B+ Mark II
Second Try
Had a terrible fuckup during my first attempt so hoping this second batch will be more successful. B+ shrooms fruiting in a substrate of coco coir, vermiculite, and gypsum.
Psilocybe Cubensis B+
Day 29 (Week 5)
23 updates
25 photos
Day: 29

Third flush She was nice enough to wait til I came back from vacation to finish. What a good girl. Harvested throughout the day. Just kept taking the ones whose veil tore. Nice haul. Mixed in with outdoor mushrooms so no total weight. Soaked the cake, sprayed all surfaces with 3% hydrogen peroxide, covered, and put back into fruiting conditions.
5 years ago
Day: 22

2nd flush - Day 5 Lil babies is growin. Judging by the cap color they will be ready tomorrow. Some tight clusters this flush. And a couple of muties.
5 years ago
Day: 21

2nd flush - Day 4 Slow steady progress. Works for me this time. Going on vacation on Saturday so I’m hoping to harvest late Friday. Won’t be back til Tuesday so I’m hoping a slow steady pace is the hallmark of this tub :)
5 years ago
Day: 20

2nd flush - Day 3 Slow progress. All around. This tub does not seem to be in the headlong rush the others were. Lazy river style I guess. Other tubs have stalled as well. But this one is still showing daily activity. Misted and shoved her in her hole
5 years ago
Day: 19

2nd Flush - Day 2 Nothing much to update. Decent growth. Surface is looking a little mangled after my pull and twist a thon. Misted and tucked away
5 years ago
Day: 18

Flush one complete Pretty lil mushies. Nothing too dramatic size wise. Looking forward to the next few flushes as the mushrooms get much larger. Used the gentle twist and pull method to harvest. Tore up the substrate a bit, but definitely don’t want an orange tub like my others are. Also left quite a few more of the smaller mushrooms for the next harvest. May end up having to pluck them before the rest, but I wanna see em grow! Dry weight - 1 Flush - 11.6g
5 years ago
Day: 17

Got a few caps that are changing color. So far that has indicated a very close harvest time. This tub isn’t ready to full harvest yet. We might just have an early riser. Definitely spore print that fast sonofabitch
5 years ago
Day: 16

16 days into the spawn to bulk and she’s doin nice! Misting a couple times a day to keep that upper layer of mycelium wet. Really interested in seeing the weight on this tub.
5 years ago
Day: 15

Not much to update except for lookit dem sums bitches grow! Excited to see how well this tub does since it’s had good environmentals for its whole life. Yay
5 years ago
Day: 14

Nice growth on yesterday’s pins and a whole new slew of them popped up since yesterday. Misted and tucked away.
5 years ago
Day: 13

Plenty of packed pockets of pins are present. Little clusters are the main theme of today’s tub. Not a lot of singles popping up and things are relatively sparse. Misted the lid but the surface was showing moisture on it already so no need to mist. Carry on my mushroom friends
5 years ago
Day: 12

Pins pins pins!! Sweeeeeeeet. Pins are present and now we watch them grow for the next week or so. Excited for this tubs first flush!
5 years ago
Day: 11

Bright bright white and fluffy. Looks like a layer of cotton in there. Looks like there might be some pre pins in there as well. Knotting is apparently the term for that. The mycelium bunches up and turns into a pin. Goooooo pins!
5 years ago
Day: 10

No pins yet :(. Plenty of growth but still editing on the first pins Misted all surfaces and sent her back in her hole
5 years ago
Day: 9

Grow my pretties GROW!!! Looking forward to the pin set on this bad mamajana, cuz it’s the best mycelial sheet I’ve seen thus far (in my own attempts that is)
5 years ago
Day: 8

While I’ve got two other tubs that have already been harvested, this is my baby. Very excited to see what a tub looks like when you haven’t ducked it up :). So far she’s a beaut. The top layer looks fuzzy and soft and just keeps getting thicker. Excitement!
5 years ago
Day: 7

Excellent growth since yesterday. Very pleased with how this tub is working out. Just had a pretty weak harvest of my other two tubs and I’m hoping the consistent conditions allows me to see what this mushroom can really grow into
5 years ago
Day: 6

Noice! Lil fingers poking out everywhere. This tub has got its bit in its teeth and is off to the races. Good on ya girl. Misted covered and back in the hole.
5 years ago
Day: 5

Go go go little rhyzo go!! Excellent spread from yesterday to today. Misted her down and shoved her back in the hole.
5 years ago
Day: 4

The first little rhizomorphic fingers are reaching out of the casing layer! She’s coming along nicely
5 years ago
Day: 3

Surface is broken. First lil mycelial footprint has worked its way through the casing layer. So far so good. Misted surfaces and plopped her back in the closet. Her sister tubs are doing great!
5 years ago
Day: 2

Nothing to update yet. Waiting for those first spots of mycelium to surface above the casing layer. Put the entire spawn bag in a single shoebox instead of splitting between two. Should spawn faster
5 years ago
Day: 0

Had a terrible fuckup during my first attempt so hoping this second batch will be more successful. B+ shrooms fruiting in a substrate of coco coir, vermiculite, and gypsum.
5 years ago