Fall 2023
BlakerBoy is strand my brother hybridized and hopefully a few of the seeds are feminized.
Day 36 (Week 6)
18 updates
37 photos
Day: 36
2nd trimming. Made 4 nodes. 2 on each branch.
a year ago
Day: 36
1 day after trimming and they look sharper already.
a year ago
Day: 31
Looking good. The 3rd nodes are growing strong. A little heat damage on a couple leaves.
a year ago
Day: 30
The unknown strain is looking good. Hopefully it’s feminized.
a year ago
Day: 28
Some new growth.
a year ago
Day: 27
More growth
a year ago
Day: 26
1st round of trimming.
a year ago
Day: 22
Added more nutrients to the water.
a year ago
Day: 20
Started adding some Grow Big.
a year ago
Day: 15
Switched over to a bigger tent and pots. Foxfarm soil.
a year ago
Day: 11
More growth. Will need to move to larger pots soon.
a year ago
Day: 8
Another day.
a year ago
Day: 7
Not much growth today. Held off watering the smaller of the two. Hoping it starts growing soon.
a year ago
Day: 6
Not much growth the past couple days. Hoping they don’t die.
a year ago
jamiesworld They didn’t die. They have true leaves and if you look close you can see a new set in the center. Anyways, when they die or damp off it’s dramatic and usually before they have true leaves. If they get a set of nice ones like this they’re prolly gonna be fine. NO MORE WATERING NO MORE MISTING FOR TWO DAYS MIN.
growingfromseeds Thank you. Good to know. No water for a couple days.
jamiesworld Yeah let the soil dry out. They need so little water when they’re that size it’s nuts.
Day: 4
Second seed sprouted. I had to split them up.
a year ago
Day: 3
Day 3 continues to see a little growth. Humidity and temperature have stabilized.
a year ago
Day: 2
Got the temperature and humidity in the right range.
a year ago
Day: 1
Seeds sat in distilled water for 24 hours then transferred to a paper towel, soaked with distilled water, then sealed in a plastic bag and put up in the cabinet in the dark where it was relatively warm. The seedlings were then transferred to small red solo cups with a hole on the bottom cut out and starting soil potting soil for seedlings. The LED lights were placed 30 inches above the top of the soil on 30% power. A heater was turned on to increase the temperature to about 70° and wet paper towels were placed in the growing area to try to increase the humidity as well.
a year ago