
Cereal Milk Jar Seed

Summer 2020

No idea what this will be!

Cereal Milk Unknown

Day 131 (Week 19)

12 updates

34 photos

Day: 131

Just about ready!

3 years ago

hellowillem Gawd damn


dstew0626 Bro….. update?👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 good shit!

Day: 94


Growing is a humbling experience. When I last posted about this one, I was in a negative space. Well, I picked off what looked like spades and balls and haven’t seen anything else since. I brought it indoors due to rain, but then it started doing really well in my secondary grow tent, so I left it inside. Now she’s doing even better. I’m also thankful for this community. Y’all stopped me from tossing this twice, which reminded me I’m still super early in my growing journey and need to chill sometimes. Appreciate y’all!

3 years ago


dankfader It’s looking good 👍🏼 I’m no expert and I’ve killed plants before twice in a row ☹️ but I stuck it out and it’s turned out fantastic this time, just gotta keep going and learn every time. Happy growing man

Day: 85


Say hi and bye to Herm. His Lyft is coming on Thursday whenever they do trash pickup. 😅There’s a lot of other evidence but I’m not trying to celebrate his arrival. I did a lot wrong with this one and took a chance with a jar seed. In fact, between this and my autos I sprouted at the same time, it’s turned out pretty lackluster overall. I’m done with outdoors and gonna focus on the teens that are struggling (weird wording, I know) and growing a new strain in coco indoors. Got some northern lights fem seeds on the way that I’m excited about. Now I feel like I can officially start growing. lol

3 years ago

growthisgood Nah, I picked off balls and spades. Just didn’t get them in the photos cuz I resigned to defeat.

growthisgood Great learning though. I put this outside to flower in September which was late, then it got cold, then there was a patio light that came on, then high humidity. So yeah, it’s had plenty of reason to Herm. 😆

Caterpilla Cropkilla

Caterpilla Cropkilla You can always let it go and try and get some seed off her .

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Day: 78


This one is coming along. Had to bring one of my tents outside along with a dehumidifier to add a little heat and take the moisture of the air at night. Decided to leave it outside and make the most of the sun vs bring it in. Hoping it’ll be ready before it gets too cold, but at least I have backup solution ready to go. A benefit is I’m getting some purple!

3 years ago

Day: 63


I’m determined to mess up this plant. 😂 Beyond the poor fim attempts, I realized after feeding that there was already a little tip burn. Hoping that’s from the sun, but wouldn’t be surprised if I have some angry leaves in the next couple days. I’m also gonna move this one indoors since it wouldn’t be done until November at this point. Don’t wanna start fighting humidity and I’ve seen some new pests (cabbage loopers) in the back yard. I know this introduces even more risk of herm, but it is what it is.

3 years ago

Day: 54

I think this one is finally showing a sign! I moved it outdoors to let it go into flower since I got tired of waiting. Should’ve done this a couple weeks ago but it is what it is. Lots of lessons learned and still learning. Let’s see what it does next.

3 years ago

Day: 42


Glad I posted here before assuming male and trashing! Still not 100% sure, but thinking it’s actually female. Took a chance and repotted up from 3 gal to 7 gal to give the roots some room. Not going to feed since it’s now surrounded by ocean forest soil. Debating whether I’ll find a place indoors for it to flower, or if I’ll move it outside and wage war against pests. I won’t have space in my grow tent for at least a few weeks. Possibly a month. I timed this poorly. lol. Lesson learned.

4 years ago


Janixbis If it doesn’t look like berries it’s not a male


Janixbis But from the looks of it it’s started to turn into a male


Happydazzee420 Those are only new growths wait a bit longer

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Day: 36

Welp. I figured this jar seed would turn out to be male. Today it decided to tell me. Fun little experiment though.

4 years ago


Mystrain420-@eaegifts You sure it’s male?


dstew0626 Give it more time!!


dstew0626 I’m pretty sure I tossed out a fem strawberry sequoia plant because I didn’t give it enough time🥲

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Day: 33

Has grown a lot since the last update! Still no sign of male/female. My guess is it’s gonna be male, but I’d be happy to be wrong.

4 years ago

Day: 16

Just transplanted to 3 gal fabric container with Fox farm ocean soil. Gonna keep growing indoors. Still can’t tell if it’ll be male or female. Trying to increase the odds with the right conditions. We shall see.

4 years ago

Day: 14

Annnd we’re in business! Trying to figure out if it’s male/female ASAP so I can plan what to do with a couple other plants. Too much humidity while I was away by keeping the dome on. Took that off and watered from the bottom. Trying to hold on transplanting for a few more days. Might need to move plans up, but we’ll see.

4 years ago

Day: 3


Sprouted in a closet. Heat mat under it helped. Waiting to welcome another strain too.

4 years ago