
White Widow #2

Summer 2021

White widow autoflowering, 80% soil, 20% perlite

White widow

Day 68 (Week 10)

4 updates

6 photos

Day: 68


Stem was getting a little weak so had to do some trimming, will harvest in the next few weeks

4 years ago


Caliban Maybe increase PAR? She should be bushier. Or move light closer ?


Caliban I would wait for harvest. I don’t see the buds fully developed yet? What is the flowering period?

Day: 52

A very slim and skinny plant with rather small leaves, but currently producing nice buds.

4 years ago

Day: 20

Will repot soon, about 3 1/2 inches long, looking good

4 years ago

Day: 8

About 3 inches tall, this one has really shot upwards and is taller than its older sisters.

4 years ago