Mari J Grower

Mari J Grower

Pure Medicine


Gifted from a friend to make my aunties cancer medication. Feco oil!

Ac/dc x z4

Day 126 (Week 18)

11 updates

32 photos

Day: 126

Plant 1 This week 5 I’m pushing them back 2 weeks due to pre flower stage and I’m sure they are slow about 2 weeks! The same nutes but I’ve added Diablo monster blaster. This week I will be double checking through the microscope to be sure I’m right on them being behind.

2 years ago

Day: 126

Plant 2 ….This week 5 I’m pushing them back 2 weeks due to pre flower stage and I’m sure they are slow about 2 weeks! The same nutes but I’ve added Diablo monster blaster. This week I will be double checking through the microscope to be sure I’m right on them being behind.

2 years ago

Day: 106

Plant #2….. start of week 5 of flower. Defoliated last week so they doing great now. Opened them right up!

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Amazing 🤩

Day: 106

Plant #1….. start of week 5 of flower. Defoliated last week so they doing great now. Opened them right up!

3 years ago


Caliban Looking good!

Day: 90

Plant #1….. 3rd week of flower!! We have Pistols. She is a GIRL! Finally!

3 years ago

Day: 90

Plant #2….. 3rd week of flower.

3 years ago

Day: 83

Plant #1 …. 2nd week of flower. Still has not shown sex so she was moved to the front of the room and watched 3x a day. Hopefully soon!

3 years ago


Caliban Why not use feminized seeds?


purpbud Feminized seeds aren’t always a guarantee and you can Hermy them too. Plants looking nice and healthy 👌

Mari J Grower

Mari J Grower These are not available in fem seeds. They are bred for cancer medication and other things. I also think that reg seeds produce nicer plants. Not GMO 😁

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Day: 83

Plant # 2…. 2nd week of flower. Doing good finally getting a stretch on. Top dress with bone meal and bloom nutes.

3 years ago


colby_moore Stunning 🤩 you think she could use a little defoliating or do you like to keep em bushy?

Mari J Grower

Mari J Grower I defoliated about a week ago maybe 2 and I will again on the 3rd week of flower.


colby_moore Very nice she looks beautiful can’t wait to see the buds come in

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Day: 22

Plant #1……New home and a big transplant! Dynomyco c first time user. We will see how that goes.

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Very nice 👍

Day: 22


Plant #2…… same as the first. New home and transplant

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz 👍👍👍

Day: 4

Into dirt yesterday and up this evening. Still had to seed husk but I took it off

3 years ago