
InTheCloset - GG4 ILGM - Small Spaces


ILGM GG#4 clones. 5 gal fabric pots filled to 3 gal and rolled down to save height. Wrapped pots on sides leaving bottom open for airflow. Grow size is very limited. Working with a 24”x24”x48” veg tent with a Mars Hydro 600 and a 20”x36”x60” flower tent with two Phlizon Cree COBs, one drawing 245w and the other 100w. Using FFOF cut 3 to 1 with a perlite coco blend to soften it a bit and a touch of dolemite for the acidity. Using Fox Trio and CalMag as nutes.

GG4 ILGM Clones x 2

Day 39 (Week 6)

2 updates

2 photos

Day: 39

Recovering from second and final topping and some lst staking. And my slow growing mother! Still no nutes, just eating up the FFOF. Will start light nutes next water.

4 years ago

Day: 16

Clones 16 days after transfer from dome to soil. Soil was 2/1 FFOF and a perlite coco mix, but was too light. Next time I’ll use the normal mix all the way through (FFOF 3/1 w/ coco and perlite mix)

4 years ago

bgeezy Try Promix medium