Afghan Black Skunk x WW
Restart 6 seeds from recyoself. His cross of Strayfox's Afghan Black Skunk and his White Widow
Day 56 (Week 8)
4 updates
10 photos
Day: 56

Getting dense Smelling like grape robitussin. Very grapey. Love it
4 years ago
pakalolo Looking good! I love grape😂😂
Day: 47

This day marks week 3 of flower
4 years ago
Day: 19

A month of bad weather but they all survived the monsoons. Stretched but now all settled in. Gave them a generous dressing of Bio Live and kelp meal. Also been using Azos and GreatWhite myco each watering.
4 years ago
Day: 3

6/6 sprouted. 100% germ so far New rockwool method: cover only half way to let roots breathe better. Will cover in 48 hours
5 years ago