
Critical cure cbd - rdwc

1st quater 2019

1 x amazing growth - taken clones. 1 x healthy structure light green - good clones 1 x no show 1 x slow start dark green vigorous late growth - 1 good clone 2 x good start - bad roots bad light green leaves

Cbd 1:1 Thc

Day 51 (Week 8)

6 updates

19 photos

Day: 51

Day 20 flower Starting to form some nice buds. Swelling up nicely.

6 years ago

ChrisRich28 Hey I just started this strain, have you grown it before?

Day: 47


Had to put a scrog up because one of the plants pushed a smaller one over. Luckily had a scrog net to hand Day 16 flower

6 years ago

Day: 40

Started to feed Canna aqua Flores and a flowering booster P.H - 5.7 Will top up to 5.9 if the ph goes any lower

6 years ago

Day: 38


Added a cup of Epsom salts today. Ph - 5.8 Will either do a res change today or tomorrow. I’ll see how there looking mid day.

6 years ago

Day: 36


Getting a nice stretch on. Ph - 5.9 Res temp - 20 c Still waiting on Epsom salt in the post. Unreliable e-bay purchase.

6 years ago

Day: 34

Day 3 - 12/12 light cycle. Ph level after feed 5.5 - left to rise to 5.9 over night* - check 60ml - silver bullet 75ml - aqua vega a + b Ph - up

6 years ago