

Purple Hulk Auto MSNL seeds

October 2020

4 purple hulks in 3 gal pots. Fox Farm Ocean Forest. Growing in a Mars Hydro 3x3 under a Mars Hydro TS1000 pulling 150 watts from the wall.

Purple Hulk MSNL

Day 81 (Week 12)

42 updates

111 photos

Day: 81

Another week or so left. The colors are amazing. Been a pleasure to grow

4 years ago

Day: 76

Ok day 76. Plant 4 is maybe a week to 2 out. This is exactly end of week 6 today. It’s an 8 to 10 week auto

4 years ago

Day: 71

Getting close to the end

4 years ago

Day: 66

No problems at all! No nute burn or any probs!

4 years ago

Day: 61

One plant hasn’t even attempted to bud yet. She’s gonna be a loooooong grow. I’m gonna say a 100 day auto. Other than that the frost is on. Stinky mmmm mmmm

4 years ago

Day: 57

Oh the smells of my basement....

4 years ago

Day: 54

The stank is on!

4 years ago

Day: 52

The smell is definitely getting potent. It’s definitely got that fruity smell which is known in Grand Daddy Purp. Loving the structure of these plants. Going great despite breaking a couple at some point. Very pumped. Gonna be a fun stinky next 40 or so days

4 years ago


9bestbudz0 Great training.


smokeydablunts Ty! I appreciate that!

Day: 48


Wow things are really kicking ass! Two are about 2 weeks into flower. Other 2 are a few days behind. Smelling stronger every day!

4 years ago

Day: 46


The buds and the stretch are on!

4 years ago

Day: 44

I haven’t done a night shot yet. Watered today. First time in 6 days. These 3 gallon pots hold a lot. My other tent I’m trying autos in 1 gallon pots. We shall see if I stick with 3 gal pelt 1 gal. Fed once so far in 6 weeks. Next feeding will be the last. So maybe in a week or 2 . So that’s feed at 5 weeks and then I will water water water and feed. So at an average of 5 days, that’s 20 days and that brings me to around day 70. No point in feeding. Let em go. Let’s see if I’m right

4 years ago

Day: 43


4 years ago

Skunky_klosett Nice work there !


SmokeyDaBlunts Tyvm. Appreciate it

Day: 40

The fin is just starting and it smells fire!!!

4 years ago

Day: 39


Got a new tent. Cleaned up a lot. Only running my auto purple hulk here now. Flower is in full effect. This is the end of week one for most. So it’s all happening. Started another grow journal for my auto white cheese plants that I took out of here. Running two 3x3 tents with 9 plants

4 years ago

Day: 38


Plants have finally gotten as wide as the 3 gallon pots. Ordered a new tent and I’m gonna grow out these auto white cheese in 1 gallon pots. The whole grow. 1 is in a 3 gallon so we’ll see what the difference is.

4 years ago

Day: 36


First feeding yesterday and oh boy they loved it. Holy shit.

4 years ago

Day: 34


Growing like a weed. #4 flower day 1

4 years ago

Day: 32


Sooooo very close to flower for everyone. Usually right about now. Count of tops as of now is around 20 total.

4 years ago

Day: 30


These girls are stinking up the basement!!! Love it! #4 the one I broke is flowering. That break is gonna kill her yield.

4 years ago

Day: 29


After a snowy day it’s nice to come home and see this!!

4 years ago

Day: 28

I’m thinking #4 started pre flower. She was injured like a week ago. Partial snap

4 years ago

Day: 27

They should he flowering in a week. This is the fun part of growing. The first few weeks are pretty boring. My slang seed of lemon haze is killing it. Look at that fucker go in that 1 gal pot. Might have to get a new tent for it

4 years ago

Day: 26


Watered a little bit today. Honestly given them like maybe 2 gallons of water to all of them since seed. Watering like once a week. They way your supposed to. It’s a weed! Let those roots search for water instead of saturating the. The outer soil hasn’t seen a drop of water yet. Yet! Growth has been amazing! The side branches are fucking amazing. Wait till ya see the buds on these fucking Purple Hulks!

4 years ago

Day: 25

When I say growth is insane. I mean insane! The side branching is incredible. Gonna he some wicked bud sites everywhere

4 years ago

Day: 23


Super happy!

4 years ago

Day: 22


Going big

4 years ago

Day: 21

Haven’t watered in 4 or 5 days. Doesn’t matter. They at least 3 more days of water. They feel heavy. Growth is going insane. Next few weeks are gonna be interesting. Many many side branches and wicked right mode spacing! Super pumped

4 years ago

Day: 20


LST is killing it already. Lots of new growth. The next 2 weeks is gonna he amazing. I know they are just gonna grow violently. I see it everyday. The smell is evident already. Love it. Following a strict guideline of the not water when almost completely dry. I’m not water when it’s almost 90% dry!!!!!! Make those roots search. Maybe water one a week maybe twice for the whole grow. Feed maybe once twice tops. We shall see and I shall tell you

4 years ago

Day: 19


Growing like the weeds they are! Very happy

4 years ago

Day: 18


Started LST on 3 of 4. Side branching has started. Get them the light!!!! Leaf tucked #1 to expose those lower branches. No defoliation necessary. Leaf tuck mofo

4 years ago

Day: 16


Loving life

4 years ago

Day: 14

Workin hard

4 years ago

Day: 13

Now we are cooking. White cheese finally popped through.

4 years ago

Day: 12


4 years ago

Day: 10

White cheese day 1 today. Everything is killer.

4 years ago

Day: 8

Found a seed in a bag of Lemon Haze I was smoking. Decided to see if I could germinate it. It popped in a day and a half. Going to grow it for the hell of it. See what happens.

4 years ago

Day: 7

Planted my white cheese auto today. Everything looks great. Lots of growth today

4 years ago

Day: 7

Crazy cool day! Growing amazing. Added CO2. Shouldn’t use it till flower but screw it. Going big all the way through. I’ve given them hardly any water. Spritz here and there from squirt bottle. Hardly used any water. I want those routes to stretch and search for water!!! Learning from first grow. Water when it’s almost bone dry. Honestly this journal is for me . Just building a foundation of knowledge I can reflect back on

4 years ago

Day: 6

Lowered the light to stop the stretching. Turned it up a little bit as well. Hopefully that will help. Newborn to grow lights shoots trial and error.

4 years ago

Day: 5

Everything looks good! Wish I could fast forward a month!

4 years ago

Day: 2

All 4 seeds are sprouted and around the same size vertically. Impressed so far. Started 5 but now be one is being stubborn. I’ll replace her with a white cheese auto.

4 years ago

Day: 1

Let the games begin

4 years ago