

Outdoor grow

Summer 2021

My second outdoor grow and let me tell you the bigger the pot the bigger the plants and I’m not used to it yet but hopefully I figure it out 😂😂 these plants are out of control

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Day 75 (Week 11)

3 updates

8 photos

Day: 75

She’s starting to smell super good

4 years ago

Day: 65

She’s starting to flower and I don’t know why because none of my other girls are 🤔🤔

4 years ago


Caliban Early flowering genetics?


pandalover That’s what I thought too but for now I’m letting her grow out and just do her thing she’s the biggest plant I have outside standing at like 5’5 so I’m happy with her

Day: 65


She’s getting big she’s still flowering and she’s smells so good I can’t wait yasssss

4 years ago