PJ’s home grown

PJ’s home grown

And we are back

After taking 4 months off I’m back

3 fem seeds / 3 regular mystery seeds. Just decided impulsively that I wanted to get my hands back in the dirt.

Ice Cream Cake and my friends mystery seeds

Day 141 (Week 21)


8 updates

25 photos

Day: 141

Cut half down a week ago. Half just the other day. Just tried my first bit of the ice cream cake. It’s lovely. Obviously still needs to cure. But gotta give yourself some samples here and there.

2 years ago

Day: 111


“Just two more weeks bro” in that weird limbo time.

2 years ago

Day: 96


Top dressed a couple days ago. Only one of the 5 plants are looking underwhelming. The rest are growing lovely. I figure I’m just under a month to the finish line.

2 years ago

Day: 84


The stretch is beginning. Another month or so to go.

2 years ago


Jake-the-Bud Wow you got a great setup! She is looking 🔥

Day: 76


Had to separate into 2 tents. This is week 2 ish of flower.

2 years ago

Day: 27

Repotted with what was left of my dirt and nutrients. Need to get some more supplies.

2 years ago


organic_grower Back on the grow! Nice work PJ 🇨🇦👊

Day: 18

One didn’t make it. But they are starting to get more sturdy. Give them another week and I’ll move em to bigger pots.

2 years ago

Day: 0

Planted right into the dirt. This method has been pretty kind to me. Starting them under cheap Amazon lights while I clean up My grow room and install a tent.

2 years ago