Quarantine Summer 2020
Two wedding cake plants grown indoor using a grow box constructed from cardboard, aluminum foil, two fans for ventilation and 200+W LED. These babies were named Ellen and Portia and were bought at a guesstimate of 3 w/o as clones.
Wedding Cake - aka pink cookies
Day 26 (Week 4)
6 updates
15 photos
Day: 26
Plants are growing! Going to get some cuttings soon - start blooming in a couple weeks.
5 years ago
Day: 10
Lots of new colas poppin up and Portia and Ellen are lookin good! We have a new little cutting going in there also but can’t see from these pics. Will prob water with some cal mag today.
5 years ago
Day: 7
Ellen and Portia are looking really good! Lots of new colas forming. Have four growing out of a couple spots I fimmed at. Did not water them yesterday. Was going to feed them today but thinking about holding off until tomorrow as they seem pretty saturated still. Going to keep an eye on them and see how they look this afternoon!
5 years ago
Day: 5
We’ve definitely got some new colas shooting up where we did some prior toppings! The plants were droopy this morning from last night. Aerated them a bit and they perked up. Just gave them some Ph balanced water. Ellen’s runoff shows a PPM of about 1130 which is a bit low for right now. Portia’s was about 1900 which is too high. Gonna need to balance out the nutrients. It looks like our LST kept as plants stayed bending out towards the sides. Hopefully this lets more colas shoot up from below.
5 years ago
Day: 4
Plants are definitely getting bigger! Added a higher wattage LED. Going to position the original LED on the side of the wall to give optimal LED light to Portia and Ellen. Had a scare last night when both plants began drooping, big-time. Aerated the soil around the plants a bit and they were back to normal by this morning. Plants are both looking good where I topped them off yesterday, both showing two new colas! Whoot! We did a bit of low stress training today at around noon- just bending the plant to the sides to expose bottom leaves to LED. I also topped off and (unintentionally) fimed a couple nodes on both plants also. No watering today
5 years ago
Day: 3
This is our first grow, ever. We picked these up on April 27, 2020, on a whim with no supplies. Quickly built an indoor setup with fans, LED, aluminum, and cardboard. The plants seem to be doing well. We transplanted them into about 3.67 gallon pots on day 2 and watered them a little bit without nutrients (couldn’t fit bigger pots and nutrients hadn’t come yet) Gave the plants a decent feeding today using about 5tsp of big bloom and 3 tsp grow big. Lots of good runoff water was drained. Topped both Ellen and Portia off at the sixth node. Our second LED set should come tonight.
5 years ago