
First Grow

Summer 2k18

Led light don’t really know the wattage watered once a day at night when turning the light off was using regular sunlight for a month got a led light from a friend and is on a 12/12 light cycle

Dont know

Day 47 (Week 7)

5 updates

5 photos

Day: 47

Plant is on a 12/12 light cycle, watered once a day, room temperature is still 68, fan blowing towards it to keep it cool

7 years ago

Day: 46

Plant is under a UV LED light a buddy gave me don’t really know the wattage, is on a 12/12 light cycle, watered once a day, has a fan blowing towards it on low, temperatures about 68-69

7 years ago

Day: 33

Plant is still using regular sunlight the tall one is about 4 1/2 and is blooming well, the small one is about getting close to 4 inches also watered once a day

7 years ago

Day: 30

Using regular sunlight, watered once a day, about 4 inches for the tall one, small one is about 3

7 years ago

Day: 12

Using sunlight, watered once a day when sun goes down, about 2 1/2 inches

7 years ago