Chem Jong um
Greenhouse 2021
M3 soil, 25gallon pots
Chem Jo g Um
Day 32 (Week 5)
1 update
2 photos
Day: 32

Day 2 out in the greenhouse. Lady’s looked sick when I brought them out. Lack of nutrients. (coast of Maine organic seed starter) ph water to 6.2. Now they are in M3 super soil and are perking up after only 2 days
4 years ago
moneymike1983 It Poke like you know more in this than me. But I should point out that the very tips of one of those plants are curled. That’s a sign of too much nitrogen. I think your soil might be a bit too hot.
graveyard9 Normally I would agree. But the starter soil they were in has almost no nutrients. 3 days ago they were all drooping strait down and almost neon yellow. The within 24 hours of going into the new soil they perked right up and color started to return. I guess time will tell. Lol. And thanks for your input.
moneymike1983 That’s cool man. If it’s improved, I cannot argue with that. Again, you know more than me. I’m brand new at it. Check out my posts. I’ll accept all advice and critique