
Day 14

Day 14

Moved the plants over to bigger pots the night before. Roots were white and feather like and not in a ball at the bottom. Probably could have waited a few more days but I think it will be ok. When I moved the plants I had to stand them up some with soil. Checked on them this morning and they look good for the stress the night before. Ran water on them yesterday. Won’t water again till Thursday. Started a new bucket of water with an air stone and will PH it later on. Plan on dropping a couple seeds today when water is ready. The solo cups did a great job and will use them again. Also I did not rinse out soil like I did for the solo cups and seeds. Figured these plants were big enough for the nuts in the soil already (feared the soil being too hot) anyway lights off for 4 hours this morning. Will try out the LED once we turn them back on.

Day 14

Day 14 (Week 2)

1 update

4 photos

Day: 14


Day 14

6 years ago