Flower 3
4x3 and 2x4
Running 3 blue dreams in the 4x3 and 2 GG in the 2x4. Trimmed everything down and leveled out the canopy. They don’t look great after that but they will bounce back. Doing FloraFlex nutes ph every watering to 5.8 and running under a 600w hps in the bigger tent and 180w hps in the 2x4. Ordered a spider farmer sf4000 and a 5x5 tent so I’ll set those up when I get them and start some more girls. Not trellising this time, makes it to hard to get in where I need and take care of the girls. Depending on lst to fill the canopy. We will see what happens. These started from clone and have been vegging slowly under a t5 since March 1st.
Blue dream and GG#4
Day 1 (Week 1)
1 update
3 photos
Day: 1
5 years ago