
White Widow Auto Outdoor #2 - Earthbox

summer 2019

First try using an earthbox

White Widow Autoflower

Day 104 (Week 15)

28 updates

56 photos

Day: 104

Plant was harvested on day 102.

5 years ago

Day: 100

Getting fat

5 years ago

Day: 98

Getting close... maybe another week?

5 years ago

Day: 95

Getting closer...

5 years ago

Day: 91

Back inside. Tons of rain. Growing

5 years ago

Day: 82


It’s huge 3.5x3.5 feet now Loving the sun and 99F heat outdoors Probably a few weeks left

5 years ago

Day: 67

Sugar leaves have started forming

5 years ago

Vashli88 Seems they are getting a lot of sunlight 👍🏼

Vashli88 It’s been long, we’ve not heard from you. Update us with plant status 😁

Day: 63

Outside partying again. Hoping for tons of sun 🌞 the next month or so

5 years ago

Vashli88 Looks really nice and healthy 👍🏼 Congrats ^_^

Hman2853 Thanks! Need the buds to start getting bigger

Day: 60


Back outside. It’s huge. Need buds to get going though

5 years ago

Day: 48

Another massive defoliation. Struggling to keep RH below 60

5 years ago

Day: 40


Plant has been fed twice about 1/2 gallon each time. Feeding 1/2 strength fox farms trio and some big bud. Big defoliation yesterday but you can hardly tell! The stretch has begun!

5 years ago

Day: 39


Big defoliation today as flowering continues

5 years ago

Day: 38


Did 1/4 dose of Fox Farms trio earlier today- did about 1/2 gallon split between top feed and res. Minor light or nute burn. Moved lights up, plant looks good. Plant is 8 inches tall

5 years ago

Goochie22 That plant looks amazing and healthy!! I’m really interested in the HLG light u are using...what would u recommend for a 4x4 tent with 4 plants??...check my grow out if u get a chance!! U Grow is dope!

Hman2853 Thanks! I’m using a HLG 100 v2 in 3000k. You could get four of them for your 4x4 and dedicate one to each plant. Or the HLG 550 will flower a 4.5x4.5 area. The HLG leds make a big difference

Goochie22 Oh ok so what’s the most cost effective way?...the 550 is big💰💰

Day: 34

Defoliated today

5 years ago

Day: 33

Recovered from LST, had to turn fan down a bit because leaves were curling, temps are 83f lights on and humidity is 40-45%, looks to be liking the indoor life

5 years ago

Day: 32


Flowering. Moved indoors under an HLG 100 v2 in 3k

5 years ago

Day: 27

First signs of flowering

6 years ago

Day: 25

Tucked some fan leaves today

6 years ago

Day: 23

Really growing now!

6 years ago

Hman2853 2nd LST sesh complete

Day: 20

Lst began yesterday

6 years ago

Day: 19


As tall as my iPhone. LST’d today

6 years ago

Day: 14

Lots of sun in the forecast for the next week! Plant is 3 inches tall

6 years ago

Day: 12


It’s raining outside for the next three days. Plants are in shed with a 60w light bulb on them 😭 They are close to getting topped. Very light nutrient feeding again yesterday

6 years ago

Day: 9

Growing. Put some lite nutes in reservoir this morning

6 years ago

Day: 8


Survived a rain storm yesterday. The leaves turned down and then back up when it stopped raining. One of the leafs is missing a third side

6 years ago

Day: 6


6 years ago

Day: 5

A little growth overnight

6 years ago

Day: 4

Just placed in earthbox today. Using perlite mixed with ocean forest. No nutrients added yet

6 years ago