
Jabba OG

Summer 2019

Three bucket Deep Water Culture. Grow tent 24” x 24” x 48” (little small but just will have to do for now)


Day 11 (Week 2)

6 updates

9 photos

Day: 11

Bellsprout- looks like she is growing well. Monalissa- looks like she is taking her time. I did an experiment. I gave Bellsprout some nutritions and I gave Monalissa very little. As expect Monalissa isn’t growing as much. So today I gave her a little more to see if it helps. I’m also constantly watering the plants from the top until the roots get big enough. PH Levels: 6 Ppm: 220

5 years ago

Day: 7

So I named my plants. The one to the left is Bellsprout and the one on the right is Monalissa. Bellsprout started to grow stretching out. Today I bent the bottom of the stem back and forth until I got it straight. Hopefully this will cause it to grow straight again. Monalissa is doing her thing! Current light cycle is 18 on 4 off. Temperature low of 73 high of 97 today. I left my door closed today so I won’t be doing that anymore. Humidity is at a low of 32 and high of 85. Going to keep my humidifier on 24/7 now. Taking a picture of the current status of the room

5 years ago

Day: 5

Removed the dome and started to put the plants in the tent. Had the led lights 6 inches away from the plant. I don’t like how the one stem is curved. Did some research now I’m going to have the lights 16 inches above them and see how they turn out tomorrow.

6 years ago

Day: 4

Growing strong 💪🏽

6 years ago

Day: 3

Surprisingly starting to see them sprout already!! Current humidity: ranging from 70 to 75 Temperature: 77F

6 years ago

Day: 2

Germinating them in starter cell. Keeping temp around 79F Keeping Humidity around 70 -75% Only germinating 2 I have more but I’m hold on just in case

6 years ago