
Padlock teen

May 2019

Got this teen about a week ago and it was 3 feet tall.


Day 82 (Week 12)

8 updates

9 photos

Day: 82

Getting pretty yellow and dead hopefully it comes back

5 years ago

Day: 58

Haven’t updated in a long time but this thing is huge

5 years ago

Day: 33

Good growth

6 years ago

Day: 29

Crazy growth and it looks to be going into flower

6 years ago

Day: 20

Growing y’all and thick

6 years ago

Day: 11

Good growth

6 years ago

Day: 5

The plant has been bent for about a week and is showing signs of growth. Lots of whitening leaves and I’m not too sure what the issue is so I’ll let it keep going on it’s own

6 years ago

Day: 0

Picked these up today and bent them over to bush out the plant instead of letting it keep growing straight up.

6 years ago