

First grow

Outdoors grow

Royal Queen Seeds Auto

Day 65 (Week 10)



47 updates

77 photos

Day: 65


Plant was fed with 3lts of water. Decided against flush to test flushed vs non-flushed harvest.

2 years ago

Day: 64


Plant began flush. Approx 14 days until harvest

2 years ago

Day: 60


Plant was given 2 litres of feed water. This will be the last week of feeding after which I will begin flushing the plant.

2 years ago

Day: 58


Plant given 2 litres of feed water.

2 years ago

Day: 55


Plant was fed with 2 litres of feed water

2 years ago

Day: 53


Plant was given 2Litres of feed water. Weather is a bit rainy the last couple of days.

2 years ago

Day: 49


Plant was fed as per feeding schedule. Her buds are now fattening up as we enter the final month of flower.

2 years ago

Day: 46


Plant is given 2ltr if feed water as per schedule to keep soil damp. Plant is looking very healthy and have not been encountering any issues.

2 years ago

Day: 45


Plant being watered with 2litre of feed water every other day as soil dries up in that timeframe. Plant now being left alone to flower with interventions as limited as possible.

2 years ago

Day: 43


Plant was fed 2 litre water solution. Plant is looking healthy. Trichome production near bud sites is also underway.

2 years ago

Day: 40


Plants were fed with 2 litres water solution and Big Bud now added. Plant is now flowering and a smell can be noticed. Looking healthy.

2 years ago

Day: 38


Plant was fed with 1.5 ltr feed water. Looking at steady growth into flower.

2 years ago

Day: 34

Plant was given 1.5 litres of feeding water. Weather was a bit windy today.

2 years ago

Day: 32

Plant is vegging nicely and showing more signs of pre flower. Plant was given 900ml of feed water.

2 years ago

Day: 31

Plant looking healthy overall. Height is now at 45cm and white pistils are increasing daily.

2 years ago

Day: 30

Plant was fed with 1.2litres of solution bloom and bud candy. Plant was misted with neem oil solution. The pre-flowering stage has been reached.

2 years ago

Day: 29


Nothing special to report really. Soil was still moist and was not watered. Will feed plant tomorrow. The friendly neighbourhood spiderman came to say hello to MJ 🤣

2 years ago

Day: 28

Plant looking healthy. Soil was still moist and will most probably feed tomorrow.

2 years ago

Day: 27

Plant was given 1 litre of water. Direct Sunlight is still between 8-9 hours everyday although today was a bit overcast. Neem oil spray was applied for pest prevention.

2 years ago

Day: 26

Nothing extra to report today. Plant is growing well , soil is still moist. Leaves were sprayed with a little B-52 solution.

2 years ago

Day: 25

Plant looking healthy in general and is well in veg stage. Plant given 1 litre of water as soil was drying up.

2 years ago

Day: 24

Plant looking healthy. Was not watered as soil was still moist. A foliar spray was applied with 0.5 ml of B-52 solution mixed with 1 litre of water. Plant is getting about 8/9 hours of direct sunlight.

2 years ago

Day: 23

Plant was given 1ltr of water in the morning. Healthy growth.

2 years ago

Day: 22

Plant was not watered as soil was still damp from last watering and will wait for soil to completely dry out before watering again. Plant does not seem to be affected from wind and steam is steadily upright.

2 years ago

Day: 21

Plant was giving 500ml of water. Wind is still very strong tried to make a natural windbreaker to lessen the wind impact.

2 years ago

Day: 20

Plant was given 500 ml of water. The day was extremely windy today and soil was drying up quickly at least giving good airflow to the soil.

2 years ago

Day: 19

Plant was well watered with 750ml of Kristal water. Temperatures are exceeding 38^C while humidity levels are also high.

2 years ago

Day: 18

Plant was given another 500ml of water solution as was almost completely dry this morning. Today was a very hot day reaching up to 40*C.

2 years ago

Day: 17

Plant is looking healthy and is increasing the nodes daily. Plant was given 500ml of water.

2 years ago

Day: 16

Plant looking healthy and a plastic bottle was installed to keep RH high, humidity today was about 78% which is pretty high.

2 years ago

Day: 15

Plant is opening up new nodes and looking healthy. Proper watering given as soil is drying up quickly.

2 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Do you keep them covered at this stage my guy ?

Gianni Plants are now outdoors all day and are not covered

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Just a tip bro cover them babies up with a clear plastic cover that will help with RH and water towards the edge of the pot this way the roots seek the moisture vs getting lazy when water is applied directly to the base of the stem 👍😎

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Day: 14

Plant is looking healthy and was given a good watering to dampen the soil. Plant is now being left outside all day getting 7-9 hours of direct sunlight on a roof setting.

2 years ago

Day: 13

Plant recovering from previous stress very well. Given 100ml of the solution containing Bud Candy, Voodoo juice and b52.

2 years ago


HeritageSecretGarden Why are you giving it bud candy and b52 as a seedling??


HeritageSecretGarden And why would u give it bud candy at in veg?

Gianni using this feed schedule as I’m a first time grower : Giving it half of whats recommended here.

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Day: 12

Plant was not watered today as there was light rain showers and plant was left out all day.

2 years ago

Day: 11

Plant was left outside all day in a very cloudy day. There was some light rain showers but plants were sheltered. Plant was given 50ml of the Bud Candy , B52 and voodoo juice solution as seems to have liked it.

2 years ago


FrostyZaZa If you’re using good soil you shouldn’t need to feed the seedling anything but water for at least for 3-4 weeks.

Gianni I am following fastbuds advanced nutes feeding schedule. I am only adding additives to aid root expansion and health in 10-15% recommended value.

Day: 10

Plant was left all day outside since it was an overcast day with 4/5 hours of direct sunlight. Plant was given 100ml of a mixed solution containing Bud Candy, b52 and voodoo juice at 10% of recommended dose. Seedling is a little on the lanky side.

2 years ago

Day: 9

Today was given 3.5 hours of sunlight. Plant is opening up more however the gel-like substance from seed is still stuck to leaves and have not attempted to remove in fear of damaging young seedlings. Plant drinking plenty of water in the sun and top soil is moist.

2 years ago

Day: 8

Plant was given 2.5 hours of direct sunlight. Plant dries up quickly as sun is very hot with temp around 31^C. Made sure that soil is still moist but not overwatered.

2 years ago

Day: 7

Plant was given 2 hours of sunlight. The leaves were surgically opened since they were stuck with seed cover gel and were showing signs of light deprivation due to this.

2 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz It will help To water toward the edge of the pot not at the base of the stalk you want the roots searching for water if you soak the base of the stem they get lazy and will not be big plants or ultimately will croak from oxygen deprivation just what works for me 😎🤙

Gianni Thanks ! I am a first time grower and need all the tips I can get 😄

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz For sure man 👊😎

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Day: 6

Stem has grown taller however there seems to be some browning tips and plant does not seem to be able to open its first pair of leaves. Will analyse back tomorrow after light misting switching from distilled water to drinking water. Plant was also given 1.5 hours of direct sunlight.

2 years ago

Day: 5

Seed cover has now fallen off top leaf part. Soil was well misted as temperature was very hot throughout the. Was exposed to 1 hour of direct sunlight and will be hardening in the coming days by increasing the direct sunlight exposure.

2 years ago

Day: 4

Seedling has sprouted out of the soil. Light misting was done as soil was almost completely dry.

2 years ago

Day: 3

Pot prepared at 10 am. Soil was well misted for organism life to flourish before inserting precious seedling.

2 years ago


BINAII Good luck with the grow. Please don’t put anymore water on the medium for a while.

Gianni Thanks bud! Will spray again once soil is drying up completely


BINAII Good stuff. I want you to be successful. Microbes are good for plants’ roots but they can be destructive to brand new seedlings. They could eat the new sprout since seed sprouting is an enzymatic event. There’s all Collins’s of good food contained in a seed. Next time, just use about a shot glass amount of water where you plant the seed. That should get it through three days at least

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Day: 3

Seed planted in damp soil. Had small issue with directing taproot downwards as it was already quite lengthy. Pot kept indoors as sky is showing a high likelihood chance of a rain shower.

2 years ago

Day: 2

48 Hours since germination started. Taproot clearly visible and a highly successful germination.

2 years ago

Day: 1

Moved to paper towel after 24 hours. Seed had already cracked and white taproot visible

2 years ago

Day: 0

Germination started at 18:00

2 years ago