Hoping for a monster

Change of plans, going to run organic with her. Gave her recharge a couple times when she was young. Other than that all she’s been given is well water straight from the well. I top dressed her twice with Gaia Green 4-4-4 & 2-8-4, Epsom salt, oyster shells, azomite, gypsum, and worm castings.

Oreo Big Stuff

Day 110 (Week 16)


36 updates

102 photos

Day: 110



13 days ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 You chopped bro?

Day: 108


A couple days

15 days ago

Day: 91


Home stretch.. ripening really nice 😊

a month ago


supremdoodl Hey man first time grower here, plant I have is a smoke shop seed than pretty much sprouted on its own I didn’t expect it to was literally in a cactus pot with 2 other cacti and a succulent, transplanted to a one gallon pot with dr earth pot of gold and didn’t know much, since about 30 days ago I’ve been learning I have invested in a vivosun 150 watt light and a 2x2x4 tent, added perlite, worm castings and a little foxfarm soil to it from a friend but the plant is really stunted and idk what it’s lacking or has to much of any tips or tricks until I get a true good sourced seed and an in-line fan for my true go at it lol


supremdoodl I have flora micro, flora nova bloom and grow from a friend as well


supremdoodl Haven’t added any yet tho since the plant is so small, was started outside mixed lighting times, and when I was really new first two weeks I used a 10 watt “full spectrum”clip on led from Walmart which obviously did shit but was only used for overnight, past two days have been on exact 18/6 schedule

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Day: 88



a month ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🔥🔥🔥😎👊🏾🫡

Day: 85



a month ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🔥🔥🔥✈️💚😎👊🏾


OHIGHOGrows 🙏🙏💚💚


CannaRabbit 🫡🤝 🔥

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Day: 81


39 of 🌸

a month ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🥶🔥🔥🔥🔥😎👊🏾


OHIGHOGrows 🙏💚💚💚💚

Day: 76


Day 34 flower

2 months ago

Lennart 😋🔥

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🔥🔥🔥😎👊🏾


OHIGHOGrows 🙏🙏💚💚

Day: 71


Day 28🌺

2 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🔥🔥🔥🔥🫡 amazing work bro that copycat must be stinkin by now 😂😂👊🏾


OHIGHOGrows Between the flowers and the living soil it stank lol

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 😂😂😂

Day: 67


Day 25🌺

2 months ago

Day: 64


Day 21 of 🌺

2 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 😮‍💨🔥🔥🔥🔥🫡


OHIGHOGrows 🙏🙏💚💚

Day: 62


3L well water.

2 months ago

Day: 60



2 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🔥🔥🔥👊🏾🫡

Day: 56



2 months ago

Day: 53



2 months ago


organic_grower Take off all your undergrowth


OHIGHOGrows In a couple weeks I will. She just started flowering I don’t want to defoliate yet as hard as it is to keep the scissors out of my hands lol

Day: 51



2 months ago

Day: 48



2 months ago

Day: 43


1st day 12/12. Happy Birthday Mommy

3 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🔥🔥🔥🚀👊🏾

Day: 40

Trellis up

3 months ago

Day: 36


Before and after check in and training

3 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🛫🔥🔥🔥🫡

Day: 34


1L💧just enough to wet the top soil and keep them amendments inoculating it all real good

3 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🛫🔥🔥🔥👊🏾🫡

juvenile This looks EXACTLY like my plant

Jimbo Norman

Jimbo Norman Either those are small leaves or that’s a big-ass fabric pot. You working a 10 gal here?

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Day: 32

Top dressed with 2c worm castings, 1/2c 4-4-4, 1/2c 2-8-4, 1/4c epsom salt, 1/4c oyster shells, 1/4c azomite, 1/4c gypsum and watered with a gallon of well water very slowly.

3 months ago

RoMag OH: What size containers? Where did you find the water saucer for under the container?


OHIGHOGrows 10 gallon, Amazon

RoMag Do they have the same for 5 gallons

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Day: 31

A little more LST, getting her ready to trellis and flip.

3 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🛫🔥🔥🔥🔥👊🏾


OHIGHOGrows 🙏🫡

Day: 30

Pretty lol

3 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 Looking pretty 🛫Soon bro 🔥🔥🔥👊🏾

Day: 28

Removed the clip and giving 2L 💧

3 months ago

Day: 26

2L recharge, took a few leaves, continued LST

3 months ago

Day: 23


Put the clip on last night and removed a leaf this morning that was blocking light

3 months ago

Day: 22

Weekly check in pictures

3 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🚀👊🏾

Day: 19

Will 💧tomorrow soil still a little wet

3 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🚀🔥🔥🔥💚🫡

Day: 17

1L💧she is responding well after transplanting her to the 10 gallon pot.

3 months ago

Day: 15

Weekly check in picture. Transplanted yesterday into 10 gallon pot. She seems to be responding ok.

4 months ago

Day: 13

💚 transplant coming soon 2/3 days.. ish

4 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🚀🚀🤩🔥

Day: 12

Getting ready for transplant in a couple days, once the pot dries out. Filled a 10 gallon pot with 1/3 fox farm ocean forest 1/3 mixed with Pro Mix HP and the top 1/3 is just pro mix.

4 months ago


OHIGHOGrows Might do one more 💧with Superthrive before transplanting. Up to her next couple days. We will she how she acts.

Day: 10

30 mL Superthrive 💧

4 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🚀🔥🔥🔥👊🏾

Day: 8

Weekly update

4 months ago

Day: 2


48 hours in water and time to hit dirt.

4 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 🚀👊🏾

Day: 0


It has begun!!!

4 months ago