Project 3 fall 2021
Dragon Berry project2
Since the project went a bit awry with going into flower outside during the watering, I planted new seeds and they have been germinated last week and on the 24 of Oct they have been planted in soil in solo cups under a couple of house lamps with led lights. All have popped from the ground and are reaching for the sky. I have to continue this project as I have an end goal in sight. So no matter how many failures I will succeed. Dragon Berries will be a house hold name one day. It will be some potent colorful fruity strong stanky smoke that you and all of your friends and family will love with a medicinal touch that even the most prudent non smoker will enjoy for health reasons.
Dragon Berry x2, 1 Buckeye Purple & 2 Larry Og
Day 1 (Week 1)
1 update
1 photo
Day: 1

Grow babies grow.
3 years ago