Day 5 Flower
Still some trouble in the garden
Still some trouble in the garden. Have some gnats in here bugging the fuck outta my ladies. A few Temps are getting under control as the weather has changed and I can keep a constant in the garage. Lights go on @ 7 pm and go off at 7 am. So far only one plant is showing signs of flowering into a female and that’s the Dragon berries. High hopes for success as the mother was a fem blackberry Kush crossed with Madagascar. I plan on getting some neem oil on pay day to deal with these damn gnats and their eggs. Also I believe not ph my water and the tap has affected the plants dramatically, so I don’t know if I will get quite what I am looking for as I see purple coloring in all of the plants. Alas I will not allow that to get me discouraged. Today was their first transition feeding as I am allowing more drying time to try and starve off the larvae and adults gnats. If you see adults just assume there are babies around somewhere. Also they are taking much longer to bounce back than normal from pruning leaves. All in all the stalks and branches are very sturdy and thick all around and very promising. Maybe I am used to it but I cannot really smell what they smell like. As I said next week I will have a new water system as well as my ph equipment and some much needed neem oil to kill off these bastards fucking up all my hard work with their free loading asses.I will also have climate control taken care of. I didn’t do a Scrog net on this set up as I said I was in a rush to grow and didn’t wait. Henceforth all the headaches. Lessons learned. In the dragon berries I do have a problem where the stem is splitting on its own. So I have a few problems to get into fixing but all In all I am going to stay positive and keep my head up and finish this through. God willing it goes as planned despite appearances. Wish me well and happy growing.
Dragon berries & 3 Mystery strains
Day 5 (Week 1)
1 update
1 photo
Day: 5

Day 5 in flower. Slow progress is still progress.
3 years ago