
1st grow - TIPS & ADVISE PLEASE!

4 plants - June 19th start date

4 plants 2 indicas 2 sativas Under 1200 watt roleadro led 600 watt phlizon led burple T5 with HO 6500 bulbs Switching t5 light to 2700k bulbs for flower Nutes Connoisseur grow a and b B-52 Cal mag plus Silicia blast Great white mycorrhizae Will switch to other nutrients during flower Any tips?

Sunday driver, Purple Punch, Lemon Skunk, Mendo Breath

Day 106 (Week 16)

52 updates

196 photos

Day: 106


Trimmed them up and put them in jars for the cure. Ended up with a little over 310 grams of buds and 4 quart jars of trim. Did not weigh that out. Lowest producer was the mendo breath and the most was the Sundae driver.

5 years ago

tnkrumpets If this was really your first grow, damn! Very nice work, how’s it smoke?

Opgrows Really was. Now I’m on my 3rd grow and have chosen to document on a notepad since I don’t need so many pics for reference anymore. They all smoke amazing! I still have some left of all 4 strains and just pressed some of the sundae driver into rosin this morning. Tasty, smooth, and very potent.

Day: 100

Cutting them down for dry

5 years ago

Day: 91


Started my flush!

5 years ago

Day: 84


Watered w/ 500 ppm nutes

5 years ago

Day: 81


Watered 500 poms today of final 2 weeks of nutes. Seems like the nutes got a little high especially for the Sunday driver, but nothing major just going to keep it at No higher then 600

5 years ago

Day: 77


600 ppm watering for the sativa's

5 years ago

Day: 75


Watered the sundae driver and lemon skunk. Went up to around 750-800 ppms. Sundae driver still taking up the most nutes. Next feeding will be start of week 5 nutes

5 years ago

Day: 74

Went out of town. My girl kept it locked down for me. She fed all 4 girls on Friday and Saturday at 600 ppms. I just got home did not feed today. Trimmed up and thinned out the canopy.

5 years ago

Day: 70


Watered 2 inside indica plants yesterday and 2 outside sqtova plants today. 600 ppm for both.

5 years ago

Day: 69


Close ups from yesterday

5 years ago

Day: 63

Fed all plants 600 ppm of week 3 flower nutes

5 years ago


Jtroc675 If you have any leaves below the trellis line,get rid of them thank me later! Happy growing!

Opgrows Jtroc - I did a heavy defoliation and lollipop before the flip. I don't want to mess with it now and smaller risiduals that were left behind will be used for wax.

Day: 61


Watered all plants 650 ppm flower nutes.

5 years ago

Plantboy Great job growmie😁PEACE your garden looks like it could take care of it’s self soon

Opgrows Plantboy - thank you growmie! Can't wait for the fruits of my labor!

Day: 59


Watered all plants 600 ppm flower nutes

5 years ago

Day: 56


Watered Mendo breath and Sunday driver at 600 ppms

5 years ago

Day: 55


Watered the lemon skunk and purple punch with 600 ppm bloom nutes

5 years ago

Day: 53


Watered all plants 600 ppm full bloom nutes Did some lst

5 years ago

JaOne316 Whats it cost you a month to run all three lights? Im thinking of adding a second light in my tent..

Opgrows JaOne316 I'm not exactly sure, but my guestimate is around 60 bucks cuz my entire set up runs me around 120 bucks additional a month on my bill. But that is 2 tents and 4 lights these 3 LEDs, and 1 T5 for now in the second tent. Plus humidifiers, fans, extractors, and 1 AC unit.

Opgrows It should get much better when it's not summer, now that I'm on 12/12. These summer months stupid hot.

Day: 50


Day 3 into flowering. Gave full week 1 flower nutes. Coming back great from the darn Neem oil.

5 years ago

tnkrumpets Looking great man! Am seeing very small color changes that might be indicative of a PH or nutrient deficiency. I would do a PH’d runoff check to see if your over 1000ppm or outside of normal PH range. But dude for a first grow that’s amazing lol you must have had help

Opgrows Tnk - thanks man! I have upped the nutes tell me what you think on more recent pics. I have just don't a lot of research and luckily this app has been awesome! So many helpful people on here.

Day: 49


Neem oil really messed up certain leafs but the defoliation is great and new growth is coming great. Flushed last 2 waterings with calmag and last watering added Dr repair. 1st full day after 48 hours of darkness

5 years ago

Jafar 😍

Day: 46

Bounced back alright. Gave them 6 hours rest today and will be switching for 48 hours of darkness tomorrow at 6 am. Hooked up AC unit now and will start adding additional co2 Likley next week.

5 years ago

Day: 44


Watered all 4 plants with just calmag. I defoliated and lollipopped to get them into flower this weekend. Will give them some recovery time then it's time for flower!

5 years ago

Day: 41


Watered all plants today at 600 ppm. I also put out some gnat traps cuz i saw a few flying around down there Also monster cropped/pinched some top nodes down to keep giving the mendo some time to even out and catch up. Trying to fill in the canopy at this level as much as possible before I flip them

5 years ago

PresaCanario I think it’s a good time to flip, your scrog should be filled evenly with the stretch.

Opgrows Presa my bad on the late response! I ended up thinning everything out and giving a few more days to come back before flip but we are into flower now!

Day: 40


Nothing today just found a few gnats so I ordered some neem oil and some sticky things that will attract them and keep them there.

5 years ago

Day: 38

Watered all 4 plants with 550 ppm nutes and gave them all some great white.

5 years ago

Day: 37

Watered the purple punch and Sunday driver at 600 ppms today. Lemon skunks dead leaf came back. Tape did great!

5 years ago

Day: 36

Watered lemon skunk. 550 ppm Broke off that little one on accident and will try and bring it back with some take and prayers. Temps been staying awesome.

5 years ago

Day: 35

Watered Mendoza breath at 500 ppms today

5 years ago

Day: 34

Sunday driver and purple punch both got waterer today at 450 ppm. Temp high is 78 and low is 75 Humidity 46 and 53 Topped the Sunday driver to let the others catch up

5 years ago

Day: 33

Watered lemon skunk today with 450 ppm nutes. All other plants seemed good. Purple punch will likely want water tomorrow and Sunday driver and mendo breath the day 35.

5 years ago

Day: 31

Sunday driver already almost catching up with to the net. Strongest rebound. Followed by the purple punch and lemon skunk. Mendo breath still lagging behind.

5 years ago

Day: 30

Moved them into more space. Moved up the net and will give them time to grow into it while they come back from the defoliation/lollipop Will continue to veg 2-3 more weeks depending on how they react and grow. They all need more calmag so I will be adding that to the all feedings. Added soil to all pots. Temps are staying nice and cool with this new tent. Clean airflow up top that and sealed all the tent. Temps staying right at 75.

5 years ago

PresaCanario Plants are looking good!! Although scrogging increases yield when it’d done properly. Growing multiple strains for the first time under 1 scrog can be challenging, it is difficult to remove a plant if needed, (sick or hermaphrodite..) Harvesting could be difficult too, because chances are 4 different strains will all not ripen at the same time. I’m not saying it won’t work, it’s just harder on the grower.

Opgrows Presacanario thanks you for input. I have already been dealing with certain challenges and will continue to take them head on. Canopy on 3 plants is pretty even but the 1 mendo breath is lagging behind. I don’t think it’s the strain it had too much wind on it and it was stressing. I’m hoping it rebounds strong so I can’t keep it as consistent as possible.

Day: 30

Watered all plants with water treated with calmag and super thrive. Will be feeding next time to all but the purple punch. The runoff is still too dark on that one.

5 years ago

Day: 28


Watered all plants with plain water Defoliated all plants to help with light penetration. No topping or fimming Some leaves seemed to be tacoing a little so I raised the lights and made sure temps were fine No direct air on the plants just some air movement all around the tent

5 years ago

Day: 25

Watered and gave great white to the lemons skunk and purple punch Sunday driver did not receive any great white Mendo breath no watering not watered today All 3 were watered with 600 ppms Ph was 6.0 Temp and humidity keep from 76.5-82 it’s been a little watmer. Keeping humidity down between 55-65rh Raised fans a bit higher and turned them up to try and keep the tent a little cooler. Only 1 fan on low is pushed air between them to keep them slightly moving Canopy is evening out nice

5 years ago

Shiva42007 Doing great bro! Im on my secound grow and your doing alot better Than me on both my first grow and 2nd :) happy growing!

Opgrows Thanks shiva! I appreciate it. Hoping I can continue that way and have some really good results!

Day: 23

All plants are looking great! Coming back strong from the defoliation Will be watering the mendo breath today. She doesn’t seem as thirsty as the other plants. Watered at 500 ppm

5 years ago

Day: 22

Watered all 3 plants. Nutes at 500 again and ph of 6.0 Mendo breath was the only one who did not need watering still too moist Temp and humidity continue to be steady between 73-78 and humidity between 55-60rh

5 years ago

Day: 21


Purple punch watered yesterday day 20 at 425 ppm Seems to be loving that. Topped and did a bit of defoliation on the purple punch today Defoliated all 4 plants Topped the mendo breath Sundae driver and lemon skunk were just defoliated and lst

5 years ago

Day: 19

Watered all 4 plants at 450 ppm Plants all came back strong from over nute and hopefully this will keep them right where they need to be.

5 years ago

Gocolts18 Are you trying to do a SCROG?

Naishville Make sure your ph is right when feeding an make sure you have a schedule feed at same time water at same time.

Gocolts18 It's best to water when they need it, a set schedule is hard to maintain. It will be within a day or two this early, but I recommend getting a soil tester to read the soil moisture.

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Day: 18

7-7 Mendo breath Topped the node and defoliated a bit

5 years ago

Day: 18

7-7 Sunday driver Topped 3 of the highest nodes

5 years ago

Day: 18

7-7 Reduced fan speed of to make sure the air movement is softer. Seem to be bouncing back great from the over nutes. Next feeding will likely be Tuesday - with nutes at 500 ppm Will also be adding killer roots to next feeding

5 years ago

JaOne316 Aha they look much better!

Day: 17

Sunday driver, mendo breath, and lemon skunk were all turned around to even out light distribution

5 years ago

JaOne316 Might need cal-mag?...might be the ph out of wack?...maybe fan blowing to hard?

Opgrows I first thought it was cal mag deficiencies and I did a full nute feeding but the ppm was too high. The discoloration from the cal mag deficiencies seems to be fixed but the feeding caused some burn. I don’t think it’s ph since I do test every time. I did a normal watering about 2 days ago and will keep you posted on the next feeding results. Please keep sharing insight. Appreciate your suggestions.

Opgrows One more question, What are the signs to look out for when it comes to too much fan/air movement? A few leaves do seem to have a few tears but I think it was the proximity to the fan. I’m not sure what too look out for to diagnose potential fan/air movement issues.

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Day: 16

Watered all plans due to the lemon skunk and Sunday driver having some minor nute burn. I will definitely be feeding at 500 ppm max next and keeping it steady there. Growth is looking great but the added light had kept temps around 80 degrees. Ranging from 78-82 Added an extra fan but growth is looking strong

5 years ago

Day: 14

Temp issues with new light. Today got as warm as 83 and need to really make sure my temps and humidity are In check I’m confident that this most recent yellowing of the tips is from nute burn but I raised the lights a bit and will make sure all my PH is on point 5.9-6.1

5 years ago

Day: 13

Sunday driver Will be fimming all 3 of these tops I will keep an eye on growth and fim in 2 or 3 days depending on growth 5 inches to top node

5 years ago

Day: 13

All 4 plants doing well Humidity and temp range is consistent no issues

5 years ago

Day: 13

Purple punch Top of soil getting dry now will likely water full set of nutrients tomorrow. Nothing really from the leaves seems to have taken the precious nutrients great. Will likely cut it still by 25% since little nutrients have done wonders with her. Plan on topping tops in about 2 days again depending on growth

5 years ago

Day: 13

Lemon skunk Will be topping 2 nodes Seems to have taken previous topping and watering great No burn tips from over nutes and the lack of cal mag seems to be fixed with new leafs 5.75 inches is the top node

5 years ago

Day: 13

Mendo breath Weakest grower of the bunch Will give it full set up nutrients and watering in likely 2 days same day as the pp

5 years ago

Day: 12

All 4 plants Transplanted all and used great white for roots Sunday driver Watered- back left full treatment of nutes - concluded it was lacking cal mag so I did a full run of nutes this one was more affected and drier so I did a full watering Fimmed lead stem Lemon skunk Same with front left lemon skunk but less water - looked like some cal mag deficiencies so I gave it about half watering with full nutes Topped lead stem Purple punch - no watering Mendo breath - no watering

5 years ago

Day: 4

Nothing done at this point other then watering

5 years ago

Day: 3

Lemon skunk Week 1 and week 3 compared

5 years ago

Day: 3

Sunday driver Week 1 and 2 compared

5 years ago