly. Should I trim again or is that too much stress?

5 years ago

Day: 66

Looking a little sad today so I watered. Other than that seem to be doing alright!

5 years ago

Lyndsey0218 I think our plants are pretty even in size actually! I’ll post better photos today!

Crashh469 Now that i know your dimensions is have to agree. Those pics probably don’t even do them any justice, do they? Lol

Day: 65

Happy Halloween!

5 years ago

Day: 63

Finally installed the new light last night and now working both lights in SLI. Light feed this morning and misted them so it’s not as dry. Not too sure if I should trim then again. Don’t want to stunt the growth but at the same time want to make sure under the canopy has enough light. Thoughts?

5 years ago

Day: 57

Holy Canoli! What do my eyes see...

5 years ago


Mystrain420 Wow a confederate flat smh

Crashh469 It’s an inside joke,, calm your titties 😂

Day: 55

I guess we’ve hit another growth spurt in the past few days... Oh darn.. :D Desperately need the new light. Hopefully we get it today or tomorrow! Watered today.

5 years ago


Mystrain420 Looking amazing

Day: 51

So far they took to the trim very well. Looking super lively today. Hopefully this will carry on. Still another day until the new light!

5 years ago


Mystrain420 Are u gonna top?

Crashh469 Believe it or not I actually topped them already lol


Mystrain420 It’s gonna like an sog in there. Did u think of maybe doing one

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Day: 50

Trimmed/ Half ass lollipopped today. Then a light feeding. Finally found our feed with the nitro boost. Hoping for a good rebound and better circulation. Still waiting for our new light later in the week and next purchase will be a heater.

5 years ago

Day: 47

Came back from weekend away and all seems well. Need to increase temp but other than that shouldn’t be a prob. Changing plant positions around for better light consumption until the new light gets in.

5 years ago


Mystrain420 There’re growing great 👍🏾. Are you gonna flower them in the same space?

Day: 45

So this is decent progress today. Also topped them today for the late season push. Looking much better then yesterday that’s for sure. Probably going to trim next week sometime after the new light is installed.

5 years ago


Mystrain420 Wow major difference between now and yesterday 👍🏾 looking good

Crashh469 Thank you my friend!! 👌🏽 Did you get a chance to see the question I asked previously? About raising the nitro levels I mean,,


Mystrain420 Yea I just saw it. Are u using any nutes? If your doing organic I’d suggest fish fertilizer or bat guano. They have ones for veg and flower. In the past I’ve used super thrive in low doses to fix nitrogen deficiency and you can get that anywhere like Walmart,Home Depot or Lowe’s. Have u ever heard of aact?

Day: 44

Transplanted to larger pots due to them being root-bound and having horrible luck with their feed. Gave them some treatments due to chem burns from a careless feeder who shall remain nameless. Hopefully they can get back on track in new environment. Bottom leaves are dying so a trim is in order after the shock from the transplant wears off. Live and learn I guess 😊

5 years ago


Mystrain420 Good going on the repot. What are u feeding if u don’t mind me asking? I don’t see any burning on the tips. The yellowing appears to be starting from the bottom which would indicate they need more nitrogen


Mystrain420 They look pretty dark green up top though so idk if maybe u already fixed the nitrogen problem?

Crashh469 The nitrogen was reading in abundance. And especially since they were just transplanted they should be on their way back to a standard rate. I’ll have to double check in the morning and get back to you. It’s this company that has a new line of product out. They gave it to us for free to try as long as we give feedback. I know I’d make a horrible rep for that company already 😂

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Day: 40

They were looking beyond sad yesterday. To the point that it was too embarrassing to even take a picture of them but today.. I think I revived them once again. This grow has been a roller coaster of emotions lol. Topping tomorrow possibly. I was hoping to get away with just using half gallon plastic pots, but it’s looking like we might need to transplant again. Could we get away with half gallons still? Any thoughts would help!

5 years ago


Mystrain420 Maybe go to 2-3 gallon fabric pots and flip to flower. I was reading something that says once leafs are past the ends of the pots it’s time to repot they look great. You can usually tell also if u need to water more often that’s a sign to repot


Mystrain420 Did they look revived after a watering? Then it’s time and I think u should most them or increase humidity somehow, the leafs look dry

Crashh469 They definitely needed to be transplanted and they 100% look revived after watering. Just updated with the transplant. Crazy how sensitive they are

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Day: 35

Back from our weekend away and I’m terrified at what some of these babies are doing. If anyone has some insight it would be greatly appreciated. Just fed them and misted them and took the low stress training rig off because of how sad they look. Are the bottom leaves dying strictly for new growth? Or did I royally fuck up somewhere down the line? Need a new light but still figuring out what to get..

5 years ago

Day: 31

Test day for soil and water to make sure my babies have the best chance of survival! Growing like wild fire now. About 8-9 inches tall on Average will take measurements again on day 34.

5 years ago

Lyndsey0218 Mine are around the same age. Are you going to top soon? I’m not sure when to this is my first time. Thank you sorry for commenting on your post lol

Crashh469 No don’t be sorry! I’m actually super excited someone actually commented :) I do plan on topping here in about a week or two. It’s been so long for me since I grew so we can work through it together. I just started the low stress training so I’m excited to see what happens with the canopy!

Day: 28

Day 28 and it looks like we hit another growth spurt. Light feed and water after they dried was a success. Even the runt grew! Need to learn a little more patience with them because every ounce of me wants to water them lol

5 years ago

GatewayGrow I have the same problem lol I kept watering and they wouldn’t grow. I tested and they were in lockout with Ppm’s over 5500. Flushed the girls and now I’m careful with my watering and bites and everything has been awesome since. It’s trial and error haha good luck tho plants are lookin good!

Crashh469 Thank you! Much appreciated and your 100% right! Trial and error 4 L 😂

Day: 27

Extremely light feed added. Further diluted feed with very light watering. No signs of deficiencies, dropping, discolorations, or curls. Back on the path of righteousness if you ask me!

5 years ago

Day: 26

Slight issues previous night with drooping and leaves curling up. Moved light up to about 20in and cut holes in planters for more oxygen flow. Had rough transplant after flushing. Soil seemed to not dry out until today. Now they are doing great! Going to wait till tomorrow to feed/ water since they are finally drinking water from flush up. Lights schedule is 16hr on/ 8hr off cycle. Added fans for air circulation last night. All is good!

5 years ago

Crashh469 Disregard second picture. Meant for Day 27..