

Summer grow

Summer 2021

My second outdoor grow and let me tell you the bigger the pot the bigger the plants and I’m not used to it yet but hopefully I figure it out 😂😂 these plants are out of control

Malawi x purple haze

Day 75 (Week 11)

3 updates

9 photos

Day: 75

Only plant not in flower yet I’m very excited

4 years ago

Day: 65

It claims to be pure sativa and and to me it looks like one and I’m super happy with her and I wish I got more seed but I cute some cones off so that should be good enough I’m so excited for her to flower

4 years ago

Day: 65

I love her sativa leaves so much I can’t wait for her to bud she’s going to be so beautiful 🥰🥰

4 years ago

growthisgood Perfect growing condition!!!