

Mimosa Auto Flower

Green House Grow June 2024

This will be a Green House grow using organic nutes.


Day 27 (Week 4)


11 updates

24 photos

Day: 27

Doing good

2 months ago

Day: 24

Growin like a weed

2 months ago

Day: 21

Can’t wait to see her in full bloom

2 months ago

Day: 19

Top dressed them with nutes and watered them in with Gia Green all purpose and power bloom and some Epsom salts

2 months ago

Day: 16


2 months ago

Day: 13

Looking better than the 9lbs hammer I got going.

2 months ago

Day: 10

Unfortunately with the heat wave and crazy winds the last couple days two of my autos didn’t make it one 9lbs hammer and one mimosa.

2 months ago

Day: 7


The one on the right keeps falling over so she might not make it. We will see.

3 months ago

Day: 4

Both seeds popped and are in Jiffy pods for now.

3 months ago

Buoy413 My mimosa came out great after some branch training in a very small tent


Pyroman84 I won’t be training these girls at all. Once they are in the greenhouse they will be set on auto pilot.

Day: 1

Both seeds sunk and now are in the bag till we see the taproot

3 months ago

Day: 0

Went ahead and started the 24 hr soak.

3 months ago