What to feed?
Bought these today on Amazon thoughts? My plants are about a month old
Skittelz and gelato
Day 55 (Week 8)
6 updates
7 photos
Day: 55
Skittelz auto
3 years ago
Day: 55
Gelato auto
3 years ago
Day: 55
Gelato auto
3 years ago
Day: 50
Yellow leaves and purple stems in leafs
3 years ago
iceburghexoticz Water ASAP!
wiz0420 How much water should I be feeding her
green thumb ken My little autoflower takes about 1 1/2 liters so that big girl will probably take at least a gallon. But man don't hold me to it bc im a first time grower and I'm just speculating. I would definitely ask a more novice grower. There is a person on this app that goes by the name of @badkarma and they seem to be pretty good with giving advice.
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Day: 50
Purple stems
3 years ago