

Discoloration on seedlngs.

Yellow spots on seedlngs.

Both blue dream seedlings started presenting purplish in color yesterday. This morning I found some yellowing. No bugs. They are growing very well otherwise. I have not started feeding yet.

Blue Dream

Day 14 (Week 2)

3 updates

3 photos

Day: 14

Purplish with yellow spotting.

3 years ago


MrStopPlayin Early stage of nutrient burn wat soil u using

Day: 14

2nd Blue Dream seedling presenting purplish color and yellow spots. Haven’t started feeding yet.

3 years ago

Day: 14

1 of two exhibiting purplish leaves with some yellow spots.

3 years ago


emaj7b5 I think the problem may be too much light from my LED. Going to cut back a bit, especially with the 2 Amnesia Haze seedlings that are day 2.

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz That’s kinda typical I’d adjust that light just in case