


First ever growth!


Day 144 (Week 21)

18 updates

59 photos

Day: 144

What a mess from a first time grower. Haha

5 years ago

Glitch420 Some of her clones. Total 10 clones generated.

Glitch420 Due to space constrains and limit equipment, flowering will start tomorrow.

Day: 123

Out of shape.

5 years ago

Glitch420 Her babies!

Day: 94


Removed LST wires. Gonna SCROG next weekend. Watered with nutrients. pH 6.7. May think of cloning next weekend as well. Is it too soon?

5 years ago

Glitch420 I know it’s not the best humidity level. I did put a dehumidifier and it suck off the water from the plants until it nearly died. As I’m not always at home, I’ll leave it as it is. Need advise if the humidity level is approx 70-80%, what will happen?

Glitch420 As this is my first time planting, does my plant look healthy? Any advise on what I should beware of?


Mystrain420 She looks good and u can definitely take clones but idk how a scrog might work out based off her shape. U could use the net but it wouldn’t b a scrog it’d basically just b support

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Day: 86

Yesterday it withered but managed to revive it. Problem traced to dehumidifier trying to control not above 60degC. Didn’t water it enough. Now it’s back to normal.

5 years ago

Day: 75


Nothing much. Just taking photos of the princess.

6 years ago

Day: 74


Auto watering added due I will not be around for a week. Water set at pH 6.6. No nutrients added this time.

6 years ago


Mystrain420 She looks great. Nice flat canopy, are you gonna do a scrog?

Glitch420 Actually I’m not quite sure too because my fan and my tent layout will be in the way of the trellis.

Glitch420 Thinking of scrog next week

Day: 73


I would love to have more yields and hoping I can grow it in a way where I can clone it. Any advise on what should I do now? Top it? Pinch it? Start cutting for clones?

6 years ago

Day: 72


Continue to monitor. Will be watering her probably this weekend

6 years ago

Day: 70



6 years ago

Day: 69


Watered with NPK 20-10-10. pH @ 6.48. 800ml.

6 years ago

Day: 68


2nd day of LST.

6 years ago

Glitch420 Just bought some nutrients. Gonna try out on the next watering.

Day: 68

Are these young leaves or flower? Advisable to pinch it off?

6 years ago

Day: 66

18/6 light cycle. Tried to clone once during topping but fail. It withered. Still learn. Today, trying to do some LST but I’m not sure if I’m doing it right. Advise anyone?

6 years ago

Glitch420 Cannabis experts advise needed: Vegetation stage. Watering pH is at 6.5. Approx 1200ml of water each time. Temperature normally range at 25-30 degC. Soil pH recently tested was at 5-5.5. Humidity @ 63-68%. Light cycle @ 18/6. 1. Is the above information ok for good growth, health plant, good yields? 2. This plant is Sativa right? 3. Am I LST correctly? 4. I don’t know the strains. 5. Any advise for a beginner grower? 6. Any idea why the plant is growing so slowly?

AlphaKush Well let’s start. Most importantly what light are running at the moment? 1. Your humidity is slightly high I would not let it go over 60%. But that’s not the problem with slow growth. 2. Your ph is perfect and temp is also perfect. 3. I see that you’ve trimmed and cut off a lot of branches and that could put a lot of stress on the plant. It looks liked you started trimming her too soon... I would always wait until she is nice and bushy before starting to remove branches and leaves. 3. You don’t know the genetics and that’s the bad thing about random seeds. When you but from a breeder you know the seed is good quality and also feminised. Because of that it could be the genetics that just sucks... 4. My personal 5c is that it is the light and putting to much stress on the plant at a young age. 5. What is the distance of you light from the plant? Let me know.

Glitch420 @AlphaKush First of all, thank you for taking the time to reply. Grow Lights: 60 LED 600w Distance from canopy to light, approx 20cm/8”.

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Day: 43



6 years ago

Day: 27


Getting bigger now.

6 years ago

Day: 10


6 years ago

Day: 5


6 years ago

Day: 3

I didn’t know it will survive! Unknown seed from brick! Lol

6 years ago