

Big Bud

Sick Plant

I use Miracle Grow/Cal Mag and Unsulphured Molasses. I transplanted my plant about two weeks ago and I noticed the plant was stunted, the leaves at the bottom were wilting, yellow, brown and crispy. I use a fan, it’s at a constant 70-78 degrees, and I use a 70 watt led grow light. The upper leaves are light green in the middle and dark green. I unfortunately was feeding them cold water and not room temperature water. Can anybody help me?

Big Bud

Day 36 (Week 6)

1 update

3 photos

Day: 36


Sick plant, please help.

4 years ago


bigbuds1986 What kind of soil are you using?


coreyjoe12 Regular Miracle Gro. I used purified water with Cal-Mag and Unsulphured molasses.

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