Blackberry kush, gorilla glue 4 autos
10 blackberry kush and 5 gorilla glue 4. Auto flowers. Put in paper towel germination method in Tupperware on seeding heating mat.
Blackberry kush & Gorilla glue 4
Day 3 (Week 1)
3 updates
4 photos
Day: 3
First blackberry kush
5 years ago
Day: 1
100 percent germination rate in 48 hours paper towel method.. 15 put into soil. 10 blackberry kush 5 gorilla glue
5 years ago
Thcfarmer 2 T5’s about 7-8 inches above. Clear solo cups for added warmth and humidity for seedlings.
Day: 0
Heating mat 1pm
5 years ago