
Veg cycle

~1 month old seeds and a few clones

These will veg out for about another month at my house until I bring them over to another guys house who will then veg them for two more months until finally they come to our warehouse

Gorilla Kush, cookie, cake, cherry pie

Day 41 (Week 6)

3 updates

8 photos

Day: 41

Just deleafed the plants over the past few days to allow light to penetrate all the at through, only took out the big fan leaves mainly located on nodes and where stem meets main stalk

5 years ago

Day: 33


Added the plants in the cloner to the room and potted a few of the bigger ladies into 2 gal pots so they don’t start stretching upward this next few weeks I have to hold them

5 years ago

Day: 29


The gorilla kush flower bed

5 years ago