3rd grow
Nov 18
Seed took awhile to crack. Accidentally let paper towel get dry.
Northern lights autoflower
Day 117 (Week 17)
33 updates
70 photos
Day: 117
Mar 21/19. Harvest day.
6 years ago
Day: 116
Mar 20/19. 830pm. F61 FN38 F10. Gave another 2L each of 6.0ph water.
6 years ago
Day: 112
Mar 16/19. 10pm. F57 FN38 F6. Gave 2nd flush another 5 gallons of 6.0 ph water.
6 years ago
Day: 107
Mar 11/19. 1030 pm. F52 FN38 F1. Gave first flush. Ran 5 gallons of 6.0 ph water through plant. Got run off water down to around 200 ppm.
6 years ago
Day: 105
Mar 9/19. 430 pm. F50 FN38. Gave another feeding same nuits. 2ml grow, 4ml micro, 6ml grow, 6ml cal mag. No molasses. Came out to 1050 ppm @ 6.0 ph.
6 years ago
Day: 101
Mar 5/19 1030 pm. F46 FN34. Gave another feeding same nuits as before. 2 ml grow, 4ml micro, 6ml bloom, 6ml cal mag, 1 tsp molasses came out to 1250 ppm at 6.0ph. Gave 1L.
6 years ago
Day: 99
Mar 3/19 930pm. F44 FN32. Gave another flower feeding. Same ratio and amounts as before. Gave 2ml grow, 4ml micro, 6ml bloom, 6ml cal mag, 1 tsp molasses. Came out to 1170 ppm @ 5.95 ph. Gave 2L.
6 years ago
Day: 95
Feb 27/19. 845 pm. F40 FN28. Gave another flower feeding back up to original dose. Gave 2ml grow, 4ml micro, 6ml bloom, 6ml cal mag, 1 tsp molasses. Came out to 1210ppm @ 6.0ph. Gave 2L. Going to harvest around day 60-65 depending on what plant tells me. Start flushing on day F46.
6 years ago
Day: 92
Feb 24/19. 930 pm. F37 FN25. Gave another flower feeding but a little different ratio. Gave 1.5 grow, 2ml micro, 2.5ml bloom, 6ml cal mag, 1tsp molasses. Came out to 975ppm @5.95 ph. Gave 2L.
6 years ago
Day: 88
Feb 20/19. 930 pm. F33 FN21. Gave another flower feeding up the nuits a bit. Gave 2.5ml grow, 4.5ml micro, 6.5ml bloom, 6ml cal mag, 1/2tsp molasses. Came out to 1150ppm @5.95ph. Gave 2L.
6 years ago
Day: 85
Feb17/19. 11pm. F30 FN18. Gave another flower feeding same nuit mix as before. 2 ml grow, 4ml micro, 6ml bloom, 6ml cal mag, 1/2 tsp molasses cam out to 1210ppm at 6.0 ph. Gave 2L to plant.
6 years ago
Day: 82
Feb14/19. 11pm. F27 FN15. Gave plants another flowering feeding. 2ml grow, 4ml micro, 6ml bloom, 6ml cal mag, 1/2 tsp molasses. Came out to 1400ppm at 6.0ph. Gave 2L each.
6 years ago
Day: 79
Feb 11/19. 9pm. F24 FN12. Gave another flowering feeding of the same nuit mix. 2ml grow, 4 ml micro, 6ml bloom. 6 ml cal mag, 1/4 tsp molasses. Came out to 1250 ppm at 6.0 ph. Gave plant 2L of nuits.
6 years ago
Day: 75
Feb 7/19. 11pm. F20 FN8. Gave plant a flush with 6.0ph water. Got the run off water down to around 150 ppm. Gave another feeding of flower nuits. Now into the full ratio. 2ml grow, 4ml micro, 6ml bloom, 6ml cal mag, 1/4 tsp molasses. Came out to 1250 ppm at 6.0 ph. Gave plant a gallon of nuits. (4L).
6 years ago
Day: 72
Feb 4/19. 9pm. F17 FN 5. Gave plants just a watering of 6.0 ph water. Gave plants each 2L. Good run off.
6 years ago
Day: 68
Jan 31/19 9pm. F13 FN 1. Into full flower ratio. Gave 2.5 ml grow, 4ml micro, 5.5 ml bloom, 6.5 ml cal mag. In 1G of water. Came out to 525ppm around 5.8 ph. Metre broke. Gave each plant 2L of nuits. Good small buds starting.
6 years ago
Day: 65
Jan 28/19 930 pm. F10 tr13. Plant is showing good sign of flower. Transition now to flower ratio. Gave 3ml grow, 4ml micro, 5ml bloom, 6 ml cal mag. Came out to 965 ppm @ 5.8 ph. Gave 2L each. Got good run off. Cleaned up bottom foliage.
6 years ago
Day: 61
Jan 24/19. 9 pm. F6. Day 9 of transitions nuits. Another feeding of transitions nuits. Up the dosage. 4 ml grow, 4ml micro, 4ml bloom, 5.5 ml cal mag. 860 ppm at 5.83 ph. Gave 2L each. Will wait a little longer before next feeding.
6 years ago
Day: 58
Jan 21/19. 930 pm. F3 gave another feeding of transition nuits. Up dosage. 4 ml grow, 4 ml micro, 4 ml bloom, 5 ml cal mag. More white hair flowers starting. Taking the nuits nicely. Gave 1L of nuits at 780 ppm at 5.8 ph.
6 years ago
Day: 55
Jan 18/19. 930 pm. First day of flower. (F1). 12/12 lighting. Still giving transitions nuits. 2ml grow, 2ml micro, 2ml bloom 4.5 ml cal mag. Came out to 645 ppm at 5.8ph. Pistols are really shooting out from plants and some are now producing small flower strains.
6 years ago
Day: 52
Jan 15/19. 830 pm. Transitioning to flower. Gave transition ratios of even parts. 2 ml grow, 2 ml micro, 2 ml bloom and 3.5 ml cal mag. Came out to 550 ppm at 5.8 ph. Gave both plants 2L each to make sure nuits. got in. Kept light on 18/6. Will leave on the same rotation until fully into flower stage.
6 years ago
Day: 49
Jan 12/19 12pm. Another aggressive grow ratio. 3ml calmag, 3ml grow, 2.5ml micro, 2ml bloom. 575ppm at 5.8 ph.
6 years ago
Day: 45
Jan 8/19 830 pm. Gave plant 700 ml 5.8 ph water. Also small trimming of big fan leaves and small under growth fan leaves.
6 years ago
Day: 41
Jan 4/19 1115 am. Gave another aggressive ratio feeding. 2.5 ml calmag, 2.5 ml gro, 2 ml micro, 1.5 ml bloom. Came out to 460 ppm at 5.8ph. Gave 1L
6 years ago
Day: 35
Dec 29/18. 1230 pm. Gave a feeding. Ran 2 ml cal mag, 2 ml gro, 1 1/2 ml micro, 1 ml bloom cam out 350 ppm at 5.8. Ran 1L through and trimmed a bit.
6 years ago
Day: 31
Dec 25/18. 1205 am. Gave plants a watering. Ran 1 L of 5.8 ph water. Also topped the plant.
6 years ago
Day: 26
Dec 19/18 1100 pm. Plant was showing sign of nuit burn with brown spots. Gave a flush with 5.8 ph water. Ran over 5 gallons through. Could only get the ppm down to 180 so said fuck it and added my nuits back in. Ran a full gallon of 1/8 molasses 1 1/2 ml cal mag, 1 1/2 ml gro, 1 ml micro, 1/2 ml bloom. Came out 315ppm at 5.8 ph.
6 years ago
Day: 23
Dec 16/18 1150 am. Soil was dry time for an aggressive grow ratio. In 4L of water added 1/8 tsp molasses, 1 1/2 cal mag, 1 1/2 ml gro, 1 ml micro, 1/2 ml bloom came out to 270 ppm then ph down to 5.8. Ran 1L of nuit water through each plant slowly till I had a bit of runoff. Back into the tent.
6 years ago
Day: 17
Dec 10/18 9pm. Ran 1 L of 5.8 ph water through. Just enough for a bit of run off.
6 years ago
Day: 13
Dec 6/18 9m. Transplanted plant today. Prepared a 5 gallon pot with pro mix microniza. Ran a gallon of water through soil 1/8 molasses 1 1/2 cal mag 1/2 ml of micro bloom and grow. Came out to 250 ppm and ph to 5.8. Put plant in hole and ran another 1 L of mixed water to work out air bubbles. 18-6 light. 300 watt led.
6 years ago
Day: 10
Dec 3/18. 9pm. Gave another watering of ph 5.8 water. This now the 3rd watering. Just enough until coming out the bottom.
6 years ago
Day: 7
Nov 30/18. 11pm. Gave plant another watering. Cup was getting light. Ran 5.8 ph water through plant till just coming out the bottom.
6 years ago
Day: 4
Nov 27 9pm. Gave plant first watering. 5.8 ph water until just coming out the bottom.
6 years ago