My 1st Indica
Summer 2020
From Diana Lilly thistle plant was the runt of her bunch so she gave it to me to pamper and grow.
Double Bubba
Day 13 (Week 2)
2 updates
2 photos
Day: 13

Ms. Indica has grown a lot I transplanted her on 06/25/2020 I added 8-8–8 fertilizer to the soil and planted in a cloth pot. I trimmed the bottom leaves and watered her really well. Hoping I didn’t make her mad. I want her to get big and beautiful.
5 years ago
Day: 8

She was about 3in when I got her she has grown a lot. I move lights about an inch or 2 everyday. I had her in a tint but I don’t think she liked it so I have her in open area in my sunroom. Which is a small room on the back of my house.
5 years ago
Cannabiskc I didn’t mention that my double Bubba is a clone and is the runt of the bunch. Now she has some mold on soil. What do I do? I keep her under grow lights 24 hrs, had a tent over her till molds Howe’s now took her out of it. What else can I do ?