First Grow : Purple Hulk and Buleberry
Winter - Spring 2020
Very first two plants ever
Autoflower and Photo period
Day 41 (Week 6)
10 updates
10 photos
Day: 41
Loosing some momentum because my plants suffered serious nutrient burn but I should only be about 4 weeks away from harvest still excited to see what this plant gives me, this is pre flower
5 years ago
Day: 28
Had to remove the blue berry and random plants because they both turned out to be male plants which is really disappointing but now I’ll be focusing all my time and energy into the purple hulk auto flower. I began low stress training in hopes that my plant will thrive in the up incoming weeks.
5 years ago
Day: 22
Both plants looking healthy after first feed
5 years ago
Day: 19
5 years ago
Day: 15
Running on 20/4 light schedule for 2nd week of veg changing to 18/6 next week some time also will be staring the feed schedule. Plants are all looking healthy but the blueberry is loving life can’t wait to see the progress next week
5 years ago
Day: 11
The blueberry is shooting up pretty fast all the plants seem healthy, going to start my feed in about a weeks time
5 years ago
Day: 8
Second set of true leaves poking out I’ll hopefully be looking at some more evened out plants in the next week or so.
5 years ago
Day: 4
Going strong noticeable changes after 1 day
5 years ago
Day: 3
Blueberry and hulk just sprouted
5 years ago
Easyway-bud I have a day 3 progress too, as a beginner, I’m scared and worried... is there any advise you could give me?
Day: 1
Just planted the seeds into the soil and labeled each pot waiting for a sprout
5 years ago