

Gorilla glue

My first grow ever

Any tips greatly appreciated I am growing in coco and using advanced nutrients.

Gorilla glue

Day 94 (Week 14)

8 updates

15 photos

Day: 94

Half way there through flower

3 years ago


heizenberg Gorgeous 🤩 😎

Day: 69

First day in flower

3 years ago

Day: 67

Still showing issues but still growing ok. About to go to flower would like to figure it out.

3 years ago

Day: 62

Plants doing awesome until I came home to this. Only one has it and it’s on top. Please help

3 years ago

squadlos Mines doing the save with purple veins


sweet-babyj Potassium Deficiency maybe?


farmerjakes So I’m growing in just coco so I wouldn’t think potassium unless to much because how rich coco is in potassium. I don’t know though first grow

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Day: 55


Starting to grow after top was done to the 3

3 years ago

Day: 52

All 3 are now topped

3 years ago

Day: 50


Now that I have environment under control they are doing great. I topped the 2 on the left

3 years ago

alawishes86 Why the color look off? Lighting?


farmerjakes What coloring are you asking about

Day: 45

Almost to end of first week of veg

3 years ago