Cloned Godfather OG
6 of the clone
I clone 6 of it and its all rooted. only 1 of them are in the living soil. Air temp: 25.5c Water temp: 25.5c light: Leafpy grow LP8 800w
Godfather O.G. living soil vs soil
Day 113 (Week 17)
56 updates
402 photos
Day: 113
day 51st. need a little bit of time for them.
2 years ago
Day: 110
day 48th looks fat today!
2 years ago
Day: 105
day 43rd of flowering. god it’s so dense now.they started to tipped.
2 years ago
Caliban Nice crop! You can grow a trellis net up and support those donkey dicks 👍
Caliban Throw
harem_king i will put the net up. but if it’s about to get ripe I might just go with the rope and that’s it. Thanks man!!!
Day: 100
Day 38th
2 years ago
Day: 98
getting fat now. day 36 of flowering
2 years ago
ig:@eaegifts Looking really nice..pic 5 🔥🔥
Day: 96
they are really sticky now. my ph pen act crazy lately. I might change the fertilizer to ph perfect. for a month or get a a new ph pen.day 34 of flowering
2 years ago
Day: 91
i bump up the fertilizer. the TDS reading is 900
2 years ago
Day: 88
looks good now
2 years ago
Day: 83
so before I went to japan on 1st Jan I do the soil test and boy! the ph is went off so much and it’s over fertilizer as well. so I had my employees fed them less than usual. but right now they are all good. I will fed them normal now. and on the outdoor realm start to flower. and for the indoor it’s about 20ish days of flowering
2 years ago
Day: 68
for indoor i fed them 2ml/L of Calmag,Bigbud 3ml/L of Terpinator and micro grow bloom.TDS@1400. And on out door 2ml/L of Calmag,Bigbud 3ml/L of Terpinator and micro grow bloom.TDS@1230
2 years ago
Day: 67
the pistils started to show more. outdoor section shows alot of stress, i water them a little bit more than usual.
2 years ago
Day: 64
not sure is it going to flower ornot for the outside.
2 years ago
harem_king @zylinuis all cloned fem here. i always buy fem so i never have an experience on that.
harem_king I see! @Zylinuis i followed your account already. I want to check your progress on the method. I think it’s possible.
Day: 63
hope the outdoor will flower.
2 years ago
Day: 60
so i put other godfather og outside too. hope they flower in this short day in bangkok(the sun goes down at 5pm for a week now) And on the flowering room still no sign of flower. fed them 3ml of Calmag Terpinator 2ml of B52 Bigbud 3.5ml of Micro Grow Bloom.
2 years ago
leland3471 Nice set up.
trichome_kid That’s so cool it’s winter and snowing at my home right now :)
harem_king Thanks leland
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Day: 59
the outdoor section looks bad. the heat is quite high. but the indoor was doing fine.
2 years ago
Day: 58
fed the girls on the flower room a 3ml/L of Calmag Terpinator Micro Grow Bloom 2ml/L of B52 and Bigbud. And for the girls out side I gave them 3ml/L of Calmag Terpinator 2ml/L of B52 and Bigbud and 4ml/L of Micro Grow Bloom from Siam Growroom.
2 years ago
Day: 57
not yet flower. 3ml/L of Calmag Terpinator 2ml/L of B52and bigbud 3ml/L of MicroGrowBloom. some of them I put outside to flower. rn the light outside is 12-12 so i hope they flower.
2 years ago
Day: 56
the plant that are still in veg room looks better. but the space in flowering room is full already. thinking about put it outside.
2 years ago
Day: 56
fed them as usual
2 years ago
Day: 54
3of them goes in to flowering room and 3 of them are still in the veg room(seems to have a overfed problem going on so I heal them first). 3ml/L of Calmag Terpinator Micro Grow Bloom 2ml/L of B52 and Bigbud.
2 years ago
Day: 52
2ml/L of calmag b52 3ml/L of micro grow bloom
2 years ago
Day: 50
the new growth looks sad.
2 years ago
Day: 49
OVER FERTILIZATION. These girls got too much yesterday. So today I gave them 1ml/L of micro grow bloom calmag b52 Terpinator and Bigbud.
2 years ago
Day: 47
fed them 3ml/l of Micro Grow Bloom Calmag Bigbud Trepinator. tomorrow will check the leaves, If they are ok i will keep feed them this.
2 years ago
Day: 47
3ml/L of Micro Grow Bloom Calmag Bigbud terpinator and 2ml/L of B52.
2 years ago
Day: 47
3ml/L of Micro Grow Bloom Calmag Bigbud terpinator and 2ml/L of B52.
2 years ago
Day: 43
fed them 3ml/L of MicroGrowBloom B52 Calmag bigbud and terpinator. Next week I will put them in to the flower room.
2 years ago
Day: 41
girls looks healthy! all the wounds are healed. today they get 2ml/L of Micro Grow Bloom + Bigbud + B52 + Terpinator and CalMag.
2 years ago
Day: 40
getting crowded in here! 2ml/L of Micro Grow Bloom + B52 + Bigbud + Terpinator + Calmag.
2 years ago
Day: 39
gave them 2ml/L of Micro grow bloom b52 bigbud and calmag. the leave’s getting so big.
2 years ago
Day: 38
they getting so big right now. the fan leaves starts to getting larger. 2ml/L of Micro grow bloom+B52+BigBud+Calmag
2 years ago
organic_grower All your plants are looking awesome!
harem_king thank you!!
Day: 36
1.5ml/L of Micro Grow Bloom bigbud b52 Terpinator is what they get. Forgot to put Calmag in.
2 years ago
Day: 35
fed them with 1.5ml/L of Micro Grow Bloom bigbud b52 Terpinator and Calmag .
2 years ago
Day: 34
1ml/L of Micro Grow Bloom B52 Bigbud, Calmag.
2 years ago
Day: 33
Today, they get 2ml/L of Micro,Grow,Bloom+B52+calmag and I spray them with Boron calcium.
2 years ago
Day: 31
they started to grow so fast now. fed them as usual.
2 years ago
Day: 31
today they got the same as yesterday.
2 years ago
Day: 30
fed them same as usual.
2 years ago
Day: 29
They started to grow fast.I fed them same as usual. but today I sprayed with some supplement. and that’s it One of them has variegated leaves. not sure why.
2 years ago
Day: 28
all good for today.
2 years ago
Reckless mind Dude am super jelly of all the space you’ve got! I only have 2x2 haha
harem_king Thanks man!! your purple haze gonna fill up the whole 2x2 tent! happy growing!
Reckless mind Hopefully! That’s the plan! Hey harem will you pass by and check my last update, maybe you’ll know what is wrong with Alegria, it’s got some dark spots :/
Day: 28
I fed them the same as yesterday. but I reduced the water less than yesterday. I notice the the soil is a little bit wet.
2 years ago
Day: 27
I feed them same as yesterday. some of them had a problem.
2 years ago
Day: 24
today I fed them advanced nutrients b52-micro-grow-bloom, SV Biotech’s npk stimulant and CalMag at 1.5ml/L.
2 years ago
Day: 23
Today I water them less than yesterday. I noticed that the soil is still wet.
2 years ago
Day: 21
there’s some spot of the disease going on. I will look it up and fix it today
2 years ago
Day: 20
Today I fed them 1ml/L of Micro,Grow,Bloom,B52 by advance nutrient,CalMag and NPK Biostimulant by SVbiotech. Prune and topped them a little bit. A little one doesn’t got the chance to get in a bigger pot yet.
2 years ago
Day: 19
I feed everyone 1ml/L of everything. still growing..
2 years ago
dinin I would think 1ml of acetone wouldn’t be a good idea 🤔 what’s “everything” ? Lol
harem_king sorry I just mark it for my self. to lazy to type. 1ml/l of Advance nutrient micro,Grow,Bloom ,CalMag,B52,and a seaweed extract.
dinin No I was being silly no worries at all, I would recommend at most putting it at the top of your grow log, you can edit the description to make it easier . Otherwise that’s on me I found the other post ;) I use the same brand lol
Day: 18
water at the same fertilizer ratio.
2 years ago
Day: 18
the one that still left in the small pot has to get out from the box. i need to buy the soil for this girl now
2 years ago
Day: 17
this girl stays in the living soil. let’s compare.
2 years ago
Day: 17
advance nutrient : micro grow bloom b52 1ml/L and Cal-Mag
2 years ago
Day: 17
Living soil baby.
2 years ago
Day: 16
5 of them placed near the mother plants
2 years ago
Day: 16
this guy still need a pot. I already ordered. will be arrive on next 3 days.
2 years ago
Day: 16
this girl got the piggest roots of all 6
2 years ago
Day: 16
advance nutrient : micro grow bloom b52 1ml/L and Cal-Mag
2 years ago
dinin OOh you’re using AN, great nutrients 👌