
First grow

2 plants

Shanks 2 seeds in to red solo cup for

Unknown feminzied seeds

Day 146 (Week 21)

52 updates

196 photos

Day: 146

Mar 21/19. Harvest day.

6 years ago

Day: 145

Mar 20/19. 830pm. F61 FN38 F10. Gave another 2L each of 6.0ph water.

6 years ago

Day: 142


Mar 17/19. 10pm. F58 FN38 F7. Gave 2nd flush. Ran 5 gallons of 6.0 ph water through each plant. Run off down to around 150 ppm

6 years ago

Day: 137


Mar12/19. 1030pm. F53 FN41 F1. Gave plants first end of flower flush. Ran 5 gallons though each plant with 6.0 ph water. Got run off down around 200 ppm.

6 years ago

Day: 134


Mar 9/19. 430 pm. F50 FN38. Gave another feeding same nuits. 2ml grow, 4ml micro, 6ml grow, 6ml cal mag. No molasses. Came out to 1200ppm @ 6.0 ph.

6 years ago

Day: 130


Mar 5/19 1030 pm. F46 FN34. Gave another feeding same nuits as before. 2 ml grow, 4ml micro, 6ml bloom, 6ml cal mag, 1 tsp molasses came out to 1250 ppm at 6.0ph. Gave 1L.

6 years ago

Day: 128


Mar 3/19 930pm. F44 FN32. Gave another flower feeding. Same ratio and amounts as before. Gave 2ml grow, 4ml micro, 6ml bloom, 6ml cal mag, 1 tsp molasses. Came out to 1220 ppm @ 5.95 ph. Gave 2L each. Seems to be a good mix of nuits.

6 years ago

Day: 124


Feb 27/19. 845 pm. F40 FN28. Gave another flower feeding back up to original dose. Gave 2ml grow, 4ml micro, 6ml bloom, 6ml cal mag, 1 tsp molasses. Came out to 1210ppm @ 6.0ph. Gave 2L each. Going to harvest around day 60-65 depending on what plant tells me. Start flushing on day F46.

6 years ago

Day: 121


Feb 24/19. 930 pm. F37 FN25. Gave another flower feeding but a little different ratio. Gave 1.5 grow, 2ml micro, 2.5ml bloom, 6ml cal mag, 1tsp molasses. Came out to 1000 ppm @6.0ph. Gave 2L each.

6 years ago

Day: 117


Feb 20/19. 930 pm. F33 FN21. Gave another flower feeding up the nuits a bit. Gave 2.5ml grow, 4.5ml micro, 6.5ml bloom, 6ml cal mag, 1/2tsp molasses. Came out to 1370ppm @5.95ph. Gave 2L each.

6 years ago

Day: 114


Feb17/19. 11pm. F30 FN18. Gave another flower feeding same nuit mix as before. 2 ml grow, 4ml micro, 6ml bloom, 6ml cal mag, 1/2 tsp molasses cam out to 1300 ppm at 6.0 ph. Gave 2L to each plant.

6 years ago

Day: 111


Feb14/19. 11pm. F27 FN15. Gave plants another flowering feeding. 2ml grow, 4ml micro, 6ml bloom, forgot cal mag, 1/4 tsp molasses. Came out to 745ppm at 6.0ph. Gave 2L each.

6 years ago

Day: 108


Feb 11/19. 9pm. F24 FN12. Gave first full flowering ratio feeding. 2ml grow, 4 ml micro, 6ml bloom. 6 ml cal mag, 1/4 tsp molasses. Came out to 1250 ppm at 6.0 ph. Gave plants 2L of nuits.

6 years ago

Day: 104


Feb 7/19. 11pm. F20 FN8. Gave plants a flush of 6.0 ph water. Got plants run off down to around 150 ppm. Then gave another flowering feeding. 2.5ml grow, 4ml micro, 5.5ml bloom, 6 ml cal mag and now adding molasses again gave 1/4 tsp. Came out to 1300 ppm at 6.0 ph. Gave each plant a gallon of nuits.

6 years ago

Day: 101


Feb 4/19. 9pm. F17 FN 5. Gave plants just a watering of 6.0 ph water. Gave plants each 2L. Good run off.

6 years ago

Day: 97


Jan 31/19. 9pm. F13 FN 1. Start of transition to flower nuits mix. Gave 4ml grow, 5ml micro, 6 ml bloom, 6.5 ml cal mag in 1G of water. Came out to 1150 ppm around 5.8 ph metre broke. Watch for ph deficiency. Gave 2L of. Units to each plant.

6 years ago

Day: 94


Jan 28/19 930 pm. F10 tr13. Gave another transition nuit mix. Up the dosage. 5ml grow, 5ml micro, 5ml bloom, 6ml cal mag. Came out to 1150 ppm at 5.8. Gave 2L to each plant good run off. Also cleaned up bottom foliage. Plants are starting to show a bit more flower sign.

6 years ago

WizzleDizzle Use bigger pot next time twice that size at least . Are they under lights ? Day 94 should be in flower by now. Have you cut out the grow nutes ? 12/12 etc ?

Day: 90


Jan 24/19. 9 pm. F6. Day 9 of transitions nuits. Another feeding of transitions nuits. Up the dosage. 4 ml grow, 4ml micro, 4ml bloom, 5.5 ml cal mag. 860 ppm at 5.83 ph. Gave 2L each. Will wait a little longer before next feeding.

6 years ago

Day: 87


Jan 21/19. 930 pm. F3 gave another feeding of transition nuits. Up dosage. 4 ml grow, 4 ml micro, 4 ml bloom, 5 ml cal mag. More white hair flowers starting. Taking the nuits nicely. Gave 1L of nuits at 780 ppm at 5.8 ph.

6 years ago

Day: 84

Jan 18/19. 930 pm. First day of flower. (F1). Still giving transitions nuits. 2ml grow, 2ml micro, 2ml bloom 4.5 ml cal mag. Came out to 645 ppm at 5.8ph. Pistols are really shouting out from plants and some are now producing small flower strains.

6 years ago

Day: 81


Jan 15/19. 830 pm. Transitioning to flower. Gave transition ratios of even parts. 2 ml grow, 2 ml micro, 2 ml bloom and 4 ml cal mag. Came out to 580 ppm at 5.8 ph. Gave both plants 2L each to make sure nuits got in. Kept light on 18/6. Will leave on the same rotation until fully into flower stage.

6 years ago

Day: 78


Jan 12/ 19 12 pm. Gave plants another aggressive feed ration. 3.5 ml cal mag, 3.5 grow, 3ml micro, 2.5 ml bloom. They were thirsty both got 1300ml. Came out 630ppm at 5.8 ph.

6 years ago

Day: 74

Jan 8/19. 830pm. Gave plants a watering of 5.8 ph water. Just under 1L each. No pic from then.

6 years ago

Day: 70


Jan 4/19 1115 am. Gave another feeding aggressive gro ratio. 3 ml cal mag, 3ml gro, 2.5 ml micro, 2 ml bloom. Came out to 510 ppm at 5.8 ph. Plants seem to be doing good after trim and no new nuit burn.

6 years ago

Day: 64


Dec 29/18 1200 pm. Gave plant another feeding of aggressive ratios. 2 1/2 ml cal mag, 2 1/2 ml gro, 2 ml micro , 1 1/2 ml bloom. Came out to 380 ppm at 6.8 ph. Ran 1L through both plants got a bit off run off. Also gave them a trim. Got rid of dead or dying leaves as well as lower stems and large fan leaves in the canopy.

6 years ago


Ducatiboy Hahahaha keep on trying buddy im rooting for you.

Day: 60


Dec 25/18 1205 am. Gave plants 1 L of 5.8 ph. Soil was dry.

6 years ago

Day: 54

Dec 19/18. 900 pm. Gave another feeding of aggressive grow ratios up’d my quantities. Gave 700 ml of 1/8 molasses , 2 ml cal mag, 2 ml gro , 1 1/2 micro , 1 ml bloom. 360 ppm at 5.8 ph. 700 ml seems to be enough to get run off. Plants are growing thick.

6 years ago

Day: 51


Dec 16/18 1150 am. Soil was dry and pot was light. Gave 1 L of water through both plants. Had just bit more run off then I wanted probably gave to much water. Next time try 700 ml.

6 years ago

Day: 45


Dec 10/18 9pm. Soil getting probably drier than I should have let it. Ran an aggressive grow mix according to general hydroponics. 321 ratio but different amounts. Mixed a gallon of water with 1 1/2 ml cal mag 1/8 tsp of molasses 1 1/2 gro 1 ml micro 1/2 ml bloom. Came out to 270 ppm at 5.8 ph. Ran 1 L of that water though plants until I had my little bit of run off. Gonna have to watch for nuit burn.

6 years ago

Day: 41

Dec 6/18 9pm. Checked on plants. Soil was getting dry and pits light. Gave a watering with 5.8 ph water at 84 ppm. Ran 1 L through until just running out the bottom.

6 years ago

BeetRoot What “soil” are you using? I am using Promix HP

Bigbudss Yea. I’m using the same soil.

Day: 37


Dec 2/18 1pm. Gave plants first flush. Ran 5.8 ph water though until I got a ppm of under 100 in the catch basin water. Then gave another feeding. Mixed up 2ml cal mag 1/4 tsp molasses and 1 ml each of the general hydroponics boom grow micro. Came out to be 350ppm and then ph to 5.8. Gave both plants a full gallon each and let excess run off before going back into tent.

6 years ago

Day: 35


Nov 30/18 11 pm. Checked in on plants. Soil is starting to get dry. Going to give it another day before another feeding. With less molasses this time to get the ppm’s down.

6 years ago

Day: 32

Nov 27 9pm. Gave plants another feeding. Went to an aggressive grow mix ratio but different amounts. 2 ml cal mag, 1/2 tsp molasses , 1 ml micro, 1 1/2 grow, 1/2 bloom. Came out to 469 ppm and then ph 5.8. Fed both plants until just draining out bottom. Will let plants get nice a dry and then give first flush.

6 years ago

Joshin_yah Your plants are telling you that your over feeding! With that lite nute burn! And holy humidity Batman!! You need a exhaust fan to maybe help lower your RH... suck some of that stale air our.. best of luck! Cheers

Day: 31


Nov 26/18. 1pm. Checked in on baby’s. seem to being do good. Both plants leaves are pointing straight out. Hopefully the roots are digging in nice since they were really badly root bound. Soil still pretty moist. Give another day or 2 before next feeding. Maybe change up my ratios.

6 years ago

Day: 29


Nov 24/18 2400 hrs. Transplant day. Ran 3 l nuits 1 ml of each and ph water with 1/2 teaspoon of unsulfered molasses. Ppm 240 ph 5.8 Through both new soil 3 l in each pot. Dug a hole in centre carefully transplanted. Route bound. Screwed up on this left plants way to long in solo cups. Once plants were in new pots I poured the remaining 2 L around where the plant was transplanted to work out air bubbles. 1L for each plant. Put back under 18/6 light.

6 years ago

Day: 27

Nov 22/ 18. 3pm. Check plants after being away for a bit. Soil was dry so decided to feed nuits. Same mix as before 1 ml of each total ppm 210 5.8 ph. Fed to water came out the bottom. Humidity was a bit low at 38% replaced sponge in water see if that helps.

6 years ago

Day: 23

Nov 18/18. 1300. Checked plants soil was dry and plants were drooping. Watered plant just with 5.8 ph water until coming out the bottom.

6 years ago

Day: 20

Nov 15/18. Checked plants. Soil was dry again have another feeding of nuits. Just until water coming out bottom.

6 years ago

Day: 18

Nov 13/18 1130. Checked plants soil was dry at the top. Gave plants another small feeding of nuits.

6 years ago

Day: 16


Nov 11/18. 1200. Gave plants first feeding. Mixed 1 ml of each general hydroponics products into 4L of water. Came out to 210 ppm and then ph down to 5.8. Feed plants until I saw water coming out. Poured water in gently in 2 dosages. Gave a little bit lighter dose then the packaging said for seedling and cuttings stage.

6 years ago

Day: 14

Nov 9/18 0930 checked on plants still both plants leaves curling down. Not sure what to do.

6 years ago

Day: 13


Nov 8/18 0930. 18/6 light schedule. Both plants are showing signs of something not good. Leaves are hanging and the first to true leaves on plant 2. Clipped those leaves to help promote growth else where. Something looks like it’s growing on plant 1 first true leaves as well. Will have to keep a close eye on it. Soil still moist. Will wait to check again at 2100 hrs. Ph 3L of water to 5.82 and put a litre in the spray bottle. Lowered humidity down to around 45 Rh. And temp around 22-24 lights on.

6 years ago

Day: 11


Nov 6/18 0330. Couldn’t sleep so checked on the babies. Cups were dry so watered. Just bottled water again. Slowly poured water until I saw water coming out the bottom.

6 years ago

Day: 10


Nov 5/ 18 0930. Checked plants Rh was actually at 75% drops quick with tent open. Soil at the top was dry but below was still moist. Gave the top of soil a couple quick sprays of water. Still just using bottled water for waterings. Will check tonight as cups were getting light if they need a real watering.

6 years ago

Day: 9

Nov 4/18 1100. Checked on plants. Soil still moist. Check again tomorrow. Rh was up above 80% when I opened tent. Not sure if that is good or bad. Wait to find out. 2nd node leaves seem to be growing fast. They look to be about half the size of the first node leaves. Raised light 2 inches.

6 years ago

Day: 8


Nov 3/18 0930 were dry so I watered. Had a bit drain out bottom. Check on them again 24 hrs.

6 years ago

Day: 7


Nov 2/18 0930. Checked plants. Didn’t water soil was still moist below the surface of the soil. Light is about 6 inches away from top of plants seems to be drying out top of soil. Which led me to over water cause I though they were dry.

6 years ago

Bigbudss Both plants have started their 2nd nodes right on top of the first set.

Day: 6

Nov 1/18 0930. Watered plants. Temp between 17-22c rh 65-73Rh. Probably have over watered. Plants look healthy put leafs are hanging down. Going to wait for soil to go dry.

6 years ago

Day: 4

Water plants. Soil wasn’t completely dry.

6 years ago

Day: 2

Oct 28/18 1115. Both seeds have produced their first nodes. Watered. Problem having to low of humidity. Placed an oscillating fan on low in tent with and lightly soaked sponge. Seems to be bringing up the Rh to around 73Rh.

6 years ago

Day: 2

Nov 22/18 3 pm. Sprouting out of the ground. First leaves followed by ting first true leaves. Prepared soil with 5.8 ph water ran just over 500 ml trough soil before point seed in. Tap root was about 3/4 inch long. But under light with ziplock over with loose to keep humidity high. Took off now that plant is 2 days out of soil. Re moistened with spray bottle 5.8 oh water.

6 years ago

Day: 1

Oct 26/18 0900. Plant day. First seed (seed 1) 3/4 long tap root 2nd seed (seed 2) 1/2 inch long tap root. Placed it soil pro mix soil in solo cup. Once in soil into tent with light on 18-6. Used bottled water for soil prep and watering at Ph of 7.28. Don’t have ph up or down supplies yet. TDS 96 ppm

6 years ago

Bigbudss Used crop king seeds unknown strain, feminized seeds