Jack Sparrow Jr.

Lets try that again

Coco- perlite tri-part feed

Cindarella Jack (Sparrow) Auto

Day 36 (Week 6)


8 updates

12 photos

Day: 36

Used some bending clips to open up the plant in the middle. Now all new nodes can grow straight ☝. Only a little afraid that he wont be able to support its weight once he starts flowering.

3 years ago

Day: 35

Havent posted a update in some while, but he is doing awesome!

3 years ago

Day: 21

Jack is just doing great as of now. Seems to be responding really well to the fimming. Also, it doesn't feel like the fimming slowed down the growth in the slightest.

3 years ago

Day: 19


So what do u think, will these become 4 main branches?

3 years ago


HeritageSecretGarden Could did ya fim it


HeritageSecretGarden Very well could maybe more

Day: 16

Would this suffice as fimming?

3 years ago

optix4207 Yes it would

Day: 15

She is growing, they hating.

3 years ago


organic_grower This plant is riiiidin dirty. 👍


organic_grower Looks good!


G3NTs My other one is looking considerably strange though.

Day: 9

He is doing great. Gonna try topping it at one point.

3 years ago

Day: 7

The little jack growing its first leaves.

3 years ago