
Yoda OG

Late Spring 2020

Clone started in solo cup

Yoda OG

Day 35 (Week 5)

12 updates

15 photos

Day: 35

Yay! More low stress straining, using paper clips

5 years ago

Day: 34

She’s been pulled back to life. Sprayed some Neem oil to get rid of the buggys. Her color’s getting darker, making tons of new growth. Hang in there :)

5 years ago

Day: 29

Most of the new growth has gained their color back, the rest of the leaves are slowly recovering too. While the two flushes washed away most of the fertilizer in the medium. I’ll start feeding her organic fertilizer (chicken manure tea) weekly from now on

5 years ago

Day: 26

Transplanted into 7 gallon fabric container, performed a second flush on her, then put on some dead leaves for mulching. Gotta keep the algae away. She’s definitely looking greener since the flush. I’m super glad I didn’t just follow my initial instinct and put more fertilizer in for her due to the extremely similar symptoms, that would prob kill her already. !!! Beginner 103: nutrient deficiency has very similar symptoms to nutrient lockout because they are essentially the same thing. Unsuitable soil environment makes the plant reject to uptake any nutrient, resulting in discoloring all over the plant simultaneously due to nutrient deficiency. And if ur discoloring does not start at the bottom leaf, instead of feeding them more nutrient they cannot take, u should flush her instead, washing out most of the residual heavy salt that’s in the soil, and balance ur pH level for optimal nutrient uptake.

5 years ago

Day: 22

Day one after flush, can’t visibly see the differences yet, but she does look perkier, leafs are expanding instead of curling up like the day before

5 years ago

Day: 21

Yoda is looking very pale compare to the healthy Pineapple Express next to her, worried sick about her. From the color of the leaves, I originally suspected a common Nitrogen Deficiency, yet her discoloring doesn’t start from bottom, she’s pretty evenly pale. Her pH level is relatively normal between 6-6.5. After heavy researching I concluded she’s suffering from a nutrient lockout instead, resulted from the Walmart soil containing heavy salts. !!!Beginner 102: don’t use Walmart soil directly for cannabis plants, they are unsuitable for them to successfully uptake nutrients, if u gotta do it, fully mix it with fluffy, unfertilized soil and perlite and pick out the big chunks. I performed a flush with filtered tap water on her, 5 flushes down hope she will start to recover

5 years ago

Day: 18

Low Stress Training using paper clip, bent her main stem down, so now she will have 4 main colas

5 years ago

Day: 15

Making lots of new leaves, looking healthy overall, notice slight discoloring

5 years ago

Day: 12

Transplant into 1 gallon container, despite her geno being a slow-grower, she’s bushing up real quick

5 years ago

Day: 5

Not much changes in her beside one yellowing leaf. Not worried thou, cuz yellowing=rooting, get stronger soon :)

5 years ago

Day: 3

The one on the right is Yoda, she already has quirky slightly curled leaves that u can easily identify from the Pineapple Express next to her

5 years ago

Day: 1

Clone has spent weeks before I got them, accidentally ripped her roots off during transplanting, beginner 101, don’t don’t that :) girl’s tough and she made it thru

5 years ago