Growing my first plant
Spring 2020
Any helpful tips
Day 36 (Week 6)
2 updates
10 photos
Day: 36
Ok so I’ve topped above the sixth node the bottom leaves didn’t look good at all and looked stunted so I cut them off. I have a phlizon 600 watt led with both veg and bloom settings on about 2 feet above plant for 24 hour light I’m using Alaska fish fertilizer 5-1-1 I’m watering on a wet to dry then water schedule. I’m not sure what the name of plant is was a random seed from really good bud... I am growing in a 5 gallon bucket with holes drilled on all 4 sides and 4 holes on bottom. I feel like she’s not growing to her full potential and this is my first ever grow should I flush and read the ph of the flush? Please comment and tell me what I’m doing wrong or right. I really want to see this plant explode also my temp is average 75 and my humidity ranges from 40 to 60 I alternate days with fan blowing
5 years ago
Day: 13
First time grower from seed not sure what strain. This is a little over 4 weeks how is she doing my new light has arrived 4 days ago I’m giving 24 hours of both veg and bloom light how’s she look to you all? And tips would be greatly appreciated
5 years ago
Crlab Should I trim those bottoms leaves off they look burnt or something what am I doing wrong and should I have 24/7 light on it or should I alternate
Grogirlgro Hey, I highly recommend the website ILGM-i love growing marijuana. They have a really good free guide on how to grow and really good forums. Also search “seed to stoned” on YouTube he has an awesome start to finish tutorial and a whole list of links for everything you need. Those 2 places have been like my bible in this process lol Good luck!
Grogirlgro I’m not too sure abt trimming if u look at my second journal my very first seedling did that but wayyyy worse and it was because of the soil. What kind of soil are you using? I did leave the damaged leaves on until abt 2 days ago they were all burnt super tiny and came right off. It didn’t seem to hurt it to leave them on. Does the pot your using have holes? Solo cups with holes in the bottom are what’s recommended for seedlings. Then up pot them when they get bigger.