
Green Crack


Crop king seeds

Green Crack Feminizada

Day 100 (Week 15)

36 updates

133 photos

Day: 100



6 years ago


Wiser_greenery 👌🏾👌🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾😍

Day: 80


Colheita Feliz 🔪🔪🔪 Rendimento: 128 gramas 🍁 Trimming: 8g (só sugar leaves e bases cristalizadas de algumas fam leaves)

6 years ago

Legalizepeople Yield: 128g (4.51 oz) 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 i am not believing!!! Trimming: 8g (will try to do rick simpson hemp oil)

Legalizepeople Thanks a lot guys, you really encouraged me! In a few days i will update a review of the tasty after curing process. And the extraction too! And the next cycle will start soon!

Satsang Parabéns brother pelo cultivo! Já provou ?

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Day: 74



6 years ago


Legalizepeople Thanks man

Day: 73

🔪🔪 1ª manicure 1 dia no escuro

6 years ago

Legalizepeople It had space to yield more...

Satsang Vc podou as folhas ??

Legalizepeople Sim fiz a 1ª manicure. Agora vou colher.

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Day: 68

Flush 🌪 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

6 years ago

Day: 65


6 years ago

Day: 64


6 years ago

Legalizepeople Fuck!! Decided to start the flush and when i moved up the pot to put a bowl below a top broked... 🤬🤬😭 actually it was more a supercropping... but on that stage ita not good cuz the plant will spend energy to recover the lesion... what i do know? Shoud i cut off the “broked” top??

Day: 61


💦 fert ec 1.6

6 years ago

Darkcloud2669 Heyyyy looking on point 👌🏼 I keep a close eye on yours just so I know I’m doing it right. Respect man

Day: 59



6 years ago


Wiser_greenery Hell yeah bro you’re almost there🤙🏾🤙🏾

Darkcloud2669 How long you going for 8 weeks?

Legalizepeople I think i will cut it with 70 days...! But maybe takes a little more...

Day: 56


💦 3L água + sal amargo ❄️

6 years ago

MizzLadyKillah Gorgeous Grow!!

Darkcloud2669 Wow bro you’ve come a long way! They lookn on point!! Keeping track with yours to see how mine is. Great job man

Legalizepeople @dark yeah man really long way kk and i think it will take a few more weeks 😣

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Day: 53


💦 fert ec 1.6 📆 week 8 54: água 💦 55: água 💦 56: água + sal amargo ❄️ Week 9 57: água 💦 58: água 💦 59: fert ec 1.8 ☣️ 60: água 💦 61: flush 🌪 62/63: jejum ❌ Week 10 64: jejum ❌ 65: água 💦 66: flush 🌪 67-70: jejum ❌

6 years ago

Day: 51

💦 água 📆 week 8: 52: fert smartgrow* ☣️ 53: 3L água 💦 54: jejum ❌ 55/56: água 💦

6 years ago

Day: 47

Folhas inferiores deram uma amarelada cabulosa após a fert.. logo qnd eu acho q ta tudo sob controle... o jeito vai ser fazer um flush

6 years ago


Wiser_greenery Man that looks awesome man

Darkcloud2669 On point 👌🏼

Day: 45


💦 2L água ph 6.3 📆 Week 7: 46: 1L fert ec 1.6 ☣️ 47-49: 1L água ph 6.3 💦 Week 8: 50: 1L fert ec 1.8 ☣️ 51-54: água 💦 55: 2L fert ec 1.8 ☣️ 56: água 💦 Week 9: Flush 🌪

6 years ago

Day: 42

6 semanas 💦 água ph 6.1 📆 week 7: 43: água ph 6.3 💦 44: jejum ❌

6 years ago

Day: 39

Cálices dos buds começando a inchar... hora de aumentar a ec! Amanhã reg com ferts ec 1.3 💦 1L água ph 6.5 📆 week 6: 40: 1L fert smartgrow ph 6.1 ec 1.3 ☣️ 41/ 42: 1L água 💦

6 years ago

Darkcloud2669 Wow it plumped up a lot since the last post.. lookn good bro

Legalizepeople Do u think man? For me she is too slim yet... but every day more crystals showing... hope she pumple up a little bit more! 🤞🏻 but i think i will get my goal, which is 50g (+)

Legalizepeople Last photo was an other top bud, some are getting fatter than others. The last bud in this update for example, is a little corn nesr the bottom..

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Day: 35


5 semanas de Flora!! 🌷🌷🌷 50% já foi! Agr começa a ficar mais difícil... até agora estou satisfeito com a flora, apesar dos problemas com o ph estou conseguindo levar... ela começou a resinar pacas. Amanhã farei uma rega maior para dar uma lavada nesse solo. Para evitar problemas de deficiência farei uma cobertura de húmus antes da rega. Tb adicionarei sal amargo na água. Jejum ❌ week6: 36: 4L água ph 6.3 💦 37/38: jejum ❌ 39: 1L fert smartgrow week6* ☣️ 40: 1L água 💦 41: cházão inoculante 🍵 42: jejum ❌

6 years ago


Wiser_greenery Ya got some nice buds there my friend

Legalizepeople Thanks manm

Satsang Os buds estão realmente lindos ! Parabéns brother! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Day: 34


💦 Cházão húmus 🍵 📆: 35: jejum ❌ week6: 36: 4L água sem cloro ph 6.3 💦 37/38: jejum ❌ 39: 1L fert smartgrow week6* ph 6.3 ☣️ 40: 1L água sem cloro ph 6.3 💦 41: cházão inoculante 🍵 42: jejum ❌

6 years ago

Day: 29


Jejum 📆 Week 5: 29: ⭐️ 30: água 💦 31: água + sal amargo ❄️ 32: fert smartgrow week5 ☣️ 33: chá inoculante 🍵 34/35: jejum ❌

6 years ago

Legalizepeople Last photo: prenshit 💩

Darkcloud2669 Yours are also fattening up too!! Do you have any smell yet?

Legalizepeople Yes. The smell is incredible.. citrus with sugar

Day: 28

4 semanas! 🌷💥 Jejum

6 years ago

Darkcloud2669 Mas photos por favor.. yours is looking on point!!!

Legalizepeople Haha bro, they started to smell really gooooood. A mix of citrus with sugar and og kkkkkk holly shit its incredible man... and no, she will take some more weeks to be on point.. i think 40 days will be really on point 🤤🤤🍁🌷

Day: 26


💦 1L agua 📆: 27: chá inoculante + torta de mamona + farinha de ossos + cinzas + sal amargo 🍵 28: jejum ❌ Week 5: 29: jejum ❌ 30/31: água sem cloro 💦 32: fert smartgrow week5* ☣️ 33: água sem cloro 💦 34: água + água de côco + sal amargo 💦🥥❄️ 35: água sem cloro 💦

6 years ago


Wiser_greenery Looking good. Man. Hey since flower do you feed her daily. Or wait til she’s dry then water

Legalizepeople I'm not following rules. I wait she asks for water. But she is drinking on average 1 liter per day.

Legalizepeople Sometimes i water every day. And sometimes i give her 2-4 liters and no water for 2 days... like i said, wait her asks...

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Day: 24


📟 medidor de ph calibrado! Consegui as soluções de calibração e conferi e testei várias vezes (inclusive de um dia para o outro), e para minha surpresa, estava apontando os valores certos! Vejo muita gente levando os cultivos com esse medidor... infelizmente minha experiência com ele foi a pior possível, mas estou achando q se for calibrado constantemente, dá pra finalizar o cultivo! 😌 💦 1L fert smartgrow week4* ☣️ (ph 6.3 ec 0.7) 📆 Week 4 Dia 4 e 5: so agua 💦 Dia 6: chá 🍵 Dia 7: jejum ❌

6 years ago

Legalizepeople Ignore the two equal photos rs what do u think about my training?

Darkcloud2669 Looks good!! They all pretty much even with each other.. see more an more white hairs on yours with every post.. looking good bro 🤙🏼 stay Smokey 🙏

Day: 23


Folhas continuam caindo... meu diagnóstico é que é uma deficiência de potássio... amanha uma dose de nutrientes smartgrow para ela se recompor. 🙌🏻 espero estar com o ph calibrado. Se não vou ter que fazer um cházão de cinzas. Jejum ❌ Week 4 Dia 1: chá inoculante 🍵 Dia 2: jejum ❌ Dia 3: fert smartgrow* ☣️ Dia 4 e 5: so agua 💦 Dia 6: chá inoculante 🍵 Dia 7: jejum ❌

6 years ago

Day: 21


💦 500ml chá 13h 📆: 22: 2L chá 🍵💩👾 23: jejum ❌ 24: 1L água 💦 25: 1L fert smartgrow week4* ☣️ 26: 1L água 💦 27: 2L Chá inoculante 🍵👾👾👾

6 years ago

Darkcloud2669 Getting nice everyday... looks good bro

Day: 20


💦 1L agua sem cloro

6 years ago


Wiser_greenery Mannn check that out. Looking good. Looking real good

Legalizepeople Thanks man. Next growing will come much more stronger! I am sure if ami had a good ph meter it would yield more...


Wiser_greenery Definitely dude. Your next grow you’ll perfect it

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Day: 18


💡 Luzes - ok ✅ 💨 Temperatura/ventilação - ok ✅ 🌫 Umidade - ok ✅ Faltando só o medidor de ph!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️ 💦 Fert smartgrow week 3* ☣️ 📆: Week 3 19: jejum ❌ 20: so agua 💦 21: agua de coco (1/5) + agua (4/5) 🥥💦 Week 4 22: Chá inoculante 🍵 (só de humus e esterco curtido) 23/24:jejum ❌ 25/26: so agua 💦 27: fert smart grow week4* ☣️ 28: so agua 💦

6 years ago

Day: 17


Jejum 💨 ventilação nova no grow! Mt eficiente esse ventilador! Com isso o maior problema do grow está resolvido. Agora o grande desafio é o ph! 📆: Week 3 18: húmus cover e fert smart grow 💩☣️ 19: jejum ❌ 20/21: so agua 💦 Week 4 22: Chá inoculante 🍵 23/24:jejum ❌ 25/26: so agua 💦 27: fert smart grow ☣️ 28: so agua 💦

6 years ago

Day: 15



6 years ago

Legalizepeople Mg or K deficiency?

Darkcloud2669 Did you pick that from the bottom? Cuz I had a few on the bottom that weren’t getting enough light from that looked like that.. plus I think I was alittle short on potassium so I added a booster with some in there.. I just clipped them off at week 2

Day: 13


Jejum 🌫 Umidificador novinho para o grow!! Mais um problema resolvido! Com certeza ela vai agradecer 🙌🏻 Logo menos os ventiladores tb chegam, o que creio que seja o maior problema do meu cultivo atualmente. Não posso deixar a estufa mt tempo aberta por causa da luz forte e o calor realmente tá tenso 🔥 📟 sobre o ph, já estou me conformando em finalizar o ciclo sem ele. Confiando 100% nos microorganismos para essa função, mas já estou pensando em comprar ao menos um de aquário para possibilitar um controle leve. 📆: Week 3 15: agua 💦 16: agua de coco (1/5) + agua (4/5) 🥥💦 17/18: agua 💦 19: 1L fert smartgrow week2* 20/21: agua 💦 Week 4 22: chá inoculante 🍵🐛💉 23/24: jejum ❌ 25: agua 💦 26: fert smartgrow week3* ☣️ 27/28: agua 💦

6 years ago

Day: 12


Cházão Boost Flora 🍵🌺🐛 ➡️ 7L agua descansada por pelo menos 24hrs ➡️ Em um meião ou meia fina adicionar as medidas de um “copo” com: 1/4 Humus 1/4 esterco curtido 1/4 mix farinha de ossos + torta mamona 1/4 Cinzas de pizzaria *amarrar o meião e jogar na agua oxigenando ➡️ 1col sopa rasa de melado de cana ➡️ 1col de chá de sal amargo ➡️ misturar bem e oxigenar a solução por 24-48hrs e fazer a aplicação imediata 💦 600ml chá com 18hrs oxigenando apenas para manter o solo úmido e iniciar a inoculação 📆: 13: Cházao Boost Flora 🍵

6 years ago

Day: 10


💦 1L agua sem cloro 📆: Week 2 11: agua 💦 12: Cházão Boost Flora 🍵🌺 13/14: jejum ❌ Week 3 15: jejum ❌ 16: agua de coco (1/5) + aloe vera 🥥🌵💦 17/18: so agua 💦 19: 1L fert smartgrow week2* 20: so agua 💦 Week 4 21: agua 💦 22: chá inoculante 🍵🐛💉 23/24: jejum ❌ 25: agua 💦 26: fert smartgrow week3* ☣️ 27: agua 💦

6 years ago


Wiser_greenery That’s pretttttyyyy!!

Legalizepeople Thanks bro! Its intense to have just one girl. No space to mistakes... and i made a lot. I think its too hot in the room, next week will get 2 ventilators and a humidifier. Think she will thanks a lot!! 😬🙌🏻🙌🏻


Wiser_greenery Yeah man. Ya want it to stay nice and cool cuz I don’t think the buds like it very hot and that just causes a mess of shit.

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Day: 9

🔪 poda de limpeza 💩 leve cobertura de humus 💦 1L fert smart grow flora semana 1* (ph 5.8 ec 0.25) ☠️

6 years ago

Day: 8

Jejum Percebe-se que começou a esticada! Provavelmente eu ter deixado 1 semana com a hqi atenuou o “stretch”, mas acho que agora ngm segura mais.. rs... ⚠️ Além do problema do ph, que está sob controle, o grande problema do meu grow é a temperatura e umidade. O termo higrômetro faz grande falta por aqui, e claro, uma ventilação adequada... mas enquanto não tem o jeito é ir improvisando, deixando o grow aberto, ar condicionado, toalha com agua.... não pode é desistir 👊🏻👊🏻 📆: 9: 200ml água de coco + 800ml agua sem cloro 💦🥥 10: 1L agua destilada 💦 12: 1L chá de Grãos maltados e Aloe vera 🌾🌵 13: 1L agua destilada 💦 14: Cházão inoculante 🍵💉 com farinha de ossos 💀 15/16: jejum ❌ 17: 1ª fert mineral flora (ec 0.25) ☠️

6 years ago


Wiser_greenery 👌🏾🤙🏾 glad the tea worked. I’m gonna look into making one on the next grow. She’s looking good. How much more room do you have to play with in your space?

Legalizepeople @wiser the tea was the best thing i did to her! Its really important to work with the microlife to get the best results. But i will give u a gold tip: there is a miracle product there in USA named “Recharge” by Real Growers (have in Amazon). It is a very rich inoculant that if youuse 2x in the week you dont need to check ph anymore. 🐛🕷

Legalizepeople My room is a 60x60x160. Hope its enough

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Day: 7

🌕🌕🌕 HPS 🌕🌕🌕 💦 Cházão de compostagem ec 1.0 🍵 Rezar para não dar overfert!!!! 🤞🏻 ficou muito forte esse chá tomara que os microorganismos consigam sintetizar os sais da melhor forma possível para a planta 😵

6 years ago

Darkcloud2669 Your using the flora series as your nutes? If you are, are you using flora nector

Legalizepeople Are u talking about general hydroponics nutes? If yes i am using nutrients from a brazilian company named “smart grow”.

Legalizepeople But i didnt like it, should buy advanced nutrients or general hydroponics. Next cycle thinking about growing 100% organic.

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Day: 4

Começa a esticada! Vale mencionar que o cházão deu uma corrigida legal no problema! Vou tentar levar só com chás até meu medidor chegar.

6 years ago

Legalizepeople The compost tea reduced the ph problem! Good to know the importance of microorganisms in the growing 👾👾 talking to a brother he told its important to use an inoculant even on hidro grows 🤔🤔 @darkcloud do u know about that?

Satsang Tá usando o que pra essa fase de flora amigo ??

Darkcloud2669 Didn’t know till now... I’m gonna look into It an see for next grow

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Day: 1


🌗🌗🌗 12/12 🌗🌗🌗 💡 Vou trocar pela hps no dia 7, para atenuar o "stretch". 🍵 Deu para perceber que ela curtiu o cházão e já decidi fazer outro pois acho que devia ter dado tudo na hora, sendo que ao desligar a oxigenação a microvida já começa a decair.

7 years ago

Satsang 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼