12/12 From Seed SOG/ no trimming
One gallon pots Sea of Green with GYO seedbank seeds: 2 Narkush REG 6 THC Bomb REG. 1 pineapple chunk fem 1 LA Sage CBD fem 1 crystal queen fem 1 sour mango fem 5x5 tent Remo nutrients Ocean forest soil 2000w Bestva reflector series FS LED 4” CF No Co2 / non Sealed grow No trimming / topping or pruning just natural shape
Variety grow
Day 39 (Week 6)
40 updates
165 photos
Day: 39

Chugging right along here and all plants are confirmed female so I’m happy. They are seemingly alright and the middle one has a crazy bud going in the middle already. I checked the LUX with the light meter and they are getting 25-30k so things are on par. I thought they were reaching for light but it’s just the flower stretch I guess As a side note, more for myself than anything, I’m letting the temps dip to 65F at night in an attempt to bring some colors out if any may have some
6 years ago
ClandestineWestOz All going well in here mate, keep up the good work.
T3RR3T I got worried for a moment.
Day: 39

I’m deleting this account for personal reasons, good luck everyone and keep growing
6 years ago
ClandestineWestOz Sorry to hear that mate. I hope to see you return someday.
T3RR3T Will miss seeing how this turns out
Zerocool Take care!! Thanks
Day: 38

Still growing and I’m still loving it. Most of the THC Bomb girls are coming in with tight internode buds that are gonna shape nicely. Except the big tall one, she inherited sativa genetics I think. All are females except the pineapple chunk which isn’t showing yet
6 years ago
ClandestineWestOz I’m hoping your pineapple chunk is female for you too bro it ducks loosing plants to gonad syndrome.
Merch I know seriously, I’m keeping a close eye this grow with plenty of tent time, just paying attention to as much as I can
Adambritsch These aren’t autos? I didn’t No you could do 12/12 from the start.
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Day: 37

Things are going ok here, I still think they are getting too much nutes even at half strength although the description does say dark green leaves. The coming water will be fresh next so I’m sure it’s fine
6 years ago
ClandestineWestOz Are you watering in between each feed of nutrients? If not try that. But your right, there are a lot of strains with dark foliage.
ClandestineWestOz That back middle plant is stretching big time mate. Are they in order from short at front to tallest at back?
Merch Yeah I’m on a feed/fresh/feed cycle with half strength nutes and am just trying to not over do it. And that plant has been growing faster than the others the whole time I think it’s showing sativa traits since the others are bushy and roughly the same, I put it on the outside so I don’t get light burn
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Day: 36

Crystal queen confirmed female and starting to bud now I can’t believe how fast the tallest THCB is producing bud, it’s looking really good for the genetics on that one. Narkush triple is still one funky girl but it’s ok Tripple nugs is shaping up nicely lol
6 years ago
Day: 35

One Narkush is a female, the triple set one, which makes me happy to see how it turns out I set things up how I want them for the final stages and won’t be moving things too much now since they are budding
6 years ago
ClandestineWestOz Love seeing these plants progress mate, I’ve never seen a 12/12 from seed experiment but read about a few on forums. Interested to see how it all goes 👍
Merch Thanks man I’m loving the experiment too, so far I’ve realized that they don’t start to bud until they have at least 4 -5 nodes or at 2-3 weeks so you can definitely do this and save a ton on electricity
Day: 34

Fed a few today, white widow is a male, nothing else to report here.
6 years ago
Erballesence Have you done this type of grow before?
Day: 33

Another female confirmed making all 6 THCB female. Narkush is growing in a triple formation which is cool, still not showing, the others are still too small. The larger THCB are developing bud now The LED makes them look all crazy colors but they are a healthy green, no burnt tips or anything not dark either and no red stems except Narkush
6 years ago
ClandestineWestOz Yeah the spectrum of the led lights makes it hard to see how healthy the plant actually looks but I just turn off the blue and red spectrums and check with the white lights.
Merch I usually take them out of the grow tent to water them so The runoff goes down the drain and not in the tent and it’s crazy the difference of the white VS full spectrum
Day: 32

Another THC Bomb male pulled today making 5 female confirmed and 1 still to be determined. Things look ok today and Narkush still looks gnarly. I hope one of the 2 is female, they are still not showing. I am very glad I started the other 5 feminized assorted ones even if they only produce one bud each I like watching them grow.
6 years ago
Day: 31

One of the Narkush was a male, I wouldn’t be surprised if they all are, they are still growing all crazy. That makes 2 of 10 now and those 2 are not looking good. Could be my fault but I think it’s bad genetics too. Two more THC Bomb females 👍 Still waiting on the feminized ones to show, they are still not mature so it might be another week Been on 12/12 since FEB 12th so basically I’m just gonna harvest them as they finish. This should be fun to see
6 years ago
ClandestineWestOz Dinner plate leaves 🍁 pic 2. They are going great mate 👍
Day: 30

I found another THCB male and also confirmed 2 THCB females, I’m happy the biggest one is a girl. I’m pretty sure the issue I was having with my plants was due to incorrect soil PH. My runoff was reading 5.9 which is way too low, so I watered with plain 7 until I reached 6.5 runoff on each plant. I always PH my water but haven’t checked runoff in two weeks. I think it was the happy frog compost that I mixed in with the ocean forest, it’s too hot. Lesson learned I guess. I hope this won’t hurt the grow too much but only time will tell.
6 years ago
Bcoops26 I added some happy frog to my soil in my grow and had some weird issues pop up too.
Merch Yeah I’ll pass on it next time, but I guess that’s how you learn
ClandestineWestOz Damn that blows! It’s not impossible to replant them and and replace that soil. They’re still young and can be repotted right until it’s going to be flipped to flower. Good soil is expensive though and you’ve already shelled out the coin.
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Day: 29

Soil is nice and dry now, and “the claw” is disappearing, not completely but almost. It seems that it was from the lack of air in the soil. I aerated it with a small rod and am gonna wait for them to wilt untilI I water again. I’m going to bust out the 120x tomorrow and check sex on a few that are showing a bit. The last picture of the THCB in the orange pot seems like it is deficient but I’m not positive. Yellowing in the leaves a bit in between the veins.
6 years ago
ClandestineWestOz They are looking great buddy
ClandestineWestOz Are you feeding them?
Day: 28

None are showing sex yet. I’m getting some clawing leaves but not signs of toxicity I think it’s from the soil issue but seems to be getting better.
6 years ago
Day: 27

Pulled the first male today, of course it was one of the bigger THC bomb plants it had obvious male sacs for being that young which is surprising. Plants are perking up now that they are drying out. The one I pulled had very healthy white roots so I’m not as concerned about root rot as I was yesterday. Narkush is coming out of its slump too
6 years ago
Grantofearth Coming along well!
Merch Thanks, It’s an experiment I’ve been wanting to try for a while. I’m excited to see what happens
Zerocool Yeah. These are looking good!
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Day: 26

I’m running into an issue with the soil not drying out, I haven’t watered in a while I think I was soaking too much of the soil when the plants were too small. The larger plants are drinking it up faster for sure. The humidity is good now and the soil is drying out faster so I’ll try to not soak the smaller ones in the future. Also this sounds crazy to type out while looking at the tiny plants but this ends week 1 of flower lol
6 years ago
Day: 25

I removed the raised floor since It was actually reducing the 5x5 footprint to more of a 4x4. The dehumidifier is in and hooked to the sensor since it was getting a little higher than I wanted. Large fan is in and little fans are out now that the platform is gone I prefer the large oscillating fan. I did remove any lower leaves that were touching the soil or close to allow more air flow. I believe the higher humidity of 60-65% was lowering the amount of water they take in through the roots so I’m looking to drop it down and encourage root take up. Just an idea I may be off the mark there.
6 years ago
Day: 24

Pretty fun to just watch them grow naturally and not do any trimming or training. A few leaves are drooping a bit But I just watered
6 years ago
Day: 23

Took the large fan out, wasn’t liking it, just sticking with the two small ones, I think it was a little much. Plants seem ok but I’m checking for issues often. A couple plants seem hungry and some have red stems and are darker so I may need to pay close attention to individual feeding based on strain needs. Red stems may be traits but are also an indication of a toxicity and so is dark leaves, but it’s the messed up genetics Narkush so I’m not totally sure
6 years ago
Day: 22

Light feed today and shuffled plants to rotate sweet spot.
6 years ago
Day: 21

Gonna move them around tomorrow after I water them. NarK still growing haggard as f**k, it basically topped itself because the main stem it’s all jacked up. I’m gonna call it Chernobyl kush if it’s not a thing already.
6 years ago
Day: 20

Cut a hole for the large fan and have it oscillating. Narkush looks so gnarly I think it was supposed to be Gnarkush lol. I’m curious how they will turn out since they grow so deformed, I’m not pulling any plant unless it’s producing pollen so we’ll see. Anyone ever experienced a bad seed pack like this? Or even grown Narkush? Any info is always nice.
6 years ago
Zerocool My girls had issues like that at the beginning. They grew out of it. Ugly duckling stage maybe
Day: 19

Today I’m flipping them to 12/12, this will be interesting to see, I’m excited about the really little ones and how they will end up. This is DEFINITELY an experiment so just bear with me.
6 years ago
Day: 18

Pineapple chunk and LA Sage CBD popped today and look great. I know it’s late but Narkush looks terrible but is still growing so it’s a good Idea to have a few more maybe. Gonna flip photo period soon, let the little ones get some good leaves and then send it. Friday most likely
6 years ago
Day: 17

Quick update
6 years ago
Day: 16

Growth is increasing and Narkush still looks haggard but is pushing through
6 years ago
Day: 15

Kicked on the bloom and veg setting today to give them some more light and they are loving it. Rotating plants around as needed is a bonus of this setup for sure and also I can judge watering by weight As a note Narkush is not looking like very good genetics the only ones that popped up and lived are growing strangely but I guess well see. I germinated another pineapple chunk and LA Sage CBD just Incase a few of the Narkush are slow White widow, crystal queen and sour mango are growing very symmetrical and hearty so far I’m happy with how they just popped right up and got to growing. Genetics seems to be important in early stage growth for sure.
6 years ago
Day: 14

Down to 15 and switching to 12/12 next week
6 years ago
Day: 13

Pineapple chunk seeds aren’t doing well, they can’t crack the shell for whatever reason, I took them off with tweezers but they are dying it seems like, everything else is doing well
6 years ago
Day: 12

All but LA sage CBD and sweet tooth are up now. Gave first VERY light feeding to the bigger ones and they took right off today
6 years ago
Day: 11

Crystal queen popped up first waiting on another 5
6 years ago
Day: 10

18-6 light cycle now to give them a bit of rest from 24 on
6 years ago
Day: 9

6 years ago
Day: 8

Things are going ok so far THCB is gonna be further ahead than the others but there’s nothing I can do about that, and it shouldn’t matter too much.
6 years ago
Day: 7

Still waiting on some seeds while others are off to the races
6 years ago
Day: 7

6 seeds were too long popping up and were just not good In my opinion, so I planted: White widow regular x1 Crystal Queen feminized x1 Sweet tooth feminized x1 Pineapple chunk feminized x1 LA sage feminized x1 Sour mango feminized x1 I’m still running 24hour light and will continue to do so until All the plants develop past seedling stage.
6 years ago
ClandestineWestOz My buddy Twindad is growing that pineapple chunk, he’s in this app. Look forward to seeing how these babies turn out 👍
Merch Thanks man I’m hoping for a better result than my last grow, I’m gonna pay close attention this time around
Day: 5

Narkush seeds are popping up now. Not all but most seems to be just a little slower, I wonder which will grow faster since they are both Indica.
6 years ago
Day: 4

All THCB have sprouted nicely, still no Narkush seeds up yet
6 years ago
Day: 2

After careful consideration I’ve decided to run 24 hour light until they are out of seedling stage to give them a better start. I’m thinking maybe a week considering the THCB seeds are all already sprouting, the Narkush is going to be slower for sure.
6 years ago
Day: 1

THC bomb seeds all popped with flying colors but Narkush was not so promising with only half cracked open and very small tap roots compared to THCB. I planted them all with Great White Mycorrhizae and cleaned and set up the new Op a little different this time. No Dehumidifier since It doesn’t kick on ever because I’m not using a closed room this time, and no Co2. I screwed posts for the fans and everything is within reach of the front door all the controls, everything. It will be much smoother this time and I won’t be trimming because that is what I believe stressed out the girls last time. Humidity at 65% and 12/12 starts now.
6 years ago
Day: 0

Just getting these germinated using paper towel method with Great White Mycorrhizae and a heated pad. These are not feminized so roughly half will be male worst case scenario. Both packs were like 20$ each so even if only half are females that’s 2$ each plant. I will be doing 12/12 from seed to keep them small and keep the grow time down as well as electrical costs.
6 years ago
Scuba Where did u get them